Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Bird at the Memphis Zoo

Bird at the Memphis Zoo

This close-up video of a bird moving its head was recorded at the Memphis Zoo.

Close-Up of a Broken Sprinkler

Close-Up of a Broken Sprinkler

This close-up video of a broken sprinkler was recorded at The University of South Florida.

Close-Up of a Walking Bengal Tiger

Close-Up of a Walking Bengal Tiger

This video gives a close-up view of a walking Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) and was recorded at the Miami…

Close-Up of Fish Swimming in a Tank

Close-Up of Fish Swimming in a Tank

This is a close-up video of small, shiny fish swimming in a tank at the New England Aquarium.

Close-Up of Pulsating Sea Creatures

Close-Up of Pulsating Sea Creatures

This close-up video of pulsating sea creatures was recorded at the New England Aquarium.

Close-Up View of Fast-Moving Water

Close-Up View of Fast-Moving Water

This video gives a close-up view of fast-moving water and was recorded in Yosemite Valley.

Close-Up View of Grass

Close-Up View of Grass

This video gives a close-up view of grass in Yosemite Valley. Boulders and trees can be seen in the background.

Sprinkler Close-Up at the University of South Florida

Sprinkler Close-Up at the University of South Florida

This video gives a close-up view of a sprinkler and was recorded at The University of South Florida.