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A collection of world and multi-continent maps, including various projections, hemispheric maps, physical and political maps, early known world maps, climate maps, relief maps, ocean current maps, population density and distribution maps, vegetation maps, and economic/resource maps.

World Rice Production, 1920
A map showing the world production of rice in 1920....

International Trade in Rice, 1920
A map showing international trade in rice in 1920, with relative amounts of net import and export by country....

The Temperature Zones of the Earth, 1921
A Map of the Western and Eastern hemispheres from 1921 showing the frigid, temperate, and torrid zones of the earth based on latitudes north of the Arctic and south of the Antarctic circles (Frigid zones), to the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (Temp...

Sugar Producing Regions, 1921
A world map from 1921 showing the sugar–growing regions at the time. The map shows regions where cane sugar is grown in black, and regions where sugar beets are grown by hatchures....

The World's Weights and Measures, 1921
This is a global map from 1921 showing the commanding position of the English system for weights and measures. The map is shade–coded to show the areas where the English Units (or Imperial Units) are predominately used (A), areas where Metric U...

The World Post WWI, 1921
A map from 1921 of the world showing colonial possessions and former possessions after World War I. The map is color–coded to show the possessions at the time of the United States, Great Britain, the former German colonies under Allied control,...

World Production of Hogs, 1922
Map showing the numbers and location of hogs produced worldwide in 1922. "The centers of densest hog production are the Corn Belts of the United States and Hungary, the potato and dairying belt of northern Europe, and China, where hogs are fed l...

International Trade in Pork and Pork Products, 1922
A map from the United States Department of Agriculture from 1922 showing the international trade in pork and pork products. This map shows net exporting countries with a solid black circle, and net importing countries with a shaded circle. The size o...

World Map on Mercator's Projection, 1922
A world map from 1922 on a Mercator's Projection, showing national boundaries and major cities of the time....

The World according to Eratosthenes, 220 BC
A facsimile of the world map by Eratosthenes (around 220 BC). Eratosthenes is the ancient Greek mathematician and geographer attributed with devising the first system of Latitude and Longitude. He was also the first know person to calculate the circu...

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  Maps > Globes and Multi-continent > Complete Maps
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