Search for pictures tagged with "trunks"
We found $localcount "trunks" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (30)
Trunks, Branches, and Leaves
A Row of Tree Trunks
Large, Twisted Tree Trunks
Tree Trunks Amongst Grass at Myakka River…
Trunks at Boyce Park
Tree Trunks at Boyce Park
Numerous Fallen Leaves and Tree Trunks
Nursery Log at Boyce Park
Several Tree Trunks in Shade
Tree Trunks, Branches, and Fallen Leaves…
Mess of Branches, Trunks, and Leaves
Small Maple Plants and Numerous Fallen Leaves…
Bare Branches, Tree Trunks, and Fallen Leaves…
Branches and Trunks of Redwoods
New Zealand Christmas Tree Trunks
Twisting Sea Grape Trunks
Two Gumbo-Limbo Trunks
An Obscured View of the Front Elevation…
Fallen Leaves, Tree Trunks, and Bare Branches…
American Alligator Resting Near Tree Trunks…
Trunks and Branches of Bare Bald Cypress…
Trunks of Swamp Cypress Trees Close-Up
Bases of Several Swamp Cypress Trees
Chir Pine Branches Extending from its Trunks
Numerous Dwarf Bald Cypress Trees
Two Trees with Shaved Trunks
Dwarf Bald Cypress Trees with Thin Trunks…
Nursery Logs Amongst Pigeon Plum and Gumbo…
Bald Cypress Tree Bases
Portion of the Fort Caroline Nature Trail…