186 illustrations of birds including: wagtail, warbler, waxwing, weaver-bird, wheat-ear, whinchat, whippoorwill, widgeon, widow-bird, woodcock, woodlark, woodpecker, woodsnipe, wren, wrentits, wryneck, and yellow-throat
"Woodpecker is the popular name of the old Linnæan genus Picus, now greatly divided. Woodpeckers…
The foot of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
The Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus) is a medium-sized woodpecker. Their breeding habitat is forested…
"Picus villosus. Hairy Woodpecker. Spotted and lengthwise streaked, but not banded. Usually 9-10 long;…
The hairy woodpecker grows nine inches long. It likes to eat wood-boring beetles and ants.
"Campephilus principalis. Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Glossy blue-black; a stripe down side of neck, one…
It is not only to seek for food that Woodpeckers make holes in trees, but also to establish their nests,…
Common in England and distributed across Europe, the lesser spotted woodpecker measures about five and…
"Dendrocopus minor, or Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, are the British representatives, The colours in this…
"Asyndesmus torquatus. Lewis' Woodpecker. Lared Woodpecker. Adult: Upper parts, including wings and…
Found in Southern Europe, the middle spotted woodpecker has a black coat, with a crimson underside and…
"Picus scalaris nutalli. Nuttall's Woodpecker. Similar; rather larger' more white, this prevailing on…
"Centurus carolinus. Red-bellied Woodpecker. Whole crown and nape scarlet in the male; nape only so…
"Picus borealis. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker. Body spotted and crosswise banded, but not streaked. Head…
The Red-headed Woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus, is a small or medium-sized woodpecker from temperate…
"Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed Woodpecker. Tricolor. Adult: Beautifully tricolor with "the…
"Sphyropicus thyroides. Brown-headed Woodpecker. Black-breasted Woodpecker. Red-throated Woodpecker.…
From the woodpecker family, the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is known for drilling…
"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan,…
The yellow bellied woodpecker or sapsucker drills holes into valuable trees such as sugar maple, birch,…
"Sphyropicus varius. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. Male: Crown crimson, bordered all around with black;…
The most common type of woodpeckers found in the United States, the red-headed woodpecker feeds on various…
"Picoïdes. Three-toed Woodpeckers. Three-toed: the hallux (1st toe) absent, the 4th toe reversed…
Like the Robin, the wren has become, in a sense, a sacred bird, and few venture to commit any outrage…
Like the Robin, the wren has become, in a sense, a sacred bird, and few venture to commit any outrage…
Like the Robin, the wren has become, in a sense, a sacred bird, and few venture to commit any outrage…
Like the Robin, the wren has become, in a sense, a sacred bird, and few venture to commit any outrage…
Like the Robin, the wren has become, in a sense, a sacred bird, and few venture to commit any outrage…
"Wren is a genus of birds, having a slender, slightly curved, and pointed bill; the wings very short…
The common name of several kinds of small birds related to the warblers. Most species are native to…
"Troglodytes parvulus, Wren, the coloration is ordinarily brown, with a great tendency to barring; spots,…
"Carolina Wren. Upper parts uniform reddish-brown, brightest on the rump, where are concealed whitish…
Common throughout Europe, the European wren frequents hedges, gardens and bush places. They feed primarily…
Native to Australia, this is known to natives of New South Wales as waw-gul-jelly. It is shy…
"European Wren. Feet strictly laminiplanter, as usual in Oscines. Tail thin, with narrow parallel-edged…
The goldcrest or golden-crested wren is a small passerine bird in the kinglet family.
The great Carolina wren, known for its ability to imitate various other songbirds.
"Long-billed Marsh Wren. T. palustris. Above clear brown, unbarred, the middle of the back with a large…
The Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) is a small North American songbird of the wren family. It is…
A small bird having grey and brown upper parts with small black and white spots. Pale grey under parts…
"Upper parts pale brownish-gray, minutely dotted with blackish and whitish points together, and usually…
"Short-billed Marsh Wren. Cistothorus platensis. Upper parts brown, the crown and most of the back blackish,…
"Winter Wren. Above brown, darker before, brighter behind, most of back, together with tail and inner…
"The Wrens are among the smallest birds." Left: Golden Wren. Top: Fire-Crested Wren. Right: Golden-Crested…
"The Stonechat generally forms itts nest under some furze-bush or other shrub, or among rank grass."…
Having the plumage extremely lax and soft; rounded wings much shorter thn long, narrow, graduated tail;…
Like Woodpeckers, they can hang upon trees, and sustain themselves in a vertical position for a long…
Like Woodpeckers, they can hang upon trees, and sustain themselves in a vertical position for a long…
"Iynx torquilla, the Cuckoo's-mate or Snake-bird, is fairly common in England, and extends thence to…
"Totanus melanoleucus. Greater Tell-tale. Greater Yellow-shanks. Long-legged Tattler. Stone-snipe. Bill…
The Yellow-throated Vireo, Vireo flavifrons, is a small American songbird. Adults are mainly olive on…