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Environs of Plymouth, 1903

Environs of Plymouth

Title: Environs of Plymouth
Projection: Unknown
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Description: A 1903 map of the area around Plymouth, on the southwest coast of England. "Plymouth, a municipal and parliamentary borough and seaport town of Devonshire, England, is picturesquely situated on Plymouth Sound in the south–west corner of the county, at the confluence of the Tamar and Plym, 44 miles south–west of Exeter. With the borough of Devonport and the township of East Stonehouse it forms the aggregate town known as the Three Towns." — Kellogg, 1903
Place Names: United Kingdom, Plymouth, Plymouth Sound,
ISO Topic Categories: boundaries, inlandWaters
Keywords: Environs of Plymouth, physical, political, sounds, physical features, country borders, major political subdivisions, boundaries, inlandWaters, Unknown,1903
Source: Day Otis Kellogg, D.D., Encyclopedia Britannica Vol. XIX (New York, NY: The Werner Company, 1903) 236
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > Europe > United Kingdom > Environs of Plymouth, 1903
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