Malpighian capsule and tuft of capillaries, injected through the renal artery with colored gelatin. Labels: a, glomerular vessels; b, capsule; c, anterior capsule; d, glomerular artery; e, efferent veins; f, epithelium of tubes.

Malpighian Capsule

Malpighian capsule and tuft of capillaries, injected through the renal artery with colored gelatin.…

Transverse section of a developing Malpighian capsule and tuft from a fetus at about the fourth month. Labels: a, flattened cells growing to form the capsule; b, more rounded cells; continuos with the above, reflected around c, and finally enveloping it; c, mass of embryonic cells which later become developed into blood vessels.

Development of Malpighian Capsule

Transverse section of a developing Malpighian capsule and tuft from a fetus at about the fourth month.…

Epithelial elements of a Malpighian capsule and tuft, with the commencement of a urinary tubule showing the afferent and efferent vessel. Labels: a, layer of flat epithelium forming the capsule; b, similar, but rather larger epithelial cells, places in the walls of the tube; c, cells, covering the vessels of the capillary tuft; d, commencement of the tubule, somewhat narrower than the rest of it.

Epithelial Elements of a Malpighian Capsule

Epithelial elements of a Malpighian capsule and tuft, with the commencement of a urinary tubule showing…

An abnormal renal artery causing kinking at the ureteropelvic junction, and hydronephrosis.

Abnormal Renal Artery

An abnormal renal artery causing kinking at the ureteropelvic junction, and hydronephrosis.

Sagittal section through the trunk, 6 cm to the right of the median plane, viewed from the right. Note the close proximity of the duodenum and colon to the right kidney.

Side View of the Trunk

Sagittal section through the trunk, 6 cm to the right of the median plane, viewed from the right. Note…

Section through the upper pole of the left kidney at the level of the tip of the xiphoid process.

Cross Section of the Trunk through Upper Kidney

Section through the upper pole of the left kidney at the level of the tip of the xiphoid process.

An incision in the right side above the kidney, showing a typical surgical approach to this organ, exposing the peritoneum and showing relations of abdominal muscles and fasciae.

Surgical Incision to the Kidney

An incision in the right side above the kidney, showing a typical surgical approach to this organ, exposing…

Frontal section through the right kidney and adjacent structures showing the renal fasciae and fatty layers, viewed from in front.

Frontal Section Through Kidney

Frontal section through the right kidney and adjacent structures showing the renal fasciae and fatty…

Sagittal section through sinus of child's kidney, showing lower part of pelvis and commencement of ureter.

Sagittal Section Through Sinus of Kidney

Sagittal section through sinus of child's kidney, showing lower part of pelvis and commencement of ureter.

Longitudinal section of injected kidney of dog, showing general arrangement of blood vessels of cortex and adjacent medulla.

Longitudinal Section of Kidney of a Dog

Longitudinal section of injected kidney of dog, showing general arrangement of blood vessels of cortex…

Diagram of the relations of the large intestine and kidneys, from behind.

Trunk Showing Organs of Digestion

Diagram of the relations of the large intestine and kidneys, from behind.

Transverse section through the middle of the first lumbar vertebra, showing the relations of the pancreas.

Transverse Section of the Trunk

Transverse section through the middle of the first lumbar vertebra, showing the relations of the pancreas.

Section of human pancreas, showing pancreatic islands.

Section of Pancreas

Section of human pancreas, showing pancreatic islands.

The anterior surfaces of the kidneys, showing areas of contact of neighboring viscera.

Anterior Surface of the Kidneys

The anterior surfaces of the kidneys, showing areas of contact of neighboring viscera.

The posterior surfaces of the kidneys, showing areas of relation to the parietes.

Posterior Surface of the Kidneys

The posterior surfaces of the kidneys, showing areas of relation to the parietes.

Vertical section of the kidney.

Vertical Section of the Kidney

Vertical section of the kidney.

A section through the cortex of an ape's kidney. A Malpighian corpuscle, together with the beginning of the tubule, is shown.

Section Through an Ape's Kidney

A section through the cortex of an ape's kidney. A Malpighian corpuscle, together with the beginning…

Part of a section through the cortex of the kidney in the direction of the straight tubules.

Section Through Kidney

Part of a section through the cortex of the kidney in the direction of the straight tubules.

Fetal kidney, showing lobulation.

Fetal Kidney

Fetal kidney, showing lobulation.

Diagram showing the method of entrance of the ureter into the bladder.

Entrance of Ureter into the Bladder

Diagram showing the method of entrance of the ureter into the bladder.

Abdominal organs. Labels: 1, liver turned up; 2, gall bladder; 3, right kidney; 4, spleen; 5, left kidney.

Abdominal Organs

Abdominal organs. Labels: 1, liver turned up; 2, gall bladder; 3, right kidney; 4, spleen; 5, left kidney.

Diagram of horizontal section through upper part of 1st lumbar vertebra. The fine dots represent the great sac of the peritoneum, the coarse dots the lesser sac. Labels: A, aorta; Sp, spleen; B.D, bile duct; V.C, vena cava; P, pancreas; H.A, hepatic artery; K, kidney; L, liver; St, stomach; P.V, portal vein.

Horizontal Section Through Trunk

Diagram of horizontal section through upper part of 1st lumbar vertebra. The fine dots represent the…

Diagrammatic transverse section of abdomen, to show the peritoneum on transverse tracing. A, at level of foramen of Winslow. B, lower down. In A note, one of the vasa brevia arteris passing to the stomach between the layers of the gastrosplenic omentum, and also the foramen of Winslow leading into the lesser sac which lies behind the stomach.

Transverse Section of Abdomen

Diagrammatic transverse section of abdomen, to show the peritoneum on transverse tracing. A, at level…

The kidneys viewed from behind. The dotted lines mark out the areas contact with the various muscle forming the posterior abdominal wall. Labels: a, depression corresponding to the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebrae; b, depression corresponding to the transverse process of the second lumbar vertebrae; c, depression corresponding to the twelfth rib.

Kidneys from Behind

The kidneys viewed from behind. The dotted lines mark out the areas contact with the various muscle…

The kidneys and great vessels viewed from the front. The drawing was made before the removal of the organs, from a specimen in which the viscera has been hardened in situ. The dotted lines mark out the areas which were contacted with various other abdominal viscera.

Kidneys from the Front

The kidneys and great vessels viewed from the front. The drawing was made before the removal of the…

Longitudinal section through the kidney. The vessels and fat have been removed to give a view of the wall of the kidney sinus. The points where the vessels enter the kidney sinus are seen as little holes in the sinus wall at a and elsewhere.

Section Through Kidney

Longitudinal section through the kidney. The vessels and fat have been removed to give a view of the…

A small portion of the wall of the kidney sinus.

Kidney Sinus Wall

A small portion of the wall of the kidney sinus.

Diagrammatic representation of the structure forming a kidney lobe. In the middle part of the figure the course of one of the kidney tubules is indicated, and in the lateral parts the disposition of the larger arteries. Labels: a, cortex; B, intermediate zone; C, papillary portion. The diagram at the right hand side of the lower part of the figure illustrates the connection of the structure composing a Malpighian corpuscle.

Structure of Kidney Lobe

Diagrammatic representation of the structure forming a kidney lobe. In the middle part of the figure…

Dissection of the spleen, liver, and kidneys from behind.

Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys

Dissection of the spleen, liver, and kidneys from behind.

The digestive apparatus of the horse. Labels: a, mouth; 2, pharynx; 3, esophagus; 4, diaphragm; 5, spleen; 6, stomach (left sac); 7, duodenum; 8, liver (upper extremity); 9, great colon; 10, caecum; 11, small intestine; 12, floating colon; 13, rectum; 14, anus; 15, left kidney and ureter; 16, bladder; 17, urethra; a, hard palate; b, tongue; c, soft palate; d, trachea; e, pulmonary artery (divided); f, heart; g, posterior aorta.

Digestive Apparatus of the Horse

The digestive apparatus of the horse. Labels: a, mouth; 2, pharynx; 3, esophagus; 4, diaphragm; 5, spleen;…

Posterior view of the liver and diaphragm in situ. Labels: a, left lobe; b, right lobe; c, quadrate lobe; d, spigelian lobe; d', spigelian ligament; just above in the right kidney; e, left lateral ligament; f, right lateral ligament; g, broad ligament; h, hepatic duct; i, piece of the duodenum opened to show, k, opening of the ductus pancreaticus minor, and l, Eminence of Vater; m, vena porta; n, posterior vena cava; o, notch for esophagus.

Liver and Diaphragm of a Horse

Posterior view of the liver and diaphragm in situ. Labels: a, left lobe; b, right lobe; c, quadrate…

Horizontal section of the right kidney. Labels: a, fibrous capsule detached; b, cortical layer; c, medullary layer; d, cut ends of large blood vessels; e, pelvis of the kidney; f, ureter.

Kidney of a Horse

Horizontal section of the right kidney. Labels: a, fibrous capsule detached; b, cortical layer; c, medullary…

Lobulated kidney of an ox.

Kidney of an Ox

Lobulated kidney of an ox.

Liver of a hog-posterior view. Labels: a, right external lobe; c, left external lobe; d, left internal lobe; e, spigelian lobe; f, posterior cava; g, quadrate lobe; h, gall bladder; i, cystic duct; k. ductus choledocus.

Liver of a Hog

Liver of a hog-posterior view. Labels: a, right external lobe; c, left external lobe; d, left internal…

Horizontal section of the kidney of a hog. Labels: a, cortical substance; b, medullary substance; c, renal papillae; d, infundibulum; e, ureter cut across.

Kidney of a Hog

Horizontal section of the kidney of a hog. Labels: a, cortical substance; b, medullary substance; c,…

The earthworms are also known as megadriles, in the families Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, and Enchytraeidae. Earthworms have a pair of kidneys to every segment, each consisting of a coiled tube wrapped in a mass of small blood vessels, and at its inner end communicating with the body cavity by means of a funnel-shaped opening. Here is a diagram of an earthworm kidney., showing (b) blood vessel, (f) funnel opening into body cavity, (o) outer opening, (s)septum, (w) body wall

Earthworm Anatomy

The earthworms are also known as megadriles, in the families Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, and Enchytraeidae.…

Crayfish, crawfish, or crawdads are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are related. They breathe through feather-like gills and are found in bodies of water that do not freeze to the bottom; they are also mostly found in brooks and streams where there is fresh water running, and which have shelter against predators. This disscetion of a crayfish shows the following: (b) brain, (h) heart, (i) intestine, (k) kidney, (l) liver, (n) nerve cord, (r) reproductive organ, (s) stomach.


Crayfish, crawfish, or crawdads are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they…

"Longitudinal Section through a Fresh-water Mussel. a, edge of mantle; b, foot, with position of ganglion indicated; c, gills; d, mouth; e, tentacles or palps; f, posterior adductor muscle; g, anterior adductor; h, head-ganglion; i, ventricle of heart; j, auricle of heart; k, rectum; l, kidney; m, exhalent aperture; n, inhalent aperture." -Vaughan, 1906

Mussel Anatomy

"Longitudinal Section through a Fresh-water Mussel. a, edge of mantle; b, foot, with position of ganglion…

"Cashew Nut. Cashew, a tree common in the West Indies. Its fruit is called the cashew nut. The nut is small, kidney-shaped, ash-gray, and contains an acrid juice." -Vaughan, 1906

Cashew Branch

"Cashew Nut. Cashew, a tree common in the West Indies. Its fruit is called the cashew nut. The nut is…

"Uro-genital organs of female embryo bird; from Owen, after Muller.  a, testis; b, epididymis; c, sperm-duct or vas deferens; d, adrenal; k, cloaca; x, kidney; y, ureter." Elliot Coues, 1884

Female Uro-genital Organ

"Uro-genital organs of female embryo bird; from Owen, after Muller. a, testis; b, epididymis; c, sperm-duct…

A cross sectional view of the Dicyemennea Eledones, a parasite, found in Eledone Moschata, or musky octopus.

Dicyemennea Eledones Worm Found in Kidney of Octopus

A cross sectional view of the Dicyemennea Eledones, a parasite, found in Eledone Moschata, or musky…

A kidney-shaped leaf.

Reniform Leaf

A kidney-shaped leaf.

The common name of phaseolous multiflorus is runner beans or kidney beans. This plant grows tall and can be planted to cover arches or fences.

Runner or Climbing Kidney Bean

The common name of phaseolous multiflorus is runner beans or kidney beans. This plant grows tall and…

The common name of <I>Anacardium occidentale</I> is cashew. The tree grows twenty to forty feet tall. The flowers are rosy tinted and fragrant. The nut is kidney shaped or heart shaped.

Anacardium Occidentale

The common name of Anacardium occidentale is cashew. The tree grows twenty to forty feet tall. The flowers…

Common or kidney bean is the common name of <I>Phaseolus vulgaris</I>. In French it is known as haricot.

Kidney Bean

Common or kidney bean is the common name of Phaseolus vulgaris. In French it is known as haricot.

Cochlearia danica grows six to eight inches tall. The leaves are rounded and kidney shaped. The small white flowers cover the plant in early summer.

Cochlearia Danica

Cochlearia danica grows six to eight inches tall. The leaves are rounded and kidney shaped. The small…

Ground Ivy (<i>Glecoma hederacea</i>) is a common European labiate hedgerow plant, with trailing stems, kidney-shaped, crinkled, aromatic leaves, and axillary, purplish flowers in early summer.

Ground Ivy

Ground Ivy (Glecoma hederacea) is a common European labiate hedgerow plant, with trailing stems, kidney-shaped,…

This illustration shows a section of a human kidney (A, Cortical substance; B, Pyramids; C, Hilum; D, Pelvis; E, Ureter; F, Suprarenal capsule).
Kidneys are excretory organs whose function is to get rid of nitrogenous waste.

Section of Human Kidney

This illustration shows a section of a human kidney (A, Cortical substance; B, Pyramids; C, Hilum; D,…