Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Anemone Clenching and Unclenching

Anemone Clenching and Unclenching

A pink, white edged anemone opens and closes thousands of mouth-like structures while swaying gently in the water. This anemone…

Clownfish and Anemone

Clownfish and Anemone

An orange and white clownfish pushes through multiple pink anemones. No audio.

Delicate Anemone

Delicate Anemone

A small, ethereal anemone waves its thin tendrils in the water. Light and shadow intermingle on the stones behind it.…

A Gold and White Anemone

A Gold and White Anemone

A gold and white anemone with an upper tuft of translucent blue tentacles pulsates in the moving water. This anemone…

Octopus Swimming

Octopus Swimming

An octopus moving through the water in its tank at the Frankfurt Zoo. Audio includes the sounds of water being…

An Octopus' Suckers

An Octopus' Suckers

An octopus rests in the corner of an aquarium space while pushing its suckers against the glass. It then swims…

An Orange-Pink Anemone

An Orange-Pink Anemone

An orange and pink anemone waves peacefully in the water at the Artis Royal Zoo. Its tentacles are numerous and…

Two Clownfish Playing

Two Clownfish Playing

Two clownfish dart through pink waving anemones, one after the other. No audio.

White Capped Anemones Waving

White Capped Anemones Waving

An expansive anemone with white, flower-like tips on its tentacles waves in the water. This anemone is housed in a…