Description: A detailed travel map of Ireland in 1908, showing all or portions of counties Sligo, Leitrim, and Roscommon. The map shows first class and secondary roads, railways, cities, towns, ports, rivers, lakes, terrain and coastal features of the area. This map uses contour–coloring to show terrain, with elevations shown in feet. Cities on this map include Ballyshannon, Sligo, Drumshanbo, Swineford, Boyle, Carrick on Shannon, Longford, Castlerea, and Roscommon. Mountains, coastal features, and lakes include Cuilgcagh, Bencroy, Lackagh Hills, Bralieve Mountains, Ox Mountains, Donegal Bay, Sligo Bay, Lough Allen, Lough Erne, and Logh Melvin. Place Names: Ireland, Ballymote, Carrick on Shannon, Collooney, Leitrim, Longford,Roscommon, Sligo, ISO Topic Categories: inlandWaters,
transportation Keywords: Sligo and Leitrim, roads, transportation, roads, inlandWaters,
transportation, Unknown, 1908 Source: J.G. Bartholomew, F.R.G.S., The Handy Touring Atlas of the British Isles Specially Prepared for Cyclists, Motorists, and Travellers (London, United Kingdom : George Newnes, Limited, 1908) 98-99 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |