The Bird Anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 411 illustrations of skeleton diagrams, arteries, digestive system, eggs, feathers, and both internal and external diagrams.
"Muscles of a bird (accipiter nisus), after Carus, Tab. Anat. Comp., 1828, pl. 4. a, pharynx; b, trachea;…
The sternum of a bird. Label: a, lateral aspect; b, inferior aspect; r, rostrum; c.p, costal process;…
"Typical passerine sternum, pectoral arches, and sternal ends of ribs; from the robin, Turdus migratorius,…
""Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced. Lateral view, with the…
"Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced; viewed from below. a,…
The head and leg of the stork, a bird in the Ciconiidae family of storks, herons, and egrets.
"Fig 181 - Generic details of Hirundo horreorum(Barn Swallow) Deep lustrous steel-blue; forehead and…
"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…
"Swan, in the act of swimming, the right foot being fully expanded and about to give the effective stroke,…
"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above;…
"Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tail deeply fornicate, nearly or about as long as the wings; lateral…
"Fig 178 - the dentirostral bill of a Tanager (Pyranga hepatica)" Elliot Coues, 1884
An illustration of the front left tarsus of a penguin. "a, articular facet for inner condyle of tibia;…
"Fig 38 a, Reticulate tarsus of a Plover. b, Scutellate and reticulate tarsus of a pigeon." Elliot Coues,…
"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus…
"Sterna forsteri. Forster's Tern. Tail 5.00 - 8.00, forked 2.50-5.00." Elliot Coues, 1884
" or both webs may be so deeply incised, that is, cut away, that the palmation is practically…
"In the palmate or ordinary webbed foot, all the front toes are united by ample webs." Elliot Coues,…
"Generic details of a Myiadestes townsendi (Townsend's Flycatching Thrush); bill and foot nat. size,…
"Dromaeognathous skull of a tinamou (Tinamus robustus); copies by Shufeldt from Huxley. Letters as before;…
"Anthus Ludovicianus. Louisiana Pipit. American Titlark. Brown Lark. Wagtail. Bill blackish, pale at…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"a, an inch of trachea, contracted to the utmost, the rings looking like alternating half-rings; b,…
"Last entire tracheal ring, viewed from below, crossed by the pessulus." Elliot Coues, 1884
"Bifurcation of trachea, and bronchi, viewed from below; a, pessulus, the bolt-bar, or "bone of divarication";…
"1, 2, left, two tracheal rings, separate. b; 1, 2, right hand, the same put together." Elliot Coues,…
"Fig. 31. - Ulna of Colaptes mexicanus, showing points of attachment of the secondaries. (Dr. R. W.…
"The first change in the parent-cell is that by which it becomes broken up into a mass of cells, each…
"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process;…
"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt,…
The semipalmated (half-webbed) bases of toes on the foot of a Willet. "... basal webs generally run…
"Fig. 45.- Zygodactyle foot of a woodpecker, Hylotomus pileatus. The zygodactyle or yoke-toed modification…
"Saurognathous skull of woodpecker (Colaptes auratus). v, v, the posterior parts of the abortive vomer;…
"Saurognathous skull of a nesting Picus minor. x4 diameters, after Parker. Px premaxillary: dpx, its…
"Top view of skull of Cloaptes, (flickers) showing thyrohyals running along the skull and into right…
This illustration shows the special development of tongues of woodpeckers; a, skull of flicker, showing…
An illustration of a woodpecker's tongue. The long sticky tongues, which possess bristles, aid these…
"Third cervical vertebra of Woodpecker (Picus viridis). (Viewed anteriorly.) Ft, vertebrarterial foramen;…