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 Maps ETC > Europe > Italy > Rome, 1921
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Rome, 1921


Title: Rome
Projection: Unknown
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Description: A plan of Rome in 1921 showing Pincian Hill (1), Hadrian's Tomb (2), Saint Peter's (3), Vatican (4), Pantheon (5), Quirinal (Royal Palace) (6), Baths of Diocletian (7), Railway Terminal (8), Column of Trajan (9), Capitol (10), Forum (11), Palatine Hill (12), Coliseum (13), Lateran (14), Baths of Caracalla (15), Aventine (16), and Villa Borghese (17).
Place Names: Italy, Rom
ISO Topic Categories:
Keywords: Rome, transportation, physical, physical features, roads, Unknown,1921
Source: Ellsworth D. Foster, ed., The American Educator Vol. 7 (Chicago, IL: Ralph Durham Company, 1921) 3098
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > Europe > Italy > Rome, 1921
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