Description: "Asiatic Chains- The eastern side of this continent is accompanied by a series of curved island-chains, the summits of submarine mountains clearly belonging to the system of the Asiatic elevations. They extend from northeast to southwest. a. The Kurile Islands, a continuation of the mountains which extend from north to south through Kamchatka. b. The Japanese Islands, curving from Saghalin off the coast of Siberia to the Peninsula of Corea [sic]. c. The Liu Kiu Islands, forming a curve from Corea [sic] to Formosa. d. The Philippine Islands, forming two chains diverging towards the south. The eastern range terminates with the elevations of Celebes and Borneo, it should be remembered, belong to the group of the larger Molucca Islands. " (— Brewer, 1890) Source: William H. Brewer Ph.,D., Warren's New Physical Geography (Philadelphia, PA: Cowperthwait and Company, 1890) 41 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman. |