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 Maps ETC > United States > Agriculture > Milk Sold from Farms, 1869
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Milk Sold from Farms, 1869

Title: Milk Sold from Farms
Projection: Unknown,
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Description: Map showing the number of gallons of milk sold from farms in 1869 by state. "Probably the greater part of the milk sold from farms in 1869 was whole milk for cities. Some of it went to noncooperative cheese factories. Compare with maps of cheese made on farms 1869."—United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook 1922, 1923
Source: , United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook 1922 (Washington D.C., Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1923) 302
Map Credit: The Private Collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > United States > Agriculture > Milk Sold from Farms, 1869
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