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  Maps > United States > Georgia
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A collection of historic and contemporary political and physical maps of Georgia, including campaign and battle plans, for use in the K-12 classroom.

Georgia, 1891
A map from 1891 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, major cities and towns, railroads, northern mountains, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline....

Georgia, 1892
A map from 1892 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, lakes, and rivers....

Georgia, 1902
A map from 1902 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, major cities and towns, railroads, and rivers....

Georgia, 1906
A map from 1906 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, major cities and towns, railroads, lakes, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline....

Georgia, 1909
A map from 1909 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, major cities and towns, railroads, northern mountains, lakes, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline....

Georgia, 1912
A map from 1912 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, lakes, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline. A grid reference in the margins of the map lists counties with populations given...

Georgia, 1914
A map from 1914 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, lakes, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline. A grid reference at the bottom of the map lists counties, principal cities of Ge...

Atlanta, Georgia, 1914
A city plan from 1914 detailing Atlanta, showing the city streets and street names, Union train depot and the rail routes, the State Capitol building and Governor's mansion, the Oakland Cemetery, and L. P. Grant Park, and major landmarks....

Georgia, 1919
A map from 1919 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, major cities and towns, railroads, northern mountains, lakes, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline....

Georgia, 1920
A map from 1920 of Georgia showing the State capital of Atlanta, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, lakes, rivers, and the Atlantic coastline....

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  Maps > United States > Georgia
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College of Education, University of South Florida