The Grasses and Grains ClipArt gallery offers 423 illustrations of various types of grasses and grains, many of which are grown agriculturally for consumer use.
All illustrations in the ClipArt ETC collection are line drawings. If you are looking for color photographs of grasses, please visit the ClipPix ETC website.
Chloris elegans is an annual grass. It grows one to three feet tall. The common name of chloris is finger…
The common name of chloris is finger grass. The polydactyla variety is a perennial and grows one to…
The common name of coix lacryma-jobi is Job's tears. The beads or "tears" are pearly white to a lead…
"Lengthwise section of grain of corn. y, yellow, oily part of endosperm; w, white, starchy part of endosperm;…
"Lengthwise section through root-tip of Indian corn. w, root-cap; i, younger part of cap; z, dead cells…
"Diagrammatic cross-section of stem of Indian corn. cv, fibro-vascular bundles; gc, pithy material between…
This illustration shows the cross-section of a single vascular bundle of corn stem: ph, phloem; x, small…
Cross breeding of white pop corn (left) with yellow dent corn. The resulting hybrid is in the center.
Cross-section of a kernel of corn. Food is stored in the cotyledon and in the endosperm which surrounds…
Eriophorum (Cottongrass, Cotton-grass or Cottonsedge) is a genus of about 25 species of flowering plants…
Crested dog's tail grass is the common name of cynosurus cristatus. The grass has flat blades and spike-like…
"3. paleae of Leersia oryzoides; 4. pistil, stamens, and hypogynous scales of the same." -Lindley, 1853
The common names of cynodon dactylon are Bermuda grass and wire grass. The stems are flattened and slender.
An illustration of the partial inflorescence of a cyperus plant, spikelet of the same (left), and the…
The common name of desmazeria sicula is spike grass. It is an annual that grows eight to twelve inches…
The common name of eleusine coracana is African millet. It grows two to four feet tall. It has a stout…
The common names of eleusine indica are wire grass and goose grass. It grows two to four feet tall.…
The common names of elymus canadensis are Canada lyme grass and terrel grass. It grows two to five feet…
The embryo, taken out whole: the thick mass is the cotyledon; the narrow body partly enclosed by it…
The common names of erianthus ravennae are plume grass, ravenna grass, and hardy pampas grass. The grass…
"Esparto-Grasses. 1, 4, stalk and fruit of Macrochloa tenacissima. 2, 3, 5, stalk, flowering stem, and…
Eulalia is a hardy, ornamental grass. Eulalia japonica zebrina has leaves with bars of yellow running…
"7. locusta of Stipa pennata" (Feather Grass); "8. rachis, bracteae, and florets of Cynosurus cristatus"…
"Diagram showing how, in Indian corn, the food from the upper and lower leaves finds its way into the…
"Foxtail grass, the common name given to certain grasses, because of the shape of the large clusters…
"A winter annual of the mustard family, which is quite sure to be found producing much seed on roadsides…
"1. a portion of the spike of Salicornia herbacea, with the flowers lodged in the notches of the axis;…
A grain of Indian Corn, flatwise, cut away a little, so as to show the embryo, lying on the albumen,…
Grain of Indian Corn in germination; the ascending sprout is the first leaf of the plumule, enclosing…
Grain of Indian Corn in advanced germination; the second and third leaves developing, while the sheathing…
Gramineae order consists of the grass family. Pictured are (1a) a part of a grass panicle, (1b) spikelet,…
"Graminae. Flower of a Grass, the glumes are removed. GRAMINAE. In botany, the largest order among endogenous…
"Graminae. Flower of a Grass. GRAMINAE. In botany, the largest order among endogenous plants except…
"Diagram of inflorescence of a grass. g, sterile glumes; P1, a flowering glume; P2, a scaly bract (palea);…
A grass of Parnassus is any member of the genus Parnassia, of the Saxifrage family, growing in damp…
"Fruit of upright chess (Bromus racemosus): a, a', spikelet; b, b', single fruit, inner face, showing…