Description: The stream with branches, and running in a southerly direction, is the Rahway River; a is the house of Mrs. Mathews, near which the enemy formed for battle; b, the site of Byran's Tavern, at the foot of the first range of hills; c, the Springfield and Elizabethtown turnpike; d, the Vauxhall Road; e, the first position of the brigades of Stark and Maxwell, near the mill, and north of the rail-road; f, Shrieve's regiment at the second bridge; g, the mill; h, post of the Americans, on the hills in the rear of Byram' Tavern. — Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution Vol. I, 1851 Source: Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution Vol. I (New York, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1851) 322 Map Credit: The Private Collection of Roy Winkelman |