Search for "green leaves with white spots" pictures
We found $localcount "green leaves with white spots" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (3824)
Red Mangrove Growing in Cloudy Water at…
The Front Porch of the Sewell Home
Tennessee Davy Crockett Nut Cracker Wearing…
China Woman with Wood Face that is Hand…
Pennsylvania Betsy Ross Doll/Marionette…
Belarus Handcrafted Lady with Natural Fibers…
Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum )
Spanish Moss Hanging from Trees at the Fort…
Inside a Vine
Cyprus Woman Doll Made from Ceramics Holding…
"Athens Blue" Tibouchina Flower
China Handcrafted Chinese Lady Made from…
Palmate, Glossy, Toothed, Deep-Purple Castor…
Grape Vines and Broken Wooden Trellis Under…
American Linden Leaf Close-Up
India and Indonesian Rod Puppet of Sita…
Cyprus Woman Doll Hand Painted Ceramic Lady…
Honduras Handcrafted Man Made from Fabric,…
The James E. Creary House in Corinth, Mississippi
Amur Cork Tree Branches
US Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Lady with…
Numerous Large-Flowered St. John's Wort…
St. Petersburg Country Club
China Woman Made from Wood with Hand Painted…
New Mexico Apache Indian Woman and Baby…
Inside View of Wooden, Palm-Thatched Tiki…
Namibia Fabric Herero Woman Doll with Traditional…
New Zealand Maori Doll, Authentically Clothed…
Belarus Hand Made Doll with Long Braid Made…
Slough at the Bonnet House
Namibia Herero Lady Doll with Traditional…
Tall, Bare Mangrove Branches and Grass at…
Gumbo-Limbo Roots Covering a Path at Long…
Close-Up View of a Siberian Crabapple
Silk Grass Flower and Flower Buds
Wyoming Cowboy Wearing Leather Vest, Cuffs,…
Liechtenstein Plastic Figure of Young Maiden…
Wyoming Ceramic Cowboy Figurine with Leather…
"The Departure for the War" Bronze Relief…
Trees with Patchy, Orange Bark at Tree Snail…
New Mexico Handcrafted Native American Apache…
Wyoming Male Cowboy Figurine with Rope Lariat…
The Small Fountain and the Disengaged Column
US Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Lady Made…
US Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Female DollWearing…
New Zealand Wahine Maori Doll Wearing Feather…
Arizona Hopi Kachina with Rabbit Fur Mask,…
Arizona Kachina Doll, Called Wolf, with…
Crimean Linden Branches
Wyoming Figurine of Cowboy Made with Ceramics…