Description: A map of the British Isles in 1902, showing Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales. The map shows cities, towns, and ports, primary and secondary railways, canals, heads of navigation on major rivers, isotherms of averaged annual temperatures measured in degrees Fahrenheit, and inset maps showing the Shetland and Orkney islands, Dublin and vicinity, Edinburgh and vicinity, and London and vicinity. At the top of the map are time/longitude gradients based on Noon at Greenwich, and along the sides are latitude referenced to major cities in the eastern and western hemispheres. Place Names: United Kingdom, England, Ireland, Scotlan ISO Topic Categories: oceans,
inlandWaters Keywords: British Isles, borders, historical, transportation, meteorological, physical features, railroads,
water routes, climate, oceans,
inlandWaters, Unknown, 1902 Source: H. Justin Roddy, Complete Geography (New York, NY: American Book Company, 1902) 98 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |