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Arts: Visual Arts K-2

A Day in the Life: Students will use knowledge and experience to tell about events.

Cardinal Directions: Students will know and recognize cardinal directions.

Cardinal Directions in the Classroom: Students will recognize cardinal directions within the classroom.

Creating Plants: Students will communicate ideas and information about plants effectively.

Family Culture: Students will tell about their family heritage by writing a story and illustrating it with a picture of a family item.

Habitat Movies: Students will produce a piece of writing that describes an animal and its habitat.

Interactive Journeys: Students will use technology to enhance their field trip.

Sensory Details: Students will use Kidspiration as a tool to help them make observations and use sensory details in their writing.

Shapely People: Students will identify shapes and colors by creating a shape person.

Water Conservation: Students will understand how scarcity affects the choices people make about water in everyday situations.

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