266 illustrations of birds including: falcon, finch, flamingo, fly-catcher, fulmar, gadwall, gallinule, gannet, garganey, gnatcatcher, goat-sucker, goldfinch, goosander, goose, goshawk, grallatore, grebe, grosbeak, guan, guillemot, guinea fowl, guitguit, and gull
"Phoinikopteros ruber. American Red Flamingo. Adult: Plumage scarlet, the primaries and most of the…
The American flamingo stands about five feet tall, and is found throught tropical America, including…
Gregarious wading birds, usually 3-5 feet in height, found in both the Western and Eastern Hemisphere.
"Colaptes auratus. Golden-winged Woodpecker. Pigeon Woodpecker. Flicker. Yucker. High-holder. Back and…
The Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) is a medium-sized member of the woodpecker family. It is native…
The Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) is a bird in the Picidae family of woodpeckers.
"Myiarchus cinerescens. Ash-throated Crested Flycatcher. Rather olivaceous-brown above, quite brown…
The Boat-billed Flycatcher, Megarynchus pitangua, is a passerine bird. It is a large tyrant flycatcher,…
The collared fly-catcher, a bird which feeds on insects and the occaisional small vertebrate.
"Pitangus derbianus. Derby Flycatcher. Under parts light wood-brown, with an olive tinge; wings and…
"Myiarchus crinitus. Great Crested Flycatcher. Decidedly olivaceous above, a little browner on head,…
The fly-catcher proper feeds on insects, which it catches on the wing with vivacity and agility which…
An impressive South American species of fly-catcher, with a transverse crest of reddish-fawn feathers.
An American bird, also called bee martin and flycatcher. It is about eight inches long, the extended…
"Terpsiphone paradisi, Paradise Flycatchers, have fine crests, shorter in the female; while fleshy wattles,…
"Sayiornis fusca. Pewit Flycatcher. Water Pewee. Pewit. Phaebe. Dull olivaceous-brown, the head much…
The European Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is a small passerine bird in the Muscicapidae family…
The Restless Flycatcher (Myiagra inquieta) is a passerine bird in the Monarchidae family of Monarch…
Found in the southern United States, the Savannah fly-catcher is notable for its long, forked tail.
The Scissortailed Flycatcher (Milvulus forficatus) is a tyrant flycatcher in the Tyrannidae family.
The spoon-bill tyrant fly-catcher has a large, thick bill, which it uses for feeding on butterflies.
"Milvulus forficatus. Swallow-tailed Flycatcher. Scissor-tail. Crown patch orange or scarlet. General…
Traill's Flycatcher (Empidonax trailli) is a bird in the Tyrannidae family of tyrant flycatchers.
"Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus. Vermilion Flycatcher, Adult male: Pure dark brown, including stripe…
In the males, they have a full globular crest, and the hole under parts flaming red, the back, wings,…
The flysnapper or phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens) is a bird in the Ptilogonatidae family of silky-flycatchers.
Guinea fowls have small heads for their size; beak and neck short; the tail equally short and drooping.
The Guinea-fowl (or pintado) was originally native to Africa, but was introduced to American poultry-yards.
Kinds of fowl. Far left: light Brahma, behind Brahma: bantam, middle: long-tailed oriental fowl, right:…
A group of water-fowl at a bank, with a fountain and pond visible in the background.
The Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants.
"Tachypetes aquilus. Frigate. Man-of-War Bird. brownish-black, glossed with green of purplish, duller…
"Tachypetes aquilus. Frigate. Man-of-War Bird. brownish-black, glossed with green of purplish, duller…
The Ascension Frigatebird (Fregata aquila) is a large seabird in the Fregatidae family of frigatebirds.
"Fulmarus. Fulmar. Adult: White; mantle pale pearly-blue, restricted to back and wings, or extending…
The cape petrel or fulmar is about the size of a small duck and inhabits the southern seas.
"The Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) is a bird in the Procellariidae family of seabirds." -Whitney,…
"Priocella tenuirostris. Slender-billed Fulmar. Adult: Plumage white, with clear pearly-blue mantle,…
"Oven-birds live singly or in pairs, in the plains of Chili, Brazil and Guiana."
The gadwall (or gray duck) is nineteen inches long, and is found throughout Europe and America, as well…
The Gadwall (Chaulelasmus streperus) is a widely distributed duck, appearing throughout Europe and N.…
"Gallinula. Gallinules. Water Hens. Mud Hens. Bill not longer than head, stout at base, tapering, compressed,…
The Florida Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus cerceris) is a subspecies of the Common Moorhen, a bird in…
"Lagapus. The densely-feathered feet resemble those of rabbits. No particular feathers on head or neck.…
"The Pelecanus bassanus f Linnaeus and the Sule bassana of modern ornithologists, a large sea-fowl long…
"The Gannet (S. bassana) has slate-grey wing-quills, purplish-grey bill, reddish feet and naked parts."…
Also known as a Solan Goose (Sula bassana), the Gannet is a large marine bird which nests in scattered…
The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is a bird in the Pelecaniformes order of waterbirds. It was once…
Also known as the summer teal, the garganey is sixteen inches long and found in Southern Europe and…