Description: A map of southeastern Europe in 1690 at the time of the Great Turkish War, showing the territories and distribution of peoples, including the Turkish Ottoman Empire in Europe at its greatest extent, Montenegro, Hungary, lands of the Republic of Venice, the Holy Roman Empire, Poland, and Russia. Place Names: Southeastern Europe, Empire of the Ottoman Turks, Montenegro, Hungary, Lands of the Republic of Venice, Holy Roman Empire, Poland, Russia, Vienna, Buda-Pest, Bukharest, Constantinople, Adrianople, Salonika, Athens, Janina, Scutari, Sofi ISO Topic Categories: boundaries,
oceans Keywords: Southeastern Europe, physical, political, historical, kEuropeanOttomanEmpire, physical features, country borders, boundaries,
oceans, Unknown, 1690 Source: L. P. Benezet, The Story of the Map of Europe (Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1916) 82 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |