Description: A map from 1910 of southern Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and western Pennsylvania showing major cities and the railroad network, with inset maps detailing the location of Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Pittsburg, and their relation to the trade routes of the Central and Middle Atlantic States. Place Names: Midwest States, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsbur ISO Topic Categories: boundaries,
transportation Keywords: Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Pittsburg, physical, political, transportation, kTransportation, physical features, major political subdivisions,
local jurisdictions, water routes,
railroads, boundaries,
transportation, Unknown, 1910 Source: Ralph S. Tarr, B.S., F.G.S.A. and Frank M. McMurry, Ph.D., New Geographies 2nd ed (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1910) 112 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |