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Period of the Patriarchs, Old Testament BC

Title: Period of the Patriarchs
Projection: Unknown,
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Description: "Palestine lay at almost the preise center of the then known world. If one were to draw a circle of 1,600 miles diameter, with Jerusalem as the focus, all the great cities of ancient times would be included, - Rome, Athens, Ephesus, Nineveh, Babylon, Memphis, Thebes, and Alexandria. It was a land shut in by mountains, whic in turn shut out many enemies. Nevertheless it was the great highway between Egypt and Babylon, because, lying between both, the caravan routes passed through it with the commerce of these two mighty countries." — Smith
Source: William Walter Smith, The Students' Illustrated Historical Geography of the Holy Land (Philadelphia, PA: The Sunday School Times Company, 1911) 65
Map Credit: The Private Collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > Asia > Regional Maps > Period of the Patriarchs, Old Testament BC
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