The Bats ClipArt gallery contains 56 illustrations of many species of bats. Bats are the only mammals capable of sustained flight, unlike other "flying" mammals that simply glide for short distances.
The bat "never likes to rest upon the ground, and it takes its rest always by hanging itself up by the…
"Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as…
The head of the chin leafed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb…
The head of the flower-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the…
The head of the Hammer-Headed Bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus). Also known as the big-lipped bat, it is…
There are two types of classification, homology and analogy. Homology is the fundamental identity of…
The Brown Long-Eared Bat (Plecotus auritus) is a mammal in the Vespertilionidae family of evening bats.
Nycteris Thebaica. "In this genus both the tail and the interfemoral membrane are greatly developed,…
The Egyptian Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida aegyptiaca) is a species of bat in the Molossidae family of free-tailed…
The Big Free-tailed Bat (Nyctinomops macrotis) is a bat species found in South, North and Central America.
The image shows a fruit bat, a bat from the Pteropodidae family of megabats.
The Northern Ghost Bat (Diclidurus albus) is a species of bat belonging to the Emballonuridae family…
Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the forelimb peculiarly modified so as…
The kalong bat can have a wingspan up to five feet. Its head is like that of the fox, and it lives primarily…
"Glossophaga nigra. GLOSSOPHAGA. A genus of South American phyllostomine bats. These bats are provided…
The sense of hearing is acute in bats. They find prey by way of echolocation. The long-eared bat is…
"Bat is the common name of all animals of the class mammalia which are furnished with true wings, and…
"Macroglossus. Of this genus there is only a single species. It is but three inches long, and…
They are generally quite robust, and consist of many strong flying forms with relatively long and narrow…
Vespertilio Discolor. A bat of the Genus Vespertilio, which are small and numerous. They are voracious…
The pug-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly…
Bats are chiefly ncturnal. The wing is a fold of skin supported by the arm and the elongated fingers.
"The bats of this genus have a long, slender tail, without hair, looking like a sharp, jointed bone,…
Vespertilio Limnophilus. A bat of the Genus Vespertilio, which are small and numerous. They are voracious…
Epomophorus franqueti. Males have two large pharyngeal sacs and an enlarged larynx that enables them…
The Spectral Bat or False Vampire Bat (Vampyrum spectrum) is a mammal in the Phyllostomidae family of…
The Thumbless Bat (Furipterus horrens) is a bat in the Furipteridae family of the smokey and thumbless…
The vampire bat of South America measures two or three feet from wingtip to wingtip. It lives by sucking…
Vampire bats have very large upper incisors. They suck the blood of cows and other livestock.