The Mammals: T-Z ClipArt gallery contains 108 illustrations of mammals starting with the letters "T," "U," "V," "W," "X," "Y," and "Z" including: tapir, tatou, terrier, tiger, vicuna, walrus, weasel, whale, wolf, wolverine, wombat, woodchuck, yak, zebra, zebu, zemni, and zorilla.

The Long-Finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas) is a mammal in the Delphinidae family of oceanic dolphins.

Long-Finned Pilot Whale

The Long-Finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas) is a mammal in the Delphinidae family of oceanic dolphins.

A sperm whale breaching up through the water. Its color is blackish above and white below.

Sperm Whale

A sperm whale breaching up through the water. Its color is blackish above and white below.

A whale about 12 feet in length and whit ein color. Has a slightly projecting snout.

White Whale

A whale about 12 feet in length and whit ein color. Has a slightly projecting snout.

A large whale that feeds on plankton and krill.

Baleen Whales

A large whale that feeds on plankton and krill.

The Wildcat (Felis silvestris), sometimes Wild Cat or Wild-cat, is a small felid native to Europe, the western part of Asia, and Africa. It is a hunter of small mammals, birds, and other creatures of a similar size. There are several subspecies distributed in different regions. Sometimes included is the ubiquitous domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus), which has been introduced to every habitable continent and most of the world's larger islands, and has become feral in many of those environments.


The Wildcat (Felis silvestris), sometimes Wild Cat or Wild-cat, is a small felid native to Europe, the…

Also called the gnu.


Also called the gnu.

The Black Wildebeest or White-tailed gnu (Connochaetes gnou) is an African mammal in the Bovidae family.

Black Wildebeest

The Black Wildebeest or White-tailed gnu (Connochaetes gnou) is an African mammal in the Bovidae family.

The wolf belongs to the dog family. There are three recognized species of wolf and they are generally found in wilder areas.


The wolf belongs to the dog family. There are three recognized species of wolf and they are generally…

There are three recognized species of wolf in the U.S. spread mostly among wilder regions.


There are three recognized species of wolf in the U.S. spread mostly among wilder regions.

"Wolf is the vernacular name of certain species of the genus Canis. The common wolf (C. lupus) has very much the appearance of a large, long-legged, bareboned dog, with a long tail, which hangs over its haunches instead of being curled upwards. Distinguishing characters are to be found in the lank body, length of the snout in proportion to the head, sloping forehead, oblique eyes, and erect ears. The fur varies according to the climate with respect both to its nature and color. A full-grown wolf measures 5 feet 5 inches in length, whereof 18 inches belong to the tail; its height is 33 inches, and its weight over 100 pounds. The wolf's natural voice is a loud howl, but when confined with dogs it will learn to bark."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Wolf is the vernacular name of certain species of the genus Canis. The common wolf (C. lupus) has very…

A quadruped of the genus canis, and closely allied to the dog, of which it is thought to be the progenitor.


A quadruped of the genus canis, and closely allied to the dog, of which it is thought to be the progenitor.

A carnivorous mammal that lives and hunts in packs.


A carnivorous mammal that lives and hunts in packs.

The grey wolf or gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or simply wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora. The gray wolf is the largest wild member of the Canidae family and an ice age survivor originating during the Late Pleistocene around 300,000 years ago. DNA sequencing and genetic drift studies indicate that the gray wolf shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog, (Canis lupus familiaris) and might be its ancestor. A number of other gray wolf subspecies have been identified, though the actual number of subspecies is still open to discussion. Gray wolves are typically apex predators in the ecosystems they occupy. Gray wolves are highly adaptable and have thrived in temperate forests, deserts, mountains, tundra, taiga, grasslands, and even urban areas.


The grey wolf or gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or simply wolf, is a mammal…

Wolf claws.


Wolf claws.

A wolf, Canis lupus.


A wolf, Canis lupus.

An illustration of a wolf hunting rabbits.

Wolf Hunting Rabbits

An illustration of a wolf hunting rabbits.

"The common wolf is of the size of a large dog; its usual color is a yelowish gray: the hair strong and harsh, and the longet around the neck, shoulders, and haunches. The muzzle is black, the upper lip and chin white, the eyes oblique, tail bushy, but carried low: height of shoulder twenty-seven to twenty-nine inches." —Goodrich, 1885

American Wolf

"The common wolf is of the size of a large dog; its usual color is a yelowish gray: the hair strong…

A gray wolf.

Gray Wolf

A gray wolf.

"It is the size of a small wolf, with short, smooth, hair of dusky yellowish-brown color, barred on the lower part of the back with sexteen black transverse stripes. It is the largest and most powerful carnivorous animal in Australia, is nocturnal in its habits, lives in retired caves, devours kangaroos and other small mammalia." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Tasmanian Wolf

"It is the size of a small wolf, with short, smooth, hair of dusky yellowish-brown color, barred on…

Wolverines can be found in North America. They are fierce short animals that will attack just about anything. They have a bushy tail, and strong claws.


Wolverines can be found in North America. They are fierce short animals that will attack just about…

Wolves attacking a traveler. Caption below illustration: "The road now ran along the skirts of a pine forest, when the traveler suddenly perceived a suspicious noise behind her. Casting back a look of alarm, she saw a troop of wolves trotting along the road, the number of which her fears hindered her from estimating."

Wolves Attacking a Traveler

Wolves attacking a traveler. Caption below illustration: "The road now ran along the skirts of a pine…

"The common wolf is of the size of a large dog; its usual color is a yelowish gray: the hair strong and harsh, and the longet around the neck, shoulders, and haunches. The muzzle is black, the upper lip and chin white, the eyes oblique, tail bushy, but carried low: height of shoulder twenty-seven to twenty-nine inches." —Goodrich, 1885

French Wolves

"The common wolf is of the size of a large dog; its usual color is a yelowish gray: the hair strong…

"A short-legged, thickset animal, the body two feet long, the tail half an inch long. It lives in burrows and feeds on vegetables. It is covered with coarse hair of a sandy brown color; its eyes are small and lively. Its pace is shuffling and hobbling, like that of a bear. it has little intelligence, but its disposition is mild." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"A short-legged, thickset animal, the body two feet long, the tail half an inch long. It lives in burrows…

An Australian marsupial, which somewhat resembles a small bear in appearance. The legs are short and strong, the head large and flat, the body broad and depressed, and the tail rudimentary.


An Australian marsupial, which somewhat resembles a small bear in appearance. The legs are short and…

An Australian marsupial with a broad nose. Feeds mostly on grass.


An Australian marsupial with a broad nose. Feeds mostly on grass.

"The Wombat is a burrowing marsupial from Australia and Van Dieman's Land, and the islands of Bass' Strait. It is from two to three feet long, with a short tail; of clumsy form, with stout limbs and a blunt muzzle; coat thick, of long, coarse, brownish-gray, wooly hair; head large, flat, broad, with small eyes and ears; fore feet with five and hind feet with four digits; soles broad and naked. The dentition resembles that of the Rodentia, especially in the chisel-like incisors. The wombat is nocturnal in habits, a vegetable feeder, digging up roots with its claws. It is of small intelligence, but is gentle, and capable of domestication to a limited extent. It is hunted for its flesh, which is highly esteemed and is said to resemble pork."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Hairy Nosed Wombat

"The Wombat is a burrowing marsupial from Australia and Van Dieman's Land, and the islands of Bass'…

"Woodchuck (Arctomys monax)."-Whitney, 1902


"Woodchuck (Arctomys monax)."-Whitney, 1902

An animal of the marmot family, which is native to the eastern part of North America, ranging from Alabama to Hudson Bay. The color is blackish above and chestnut-red below.


An animal of the marmot family, which is native to the eastern part of North America, ranging from Alabama…

A woodchuck.


A woodchuck.

"The color of this animal in the wild and take, is black; the back and tail often white; the hair is thick and long; and the tail long, silky, and beautiful." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The color of this animal in the wild and take, is black; the back and tail often white; the hair is…

"Yak is a species of ox from the mountainous regions of Tibet. There are two races: the wild yak, generally black, which is found near the snow line, descending into the valleys in winter, and a domesticated race of various colors, black and white being most common. The yak is about the size of the common ox, to which it has a general resemblance, but it is covered with a thick coat of long, silky hair, hanging down like the fleece of a sheep, completely investing the tail, and forming a lengthy fringe along the shoulders, flanks, and thighs. This fringe, which exists in both races, was apparently developed as a protection to the animal, as the long hair forms a sort of mat which defends the body from the effects of the cold when the animal is reposing in the snow. The domesticated race is of great importance to the natives of Tibet. The yak is employed as a beast of burden, but never for tillage or draught; the milk is very rich, and yields excellent butter; the flesh is of the finest quality, and that of the calves far superior to ordinary veal. The hair is spun into ropes, and made into coverings for tents, and the soft fur of the hump and withers is woven into a fine strong cloth. The tails, often dyed red, are made into the chowries or fly-flappers, used in India. Yaks are often seen in zoological gardens and menageries."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Yak is a species of ox from the mountainous regions of Tibet. There are two races: the wild yak, generally…

A bovine ruminant native to Central Asia. It is found chiefly in Tibet, and is regarded intermediate between the bisons and true oxen.


A bovine ruminant native to Central Asia. It is found chiefly in Tibet, and is regarded intermediate…

"Resembles the otters, having palmated feet, and swimming with facility." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Resembles the otters, having palmated feet, and swimming with facility." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Zebra, a popular name for any of the striped forms of the genus Equus.


Zebra, a popular name for any of the striped forms of the genus Equus.

A zebra


A zebra

An animal resembling the horse, and showing external characteristics found in the ass. It resembles the latter in having no warts on the legs, in the tail being covered with long hairs only toward the extremity, and in the full and arched neck having an erect and stiff mane.


An animal resembling the horse, and showing external characteristics found in the ass. It resembles…

A member of the horse family native to central and souther Africa.


A member of the horse family native to central and souther Africa.

African mammals having a distinguishing dark stripe over white background


African mammals having a distinguishing dark stripe over white background

The zebra is an ungulate from the Equidae family known for its black and white stripes.


The zebra is an ungulate from the Equidae family known for its black and white stripes.

An African equid best known for their distinctive black and white stripes.


An African equid best known for their distinctive black and white stripes.

A hoofed, herbivorous mammal found in Africa. It is known for its distinct and regular stripes of black or brown on a white background.


A hoofed, herbivorous mammal found in Africa. It is known for its distinct and regular stripes of black…

"Zebra is a popular name for any of the striped forms of the genus Equus; thus embracing the quagga, the true zebra, and Burchell's zebra. In all three the external characters are those of the ass rather than of the horse; the legs are without warts, the tail is furnished with long hairs only toward the extremity, the neck is full and arched, and the mane stiff and erect. All the species of this division are rapidly vanishing before advancing civilization, and in all probability will become extinct before very many years."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Burchell's Zebra

"Zebra is a popular name for any of the striped forms of the genus Equus; thus embracing the quagga,…

Many zebras in a field.


Many zebras in a field.

"The ground color is white, or yellowish white, but the head, body, and legs to the hoofs are regularly striped, mostly crosswise, with a deep brown-black bands, lighter in the middle. " — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The ground color is white, or yellowish white, but the head, body, and legs to the hoofs are regularly…

"Zebu is the native name for any breed or individual of Bos Indicus. The zebus attain their greatest development in India, but range E. to Japan and W. to the Niger river. They vary greatly in size, some being larger than European cattle, while others are no bigger than a month-old calf."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Zebu is the native name for any breed or individual of Bos Indicus. The zebus attain their greatest…

A class of animals of the ox family, which are reared extensively from Japan to East Africa, but they attain the greatest perfection in India.


A class of animals of the ox family, which are reared extensively from Japan to East Africa, but they…

A blind mole rat native to the eastern regions of Europe and parts of Asia. Fur is soft and of a brown tone.


A blind mole rat native to the eastern regions of Europe and parts of Asia. Fur is soft and of a brown…

"Of this genus there is but a single species, found at the Cape of Good Hope and Senegal, and variously denominated by different authors." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Of this genus there is but a single species, found at the Cape of Good Hope and Senegal, and variously…