The Snails and Slugs ClipArt gallery includes 274 illustrations. Snails and slugs are gastropod mollusks. There are many varieties, including sea snails, land snails, and freshwater snails. Slugs are simply snails without shells.
"Siliques. 1. Of Cardamine bulbosa. 2. Of Raphanus Raphanistrum. 3. Of Heliophila crithmifolia." -Whitney,…
The shell of a Slit Worm Snail (Siliquaria anguina). The species is a gastropod mollusc that has an…
Slugs are air-breathing, terrestrial gastropods, almost always destitute of a shell. Slugs are nocturnal,…
"A very abundant species, and in Europe a broth made of it is used for diseases of the chest." —…
Sea slugs are found near shore. Many of them are devoid of shells when adult, but all have shells in…
The Green Sea Slug (Elysia viridis) is a species of a gastropod mollusc in the Placobranchidae family…
"Snail is the common name of gasteropodous mollusks. They feed chiefly on vegetable substances, though…
"Soft unsegmented bodies, bilaterally symmetrical, enveloped by a leathery mantle, which usually develops…
A gasteropodous mollusk, differing from the slug in having a large, spiral shell. The species are very…
Diagram of the mouth of a snail, showing the lingual ribbon. br, brain; c, buccal cavity; co., caelom;…
Diagram of a dissection of the reproductive organs of a snail. a.g., albumen gland; c.d., common or…
"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary…
A series of Stylommatophorous Pulmonata, showing transitional forms between snail and slug.
"Helix nemoralis. an, anus; gen. ap, genital aperture; oc. tent. posterior eye-bearing tentacles; pulm,…
Helix pomatia. "A large-shelled, edible" snail, also called the Burgundy snail or escargot when used…
Circulatory and nervous system of a snail. Labels: F, tentacles; Oe, esophagus; Cg, cerebral ganglion;…
"This is furnished with four tentacula, two of which are smaller than the others; at the end of these,…
"Cypraea moneta (Cowrie). Showing the mantle, provided with marginal tentacles, partly enveloping the…
Lunatia heros or the Northern moon snail, the common salt-water snail of the Atlantic coast.
A pond snail creeping. The largest part extending from the shell is the foot. The proboscis is in the…
The shell of the Tulip Snail (Fasciolaria tulipa), a gastropod in the Fasciolariidae family of tulips…
The violet snail is a floating sea slug. The snail is able to float due to the mucus covered raft that…
The Rosy Wolf Snail (Euglandina rosea) is a predatory snail in the Spiraxidae family of air-breathing…
"The Staircase-shell is recognized by its deep umbilicus, wide and funnel-shaped, in the interior of…
"The Staircase-shell is recognized by its deep umbilicus, wide and funnel-shaped, in the interior of…
"Spindle-shell (Fusus colus). Fusus: a genus of gastropodus mollusks having a fusiform shell with a…
"Aporrhais; A genus of gatropods with effuse channel-like lip-spines, represented by the pelican's foot…
"The Angel-winged is shown [here]. It is veined with stripes of white and red, and comes from the coasts…
"The Strombus is a peculiar genus, belonging to the equatorial seas. Some of these attain great…
"The Strombus is a peculiar genus, belonging to the equatorial seas. Some of these attain great…
"Found in the West Indies, the Red Sea, India, Mauritius, and various other seas." — Goodrich,…
"The Hyalea tridentata is globular and transparent, with long appendages to the mantle." —…
"The genus Triton is classed next to the genus Murex. The shell is irregularly covered…
"The genus Triton is classed next to the genus Murex. The shell is irregularly covered…
"The species of the genus Trochus are found in all seas, and near to the shore in the clefts…
"The species of the genus Trochus are found in all seas, and near to the shore in the clefts…
"The species of the genus Trochus are found in all seas, and near to the shore in the clefts…
"The species of the genus Trochus are found in all seas, and near to the shore in the clefts…