775 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: calla lily, camphor, candlewood, capsicum, carnation, cashew, castor-oil plant, catchfly, catkin, catnip, celandine, chamomile, checkerberry, chickweed, chicory, cinnamon, cinquefoil, cloudberry, clove, clover, cocoa, coffee, colocasia, comfrey, coreopsis, coriander, cornflower, cotton, cowbane, cowslip, crassula, creeper, crocus, and crowfoot.
The common name of campsis radicans is trumpet vine. It is also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet…
Illustrated is campsis radicans climbing by means of aerial roots. The common names are trumpet vine,…
Canbia candida flowers are a glossy white with six petals. The flowers grow alone on slim stems. The…
This wildflowers is commonly seen near Wyoming, or southern parts of Mexico. Flowers usually bear five…
The candlewood consists of about a dozen stalks about an inch in diameter, nearly straight, and about…
Flowers of candollea cuneiformis are yellow. The flowers bloom in July. This shrub is native to Australia.
Canistrum aurantiacum flowers are orange-yellow. The flowers grow in a cup shaped with orange-red bracts.…
The parts of the canna flower are labeled. Sepals (s), petals (ccc), style (e), staminodia (aaab), flower…
The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The plant grows between three and six feet tall. This…
The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The flowers are large with light yellow and red divisions.…
Canna speciosa flowers are both yellow and red. The flowers have two petals. The lip of the flower is…
Italia cannas are also known as orchid flowered cannas. The flowers are soft and have flowing iris-like…
The modern flowering canna is a dwarf form. It differs from old tall, small flowering forms.
Illustrated is the stool of canna showing how it may be divided. They can be directly planted in the…
The common name of cannabis is hemp. Cannabis sativa flowers are greenish in color and grow on long…
Pictured are the orders of Cannaceae, Marantaceae, and Orchidaceae. Illustrated are various flowers…
"This is a genus worthy of cultivation in all collections, as its lively flowers are produced in great…
Illustrated is a flower of the cannon ball tree with a fallen petal. The flowers are about two inches…
Cantua buxifolia flowers are funnel shaped and have a pale red color. The shrub grows to be four feet…
Cape Pond Weed, or Winter Hawthorn, with the scientific name aponogeton distachyon, has bright green…
Streptocarpus rexii is known as the Cape Primrose and is not actually a primrose but in the Gesneriaceae…
A flowering plant belonging to the Vitis, this genus is predominant in the Northern Hemisphere.
Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge or Paper Spurge) is a species of spurge native to southern Europe (France,…
Illustrated is a young plant of caper spurge, seen endwise. Caper spurge is also known as mole plant.…
The common name of capparis spinosa is the common caper. The flowers are white, tinged with red on the…
Capparis spinosa is a spiny shrub that grows three feet tall. It is often straggling and vine-like.…
Poisonous fruit, they can grow to be common houseplants. Many solanum's have become weeds.
"A genus of annual, subshrubby plants, order Solanaceae, with a wheel-shaped corolla, projecting and…
"Capsicum, a genus of annual, sub-shrubby plants, with a wheel-shaped corolla, projecting and converging…
The fasciculatum variety of capsicum annuum has the common name red cluster pepper. The leaves are clustered…
Capsicum annuum grows as an annual in temperate climates. In warmer latitudes it is a biennial.
Capsicum frutescens is a shrubby perennial that grows three to six feet high. The branches are loosely…
Caragana frutex grows six to ten feet tall. The flowers are yellow and grow up to one inch long.
The caragana microphylla shrub grows four to six feet tall. Each stem has one or two yellow longs.
An illustration of: A, Inflorescence and cauline leaves; B, Radical leaves and root. Cardamine (Car-dá-mi-ne,…
The common name of cardamine pratensis is cuckoo flower. The plant is slender and grows twelve to twenty…
Cardinal flower is the common name of lobelia cardinalis. The flowers are scarlet. The flowers bloom…
Cardinal flower and Indian pink are the common names of lobelia cardinalis. The plant is native from…
Cardinal flower is the common name of lobelia cardinalis. The flowers are scarlet. The leaves are oblong…
The common name of cardiospermum halicacabum is balloon vine but it is also know has heart seed and…
The fruit of cardiospermum is an inflated seed vessel. It has a white heart shaped spot.
Illustrated is a spiny leaf of carduus arvensis or cirsium arvense. It is also known as Canada thistle.