This ClipArt gallery offers 197 pictures of numerous insects from the order Hymenoptera, including ants, bees, wasps, hornets, sawflies, and ichneumon.
Gall-fly is a name applied to the members of the family Cynipidae, which are not flies, but are related…
"Hornet is the largest species of wasp found in America. The thorax is mostly black; the abdomen is…
"The Hornets resemble the Wasps in their habits, but but they are noted for their spitefulness and the…
Humble bees sometimes damage beans and cultivated flowers. Some plants depend on the humble bee for…
The insects of the Ichneumon family have long,slender bodies, long ovipositors and long antennae.
The insects of the Ichneumon family have long,slender bodies, long ovipositors and long antennae.
This female parasitic wasp has a strong boring ovipositor for laying eggs in holes she drills in trees.
"The ichineumons, with long ovipositors, as the European species, Ichneumon manifestator, seek…
Ichneumon flies are solitary insects, and most are parasitoids—the larvae feeding on or in another…
Ichneumon flies are solitary insects, and most are parasitoids—the larvae feeding on or in another…
"Gonatopus contortulus. A genus of ichneumon-flies of the family Proctotrupidae and subfamily Dryininae,…
An insect known as the pigeon horntail (Tremex columba) deposits its eggs, by means of a strong, piercing…
"Another species which devours the leaves of pine trees. It represents another family of saw-flies."
"The insects of the genus Sirex belong to a species which lay their eggs in living wood, and…
"On the continent of Europe the Sirex gigas often appears in immense numbers, and does great…
The American Sawfly (Cimbex Americana) is an insect with an ovipositor resembling a saw blade.
The Larch Sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii) is an insect resembling a black wasp in the Tenthredinidae…
"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural…
"Sawflies are a group of insects. The turnip fly and the gooseberry fly are examples."—(Charles…
This illustration shows a Blastophaga grossorum: a, adult female with wings extended, seen from above;…
The cocoon of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
The larva of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…
The pupa of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…
The female adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
The male adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
"The Card Making Wasp of Cayenne is a consummate artist. From an architectural point of view, the card…
Eupelmus floridanus is a species of Chalcid wasp, a parasitic insect in the Eupelmidae family.
"Wasps live in companies, which last only a year and are composed of males, females and workers. Their…
A popular name for wasps that burrow in the ground, in which th lay their eggs, provisioning each cell…
Embolimus americanus is a species of wasp belonging to the Proctotrupoidea superfamily of various wasps.
The dorsal view of the Ensign Wasp (Evania laevigata), an insect in the Evaniidae family.