The Grasses and Grains ClipArt gallery offers 423 illustrations of various types of grasses and grains, many of which are grown agriculturally for consumer use.
All illustrations in the ClipArt ETC collection are line drawings. If you are looking for color photographs of grasses, please visit the ClipPix ETC website.
Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…
Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…
Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…
Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…
Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…
Barley is a cereal grain derived from the annual grass Hordeum vulgare, a common barley. It serves as…
Barley is a cereal grain derived from the annual grass Hordeum vulgare, a common barley. It serves as…
Beach Grass (Calamagrostis arenaria or Ammophila arundinacea), also known as Seasand Reed and Mat Grass,…
The Bearded Darnel (Lolium temulentum) is sometimes found in grain-fields, with its glume equalling…
Black Oat Grass (Stipa avenacea) is found in dry, sandy woods and has no agricultural value. It grows…
Black Oat Grass (Stipa avenacea) is found in dry, sandy woods and has no agricultural value. It grows…
The Chess Grass (Bromus secalinus), also called Willard's Bromus, has a spreading, slightly drooping…
The Chess Grass (Bromus secalinus), also called Willard's Bromus, has a spreading, slightly drooping…
The Chess Grass (Bromus secalinus), also called Willard's Bromus, has a spreading, slightly drooping…
The Chess Grass (Bromus secalinus), also called Willard's Bromus, has a spreading, slightly drooping…
The stem of Chinese Sugar Cane (Sorghum nigrum), also known as Sorgho, or Sorgho Sucre, rises from six…
The Common Millet (Panicum miliaceum) flowers in large, open, nodding panicles. The leaves are lance-shaped…
Couch Grass (Triticum repens) is also referred to as Quitch Grass, Twitch Grass, Dog Grass, and Chandler…
Couch Grass (Triticum repens) is also referred to as Quitch Grass, Twitch Grass, Dog Grass, and Chandler…
Creeping Meadow Grass (Eragrostis reptans) is found on the gravelly banks of rivers, from New England…
Creeping Meadow Grass (Eragrostis reptans) is found on the gravelly banks of rivers, from New England…
Creeping Meadow Grass (Eragrostis reptans) is found on the gravelly banks of rivers, from New England…
Creeping Meadow Grass (Eragrostis reptans) is found on the gravelly banks of rivers, from New England…
Creeping Meadow Grass (Eragrostis reptans) is found on the gravelly banks of rivers, from New England…
Creeping Meadow Grass (Eragrostis reptans) is found on the gravelly banks of rivers, from New England…
The Creeping Soft Grass (Holcus mollis) is of no value, and is regarded as a troublesome weed. It is…
Creeping Soft Grass or Creeping Velvet Grass is a species of grass, native to Europe and western Asia.
It is favored by conditions in woodland clearings and at the earl stages of coppicing. Growth and flowering…
The spikes of the Crested Dog's Tail Grass (Cynosurus cristatus) are simple and its spikelets awnless.…
The spikes of the Crested Dog's Tail Grass (Cynosurus cristatus) are simple and its spikelets awnless.…
The Downy Oat Grass (Trisetum pubescens) is naturalized in chalky soils and on such soils its leaves…
"Fescue-grass (Festuca pratensis). A, spikelet; B, a flower, the lodicules in front and the palea behind;…
Fiinger-spiked Wood Grass (Andropogon furcatus) grows about four feet high. The leaves are smooth, the…
Fiinger-spiked Wood Grass (Andropogon furcatus) grows about four feet high. The leaves are smooth, the…
Fiinger-spiked Wood Grass (Andropogon furcatus) grows about four feet high. The leaves are smooth, the…
Fiinger-spiked Wood Grass (Andropogon furcatus) grows about four feet high. The leaves are smooth, the…
Fiorin Grass (Agrostis stolonifera) is a variety of English bent. In experiments it was found to be…
Fiorin Grass (Agrostis stolonifera) is a variety of English bent. In experiments it was found to be…
The Floating Foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus) has a stem ascending, bent, and forming knees at the lower…
The Floating Foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus) has a stem ascending, bent, and forming knees at the lower…
Floating Meadow Grass (Glyceria fluitans), also know as Common Manna Grass, grows in very moist muddy…
Floating Meadow Grass (Glyceria fluitans), also know as Common Manna Grass, grows in very moist muddy…
Fowl Meadow Grass (Poa serotina), also called False Redtop, has two to four spikelets (shown here),…
Fowl Meadow (Poa serotina), also called False Redtop, has two to four spikelets, sometimes five flowered.…
Fowl Meadow (Poa serotina), also called False Redtop, has two to four spikelets, sometimes five flowered.…
Fowl Meadow (Poa serotina), also called False Redtop, has two to four spikelets, sometimes five flowered.…
Fowl Meadow (Poa serotina), also called False Redtop, has two to four spikelets, sometimes five flowered.…
Goose Grass (Glyceria maritima), also called Creeping Sea Meadow Grass, or Sea Spear Grass, appears…
Goose Grass appears around salt marshes, growing from six to twelve inches high and having a perennial…
Hungarian Grass (Panicum Germanicum) is an annual forage plant. It germinates readily, withstands the…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Indian Rice Grass (Zizania aquatica), also known as Wild Rice, or Water Oats, is found in swampy borders…
Italian Rye Grass (Lolium Italicum) differs from the Perennial Rye Grass in the florets having long,…