186 illustrations of birds including: wagtail, warbler, waxwing, weaver-bird, wheat-ear, whinchat, whippoorwill, widgeon, widow-bird, woodcock, woodlark, woodpecker, woodsnipe, wren, wrentits, wryneck, and yellow-throat
Fluvicola climacura is a watercap or water tyrant in the Tyrannidae family of tyrant flycatchers.
"The chief characteristic of the Water-en is a short and strong bill. They are lively, graceful and…
This bohemian waxwing has more plumage than the typical Cedar waxwing of the U.S. Waxwings have a red…
This bohemian waxwing has more plumage than the typical Cedar waxwing of the U.S. Waxwings have a red…
"The Waxwing is an insessorial bird belonging to the dentirostral section of the order. It derives its…
A class of birds native to the United States and Europe, and so named from the secondary wing feathers…
"Both sexes of our irregular winter-visitor the Waxwing (Ampelis garrulus) are silky greyish-brown,…
"Ampelis garrulus. Bohemian Waxwing. General color brownish-ash, shading insensibly from the clear ash…
The Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) is a member of the family Bombycillidae or waxwing family of…
"Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Carolina Waxwing. Cedar-bird. Cherry Bird. General color shading from…
"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking,…
"Seventeen inches long; color brown; it flies badly, but runs with great swiftness; never takes to the…
Wheatear male has a bluish-gray back, black patch on ear, a white rump and sides of tail, and black…
"The Whidah-Birds have long, drooping tail feathers. They are natives of South Africa and Senegal."
The whinchat is a migratory European bird, which subsists on a diet of worms, insects, small shell-mollusks,…
The Whip-poor-will or whippoorwill, Caprimulgus vociferus, is a medium-sized (22-27 cm) nightjar from…
A whippoorwill chasing a winged insect. This bird derives its namesake from its distinctive call.
An American bird, allied to the nighthawk and nightjar, so called from its note, or the sounds of its…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
The American widgeon (or baldpate) averages about nineteen inches in length. It is common in North America,…
The widowbird, also known as the whidahfinch. Although most specimens are about the size of a canary,…
"Wigeon is one of the most popular birds with the American sportsman. Length about eighteen inches;…
"Mareca americana. American Wigeon. Bald-pate. Bill grayish-blue, with black tip and extreme base; feet…
"Symphemia semipalmata. Semipalmated Tattler. Willet. Adult in summer: Upper parts ashy, confoundedly…
"Symphemia semipalmata. Semipalmated Tattler. Willet. Adult in summer: Upper parts ashy, confoundedly…
The Western Wood-Pewee, Contopus sordidulus, is a small tyrant flycatcher. Adults are gray-olive on…
The name of several birds commonly classed in the same genus as the snipes, but having a more bulky…
"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations…
"Philohela. American Woodcock. First three primaries emarginate, attenuate and falcate, abruptly shorter…
"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray,…
The European woodcock averages about thirteen inches in length, and prefers to feed on earthworms. It…
"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray,…
The woodcocks are a group of seven extant very similar wading bird species in the genus Scolopax, characterised…
"They are shy, timid birds, concealing themselves by day in the depths of the mots retired woods."
While a woodpecker is drilling, the two parts of the bill are closed together, making a wedge-pointed…
A genus of birds belonging to the climbers, and so called from their habit of pecking into trees in…
The woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks are a family, Picidae, of near-passerine birds . Members of this…
"Asyndesmus torquatus. Lewis' Woodpecker. Lared Woodpecker. Adult: Upper parts, including wings and…
Great Black Woodpecker (Drycopus martius). This bird of one of the largest of its tribe, black with…
"Sphyropicus thyroides. Brown-headed Woodpecker. Black-breasted Woodpecker. Red-throated Woodpecker.…
"Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi. Californian Woodpecker. Glossy blue-black; rump, bases of all the quills,…
The woodpeckers are typical climbers, with two toes turned forward and two backward, (zygodactyl).
The Downy Woodpecker, Picoides pubescens, is the smallest woodpecker in North America. Adults are mainly…
"Picus pubescens. Downy Woodpecker. Usually 6-7 long; outer tail-feathers barred with black and white.…
"Picus major. European Spotted Woodpecker. Bill more or less nearly equal to head in length, stout,…
The golden-winged woodpecker is known for burrowing its own holes into live trees to use as a nest.
Chiefly making its habitat in Northern Europe, the great black woodpecker uses its long, sharp bill…
The great spotted woodpecker measures an average of nine and a half inches long, and is found throughout…
A loud bird that uses it beak to bore holes in tree trunks to feed on bugs.
The green woodpecker is found throughout Europe, and uses its beak to make holes in tree trunks to roost…