The War of the Worlds
by H.G. Wells

The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells, is an early science fiction novel which describes an invasion of England by aliens from Mars. It is one of the best-known depictions of an alien invasion of Earth.
Source: Wells, H. G. (1898). The War of the Worlds. London, England: Chapman and Hall.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 1: The Eve of the War
- From an observatory, the narrator witnesses a series of strange occurrences on the surface of Mars.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 2: The Falling Star
- News of the Martian landing begins to spread, although many refuse to believe it.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 3: On Horsell Common
- A crowd gathers to view the alien craft.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 4: The Cylinder Opens
- After much anticipation, the aliens finally emerge from the craft.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 5: The Heat-Ray
- A strange disc rises from the pit, spreading death and destruction throughout the area.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 6: The Heat-Ray in the Chobham Road
- The narrator recaps the events up to this point, speculating on what people expected to see at the landing sight.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 7: How I Reached Home
- The narrator, having escaped the horror of the death-ray, continues to warn people about the Martian attack.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 8: Friday Night
- The narrator is alarmed by the continued normalcy of life. The military starts to take interest in the Martian presence.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 9: The Fighting Begins
- News arrives that the military is attacking the Martians. No longer safe in his home, the narrator prepares to leave the area.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 10: In the Storm
- The narrator keeps his promise to the innkeeper. A third tripod makes its appearance.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 11: At the Window
- Now at his home, the narrator talks with a soldier about the current state of affairs.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 12: What I Saw of the Destruction of Weybridge and Shepperton
- The narrator makes plans to get himself and his wife to safety, and continues to gather information from military passers-by.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 13: How I Fell in with the Curate
- The machines return to the Common, instead of proceeding to London. Additional cylinders continue to arrive daily. The Narrator travels down river, arriving at Middlesex.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 14: In London
- In London, the narrator's brother learns of the Martian attack.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 15: What Had Happened in Surrey
- The military continues to engage the Martians, who make use of a new type weapon.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 16: The Exodus from London
- Violence erupts in London as people attempt to escape the Martian attack.
- Book One—The Coming of the Martians, Chapter 17: The “Thunder Child”
- Chaos and death continue to overtake the spread as vessels become jammed on the river. The narrator's brother witness the arrival of another cylinder, and later attempts to escape on a steamer. The Thunder Child battles with the tripods.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 1: Under Foot
- The narrator and the Curate continue to travel at night, choosing to hide during the daylight hours. Another cylinder arrives.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 2: What We Saw from the Ruined House
- The narrator closely observes the Martians while taking refuge in an abandoned house.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 3: The Days of Imprisonment
- The narrator and the panicked Curate continue observe the Martians.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 4: The Death of the Curate
- The Curate's behavior, forces the narrator to act. The narrator experiences a close encounter with the Martian visitors.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 5: The Stillness
- Tired and hungry, the narrator emerges from hiding to find the scene eerily silent.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 6: The Work of Fifteen Days
- The narrator is amazed by the changes that have occurred since the arrival of the Martians.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 7: The Man on Putney Hill
- The narrator runs into a disheveled artilleryman, who relays some information about the Martian situation.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 8: Dead London
- The narrator proceeds into London, encountering the aftermath of the diminished Martian presence.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 9: Wreckage
- News of the Martian defeat spreads throughout the land.
- Book Two—The Earth Under the Martians, Chapter 10: The Epilogue
- The narrator continues to examine the positive and negative results of the Martian attack, as well as the questions that remain unanswered.
- Year Published: 1898
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: England
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 9.0
- Word Count: 62,089
- Genre: Science Fiction
- Keywords: 19th century literature, aliens, h.g. wells, survival, war