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Southern Portion of New York City, 1903

Title: Southern Portion of New York City
Projection: Unknown
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W: E: N: S:

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Description: A map of the Southern Portion of New York City by Rand, McNally & Co. showing streets, rivers, parks, railroads, elevated railroads, broadway cable road, and horse cars. Some features indicated on the map are Madison Square Garden, Bellevue Hospital, Masonic Temple, Gramerey Park, Union Square, New York Hospital, Tompkins Square, Washington Square, Central Market, and the Battery. Includes an inset map that shows the location of this portion of Manhattan in all of New York City.
Source: Day Otis Kellogg, Encyclopædia Britannica Vol. XVII (New York, NY: Werner Company, 1903) 456
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > United States > New York > Southern Portion of New York City, 1903
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