The Colored Cadet at West Point
by Henry O. Flipper

The Colored Cadet at West Point is an autobiographical novel detailing the events leading up to Henry O. Flipper's groundbreaking appointment to the West Point Military Academy, and his active service in the U.S. Army that followed graduation.
Source: Flipper, H. O. (1878). The Colored Cadet at West Point. New York, NY: Homer Lee & Co.
- Preface
- Preface by the author.
- Chapter 1: Retrospect
- The author reflects on his family's experiences as slaves and the circumstances into which he was born.
- Chapter 2: Communications, Etc.
- A description of the circumstances that led Henry O. Flipper to seek his appointment at West Point as well as some excepts from the correspondence that followed.
- Chapter 3: Reporting
- Upon reporting to the academy at West Point, Henry gets his first taste of life as a Plebe.
- Chapter 4: Can't Terms
- A rundown of the terms and sayings that are commonly used by the cadets at West Point.
- Chapter 5: Plebe Camp
- A more in-depth description of the daily experiences and general treatment of the Plebe at West Point.
- Chapter 6: Studies, Etc.
- A description of the classes, both academic and military, that cadets were required to attend while at West Point.
- Chapter 7: Yearling Camp
- As the plebe period inevitably comes to an end, cadets enter the yearling phase of their education and instruction at West Point, resulting in the introduction of an ever expanding array of subject matter.
- Chapter 8: First Class Camp
- The author gives a thorough description of a cadet's first class camp experience.
- Chapter 9: Our Future Heroes
- The cadets take a much appreciated break from their academics to take part in a field day.
- Chapter 10: Treatment
- Henry describes the treatment he received while attending West Point.
- Chapter 11: Resume
- As another year at West Point commences, Henry comes to find that being a First Classman comes with added privilege and respect.
- Chapter 12: Pleasures and Privileges
- A description of the different privileges that are bestowed upon cadets depending on their rank and class.
- Chapter 13: Furlough
- The author describes the most desired privilege of any cadet at West Point.
- Chapter 14: Incident, Humor, Etc.
- The author recalls a variety of incidents that occurred during his time at West Point, some being more pleasant than others.
- Chapter 15: Graduation—In the Army
- Upon graduating from West Point, Lieutenant Flipper reports for active duty in the U.S. Army amidst much fanfare.
- Chapter 16: Smith at West Point
- The author tells the story of James Webster Smith.