Search for "scorched leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "scorched leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1904)
Large, Thick Breadfruit Leaves
Green, Toothed Wax Myrtle Leaves
Resurrection Ferns with Spores on Undersides…
Squiggly, Green, Shiny Leaves
Plant with Long, Green Leaves Extending…
Shiny, Green Leaves with Dark Lines
Fallen Leaves Dispersed Through Mangrove…
Coral Bean Leaves Extending from a Branch
Roots and Leaves of Plants Growing on the…
Pineland Twinflower Leaves
Pinnate Leaves of a Cedrela salvadorensis
Shiny Leaves Extending from Branches of…
Evergreen Plumeria Flowers and Leaves
Tree With Green & Yellow Leaves
Yellow and Red Japanese Maple Leaves
Glossy, Brown Sea Grape Leaves
Roots, Branches, and Leaves of a Red Mangrove
Shrub with Green Leaves Close-Up
Flower Buds of an Onion Amongst its Leaves
Leaves of Bamboo Plants Blowing in the Wind
Shrubs with Bright-Green Leaves
Smooth Strongbark Leaves
Prostrate Japanese Plum Yew Leaves
Wet Area with Numerous Fallen Leaves at…
Spiny Soap Aloe Leaves in a Circular Arrangement
Herbaceous Plant with Irregularly-Shaped…
Herbaceous Plant with Greyish-Purple Leaves
Loose Spinach Leaves for Sale at Haymarket…
Villebrunea pedunculata Green Leaves
Maple Tree with Red Leaves and Dark Branches
Climbing Vine with Tiny Leaves
Tree Branches and Leaves at USF Botanical…
Vertical "Red Edge" Hebe Leaves
Reddish-Brown Oak Leaves on a Branch at…
Leaves and White Flower of a Magnolia
California Box Elder Leaves
Bigleaf Linden Berries and Leaves
Orange Tree Leaves and Unripe Oranges
Sea Grape Leaves at Biscayne National Park
Numerous Bare Trees that have Shed Thousands…
Shaded Leaves of a Pacific Sunset Maple
Coast Live Oak Branches and Leaves
Loblolly Pine Leaves
Lanceolate Flordabelle Peach Leaves
Green Leaves With Yellow Trim of Delonix…
Mexican Sugar Maple Leaves
Shrubs with Green Leaves and Yellow Flowers
Aquatic Vegetation with Small, Circular…
Green Leaves and Red Stems of Maple
Small, Clustered Leaves