266 illustrations of birds including: falcon, finch, flamingo, fly-catcher, fulmar, gadwall, gallinule, gannet, garganey, gnatcatcher, goat-sucker, goldfinch, goosander, goose, goshawk, grallatore, grebe, grosbeak, guan, guillemot, guinea fowl, guitguit, and gull

The Goshawk (Astur palumbarius) is a hawk abundant in the forest regions of northern Europe and Canada, but rarely seen southward, except occasionally in winter. The upper part of the body is ash-brown, with four broad dark bands on the tail; the under part white, barred with black. The bird is bold and rapacious, and remarkable for the skillful turns by means of which it follows every movement of the quarry. It was one of the favorite hawks in falconry.


The Goshawk (Astur palumbarius) is a hawk abundant in the forest regions of northern Europe and Canada,…

"Astur atricapillus. American Goshawk. Blue Hen Hawk (adult). Chicken Hawk (young). Adult: Above, dark bluish-slate color, each feather black-shafted; top of head blackish, conspicuously different from other upper parts, the feathers there with fleecy white bases; a long white superciliary or rather post-ocular stripe; auriculars blackish. Ground color of under parts, including lining of wings, white, closely barred or vermiculated in narrow zigzag lines with slaty-brown, except on throat and crissum, and everywhere sharply pencilled with blackish shaft-lines, one on each feather. The barring is largest and most regular on the belly, flanks, and tibiae, but is for the most part much dissipated in a fine mottling. It varies greatly in coarseness in different specimens, some of which approach A. palumbarius in this respect. Tail like back, banded with four or five blackish bars, the terminal one much the broadest. Bill dark bluish; iris yellowish; feet yellow, claws black." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Goshawk

"Astur atricapillus. American Goshawk. Blue Hen Hawk (adult). Chicken Hawk (young). Adult: Above, dark…

"Quiscalus purpureus. Purple Crow Blackbird. Common Crow Blackbird. Purple Grackle. Of medium size, with moderately keeled and graduated tail, shorter than wings. Sexes subsimilar. Bill usually less tapering and deflected at tip, but very variable. Adult Male: Iridescence very variable with season, age, and sexual vigor, as well as on different parts of the body; but always intense in healthy adults, and at its height during the love-ardor; variously purple, green, blue, violet, and bronzy; not he extensive green of the last species, nor usually the decided brassy of the next variety; wings and tail mostly purplish; dark purplish and steel-blue on head, neck, and breast; back more greenish or bronzy. Bill and feet ebony black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Purple Grackle

"Quiscalus purpureus. Purple Crow Blackbird. Common Crow Blackbird. Purple Grackle. Of medium size,…

A reddish brown bird found in the United States during the winter.

Rusty Grackle

A reddish brown bird found in the United States during the winter.

A group of Grallatores, an order with characteristically long legs, well suited for wading in shallow water in search of food.


A group of Grallatores, an order with characteristically long legs, well suited for wading in shallow…

"Morelet's Grassquit (Spermophila moreleti); adult male. GRASSQUIT. A kind of grassfinch; an American bird of the genus Spermophila or some related genus." -Whitney, 1911

Morelet's Grassquit

"Morelet's Grassquit (Spermophila moreleti); adult male. GRASSQUIT. A kind of grassfinch; an American…

The Great Crested Grebe (Lophæthyia cristata) is a fresh-water, migratory, diving bird of the family Podicipidæ. It has a duck-like body, brownish and white plumage, long neck, short wings, no tail, and large, flattened toes furnished with lobate membranes serving the purpose of webs. Most of its life is spent in fresh water  lakes and ponds, but in winter and during migration, it often resorts to the sea. It is an excellent diver. The nest is made of rushes and other aquatic plants and usually floats on the water, being loosely anchored to weeds and grass. It is found in nearly all parts of Europe and Asia.

Great Crested Grebe

The Great Crested Grebe (Lophæthyia cristata) is a fresh-water, migratory, diving bird of the family…

They pass swiftly through the air at the height of about a hundred yards, in flocks of from seven and eight to fifty or more, (Audubon).


They pass swiftly through the air at the height of about a hundred yards, in flocks of from seven and…

Diving birds, such as the grebe, have webbed (or lobed) feet and are expert in swimming and diving.


Diving birds, such as the grebe, have webbed (or lobed) feet and are expert in swimming and diving.

"Western Grebe. Æchmophorus- A genus of large, long-necked grebes of America, having the bill extremely long, slender, and acute, whence the name."-Whitney, 1902


"Western Grebe. Æchmophorus- A genus of large, long-necked grebes of America, having the bill…

Freshwater diving birds, some of which visit the sea when migrating and in the winter.

Horned Grebe

Freshwater diving birds, some of which visit the sea when migrating and in the winter.

The Horned Grebe (Podiceps cornutus) is a freshwater diving bird in the Podicipedidae family of grebes.

Horned Grebe

The Horned Grebe (Podiceps cornutus) is a freshwater diving bird in the Podicipedidae family of grebes.

"Both sexes of the Little Grebe are mainly dusky brown or blacking grey above, and silvery white below, often with some white on the wing. Podicipes fluviatilis, the Little Grebe or Dabchick, ranging over Europe, Africa, and Asia to the Malay Countries and North Australia, has rich chestnut cheeks, throat, and sides of the neck, horn-coloured bill, and greenish feet. In winter the chestnut fades to buff with the white chin." - A. H. Evans, 1900

Little Grebe

"Both sexes of the Little Grebe are mainly dusky brown or blacking grey above, and silvery white below,…

Also known as the horned grebe, dipper, water-witch, and hell-diver, the sclavonian grebe is common to both Europe and North America.

Sclavonian Grebe

Also known as the horned grebe, dipper, water-witch, and hell-diver, the sclavonian grebe is common…

Expert swimmers, grebes hunt fish, frogs, crustaceans, and insects in both salt and fresh water.


Expert swimmers, grebes hunt fish, frogs, crustaceans, and insects in both salt and fresh water.

"Black Throated Green Warbler or Dendroica virens. Back and crown clear yellow-olive; forehead, superciliary line, and whole sides of head rich yellow (in high plumage, middle of back with dusky marks, and dusky or dark olive lines through eyes and auriculars, and even bordering the crown); chin, throat, and breast jet black, prolonged behind as streaks on the sides; other under parts white; usually yellow-tinged; wings and tail dusky, former with two white bars and much whitish edging, latter with outer feathers nearly all white; bill and feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black Throated Green Warbler

"Black Throated Green Warbler or Dendroica virens. Back and crown clear yellow-olive; forehead, superciliary…

Large finches that feed on conifer seeds and fruit.


Large finches that feed on conifer seeds and fruit.

Large finches that feed on conifer seeds and fruit.


Large finches that feed on conifer seeds and fruit.

"Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the crown, sides of head, back, wings, and tail black; the back usually varied with whitish or cinnamon-brown, the wings spotted with white on the ends of the coverts, and usually also towards the ends of the quills, and with a large white patch at the base of primaries; several lateral tail-feathers with large white spots on inner webs near their ends. Neck all round, rump, and under parts rich orange-brown, changing to bright pure yellow on the belly and under wing-coverts; bill and feet dark grayish-blue. Size of the last. The female and young differ much as in the last species, but may be recognized by the rich sulphur-yellow under wing-coverts; the bill is shorter and more tumid, along culmen, .60 deep at base." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-headed Song Grosbeak

"Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the crown, sides of head, back,…

"Guiraca caerulea. Blue Grosbeak. Adult male: Rich dark blue, nearly uniform, but darker or blackish across middle of back; feathers around base of bill, wings and tail, black; middle and greater wing-coverts tipped with chestnut; bill dark horn-blue, paler below; feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Grosbeak

"Guiraca caerulea. Blue Grosbeak. Adult male: Rich dark blue, nearly uniform, but darker or blackish…

Noted for its beautiful song, the cardinal grosbeak is sometimes known as the <em>virgin nightingale</em>.

Cardinal Grosbeak

Noted for its beautiful song, the cardinal grosbeak is sometimes known as the virgin nightingale.

"Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich red, usually vermillion, sometimes rosy; pure and intense on crest and under parts, darker on back, where obscured with ashy-gray, as it is also on upper surfaces of wings and tail; the feathers of the wings fuscous on inner webs. A jet-black mask on the face, entirely surrounding the bill, extending on the throat. Bill coral-colored; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cardinal Grosbeak

"Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich…

"Hesperophona vespertina. Evening Grosbeak. General color sordid yellow, overlaid with sooty-olive shade, deepest on fore parts, quite black on crown, clearest below behind. forehead and line over eye, scapulars, and rump, yellow. Wings and tail black; several inner secondaries and inner half of the greater coverts white; lining of wings black and yellow. A narrow black line around base of upper mandible; tibiae black. Bill greenish-yellow; feet apparently dusky flesh-color." Elliot Coues, 1884

Evening Grosbeak

"Hesperophona vespertina. Evening Grosbeak. General color sordid yellow, overlaid with sooty-olive shade,…

Also known as the green finch, the green grosbeak frequents gardens, orchards, small woods, and cultivated fields. It feeds on seeds and the occaisional insect.

Green Grosbeak

Also known as the green finch, the green grosbeak frequents gardens, orchards, small woods, and cultivated…

Found in the northern parts of America and Europe, the pine-grosbeak feeds mostly on seeds.

Pine Grosbeak

Found in the northern parts of America and Europe, the pine-grosbeak feeds mostly on seeds.

A large fringilline bird of Europe and North American found chiefly in coniferous woods in northerly or alpine regions.

Pine Grosbeak

A large fringilline bird of Europe and North American found chiefly in coniferous woods in northerly…

"Pinicola enucleator. Pine Grosbeak. Light carmine or rosy-red, feathers of back with dusky centres; lower belly and under tail-coverts gray, and, in general, the red continuous only in highly plumaged specimens. Nasal tufts and lores blackish. Wings blackish; primaries with narrow white or rosy edging, inner secondaries more broadly edged with white, ends of greater and middle coverts white or rosy, forming conspicuous wing-bars. Tail like wings, with narrow edgings like those of primaries. Bill blackish, with or without paler base below; feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pine Grosbeak

"Pinicola enucleator. Pine Grosbeak. Light carmine or rosy-red, feathers of back with dusky centres;…

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus, is a large seed-eating bird in the cardinal family. The adult is 19 cm long and weighs 47 g. It has dark upperparts, white underparts and a large pale bill. The adult male has a black head, wings and upperparts and a bright rose-red patch on its breast; the wings have white patches and rose red linings. The adult female has dark grey upperparts, a white stripe over the eye, streaked underparts and yellowish wing linings. The song resembles a more refined version of the American Robin's. The call is a sharp pink.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Female)

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus, is a large seed-eating bird in the cardinal family.…

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus, is a large seed-eating bird in the cardinal family. The adult is 19 cm long and weighs 47 g. It has dark upperparts, white underparts and a large pale bill. The adult male has a black head, wings and upperparts and a bright rose-red patch on its breast; the wings have white patches and rose red linings. The adult female has dark grey upperparts, a white stripe over the eye, streaked underparts and yellowish wing linings. The song resembles a more refined version of the American Robin's. The call is a sharp pink.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Male)

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus, is a large seed-eating bird in the cardinal family.…

"Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail-coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing-coverts exquisite carmine rose-red; wings and tail black, variegated with white; bill white; feet grayish-blue; iris brown. Female above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts saffron-yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak

"Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and…

After the turkey, the grouse is the largest game bird in the U.S.


After the turkey, the grouse is the largest game bird in the U.S.

The Canadian Grouse is peculiar to the U.S. continent (Smiley, 1839).


The Canadian Grouse is peculiar to the U.S. continent (Smiley, 1839).

The black grouse (also known as the black cock) is common throughout Europe.

Black Grouse

The black grouse (also known as the black cock) is common throughout Europe.

Also known as the spotted or spruce grouse, the Canada grouse is found in the northerly latitudes of the North American contitent.

Canada Grouse

Also known as the spotted or spruce grouse, the Canada grouse is found in the northerly latitudes of…

"Canace canadensis. Canada Grouse. Spotted Grouse. Spruce Grouse. Spruce "Partridge." Adult: Head smooth, but feathers susceptible of erection into a slight crest. A colored comb of naked skin over the eye, bright yellow or reddish when fully injected. Tail slightly rounded, of 16 feathers, a scant inch broad to their very ends. Tarsi full-feathered to the toes, which are naked, scaly, and fringed. Tail black, broadly tipped with orange-brown; its upper coverts without decidedly white tips. Under parts glossy black, extensively varied with white; under tail-coverts; sides and breast with white bars or semicircles; white spots bounding the throat; white spots on lore. Upper parts wavy - barred black and gray, usually also with some tawny markings on the back and wings." Elliot Coues, 1884

Canada Grouse

"Canace canadensis. Canada Grouse. Spotted Grouse. Spruce Grouse. Spruce "Partridge." Adult: Head smooth,…

The Dusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants and partridges.

Dusky Grouse

The Dusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants and partridges.

"Syrrhaptes paradoxus, Sand-Ground, are true desert birds, affording excellent instances of protective coloration in their buff or brownish tints, slightly varied with grey, black, orange, and white." A. H. Evans, 1900

Pallas's Sand Grouse

"Syrrhaptes paradoxus, Sand-Ground, are true desert birds, affording excellent instances of protective…

The pin-tailed grouse is common in Spain, Russia and Northern China.

Pin-Tailed Sand Grouse

The pin-tailed grouse is common in Spain, Russia and Northern China.

Native only to the British Isles and the Orkneys, the red grouse is often bred in confinement to be used as poultry.

Red Grouse

Native only to the British Isles and the Orkneys, the red grouse is often bred in confinement to be…

"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs from its congeners in never becoming white in the winter. It varies considerably in coloration, but is usually considered a local form of the Willow Grouse (L. albus) of the north of Europe, Asia, and America. The male in both summer and winter is more or less, chestnut-brown above, with black markings and a reddish head; the lower parts are similar, but are usually spotted with white. In Autumn the brown of the upper parts becomes buff, and the lower surface is barred with buff and black." A. H. Evans, 1900

Red Grouse

"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs…

The Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) is a subspecies of ptarmigans in the Phasianidae family of pheasants and partridges.

Red Grouse

The Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) is a subspecies of ptarmigans in the Phasianidae family of…

The ruffed grouse is an American bird that likes hill-sides densely covered with evergreens or birch.

Ruffed Grouse

The ruffed grouse is an American bird that likes hill-sides densely covered with evergreens or birch.

The ruffed grouse lives in the woods. It makes a loud noise by beating its wings rapidly (drumming).

Ruffed Grouse

The ruffed grouse lives in the woods. It makes a loud noise by beating its wings rapidly (drumming).

"Grouse, in ornithology, are various game-birds, specially the black grouse, and the red grouse. The male of the former is called the black cock, and the female the gray hen. The red, called also the common grouse, inhabits moors, feeding on the young shoots of the heath."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Ruffed Grouse

"Grouse, in ornithology, are various game-birds, specially the black grouse, and the red grouse. The…

The Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus, is a medium-sized grouse occurring in forests from the Appalachian Mountains across Canada to Alaska. It is non-migratory. The Ruffed Grouse is frequently referred to as the "partridge". This is technically wrong - partridges are unrelated phasianids, and in hunting may lead to confusion with the Grey Partridge. That species was introduced to North America from Europe; it is a bird of open areas, not woodlands.

Ruffed Grouse

The Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus, is a medium-sized grouse occurring in forests from the Appalachian…

"Bonasa umbella. Ruffed Grouse. "Partridge;" "Pheasant;" Above, variegate reddish- or grayish-brown, the back with numerous, oblong, pale, black-edged spots. Below, whitish, barred with brown. Tail brown or gray, numerously and narrowly black-barred, with a broad subterminal black zone, and tipped with gray. The neck-ruffle of the male mostly glossy black, and very full; of the female smaller and more brown. The colors are endlessly varied as well as blended, and the prevailing tone of the brown birds of the East shades insensibly into the Western varieties." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ruffed Grouse

"Bonasa umbella. Ruffed Grouse. "Partridge;" "Pheasant;" Above, variegate reddish- or grayish-brown,…

Known as the <em>partridge</em> in the Eastern States and as the <em>pheasant</em> in the South, the ruffled grouse is found throughout the United States, where it prefers to make its home at higher elevations.

Ruffled Grouse

Known as the partridge in the Eastern States and as the pheasant in the South, the…

Birds with pigeon like heads and necks. their body is compact and sturdy. Has a leathery down on their feet.

Sand Grouse

Birds with pigeon like heads and necks. their body is compact and sturdy. Has a leathery down on their…

"Pediaecetes phasianellus Columbianus. Common Sharp-tailed Grouse. Upper parts closely and pretty evenly variegated with blackish-brown, reddish-brown, and grayish-brown, the pattern smallest on the rump and lower back, where the blackish is mostly in sharp-angled stars; the reddish most conspicuous on the upper back, and both the lighter colors everywhere finely sprinkled with blackish. Wing-coverts like the upper back, but with numerous conspicuous rounded white spots, one on the end of each feather. Crown and back of neck nearly like the back, but in smaller pattern, and the markings mostly transverse. An illy-defined white area on each side of the neck, over the tympanum, and slight whitish stripe behind the eye. Throat fine light buff, usually immaculate, but sometimes finely speckled quite across. Under parts white, more or less tinted with buff towards the throat; the breast with numerous regular dark-brown U-shaped spots, one on each feather; similar but smaller, sharper, and fewer such spots thence scattered over most of the under parts, only the middle of the belly being left unmarked. Long feathers of the sides under the wings matching the upper wing-coverts nearly; under wing-coverts and axillaries pure white, not marked; flanks with bars or U-spots of dark brown. Legs grayish-white, unmarked. Quills of the wings fuscous; outer webs of the secondaries with equidistant, squarish, white or tawny spots, the secondaries tipped and imperfectly twice or thrice barred with white, gradually becoming sprinkled with the varied colors of the back, so that the innermost of them are almost precisely like the greater coverts. Four middle tail-feathers variegated, much like the back; others white, or grayish-white, on the inner webs, the outer webs being mottled; a few under tail-coverts spotted, the rest white; upper tail-coverts nearly like the rump. Iris light brown; bill dark horn-color; part of under mandible flesh-colored; claws like bill; toes on top light horn-color, the soles darker." Elliot Coues, 1884

Sharp-tailed Grouse

"Pediaecetes phasianellus Columbianus. Common Sharp-tailed Grouse. Upper parts closely and pretty evenly…

Two adult willow grouses, and a group of chicks.

Willow Grouse

Two adult willow grouses, and a group of chicks.

Grouse are a group of birds from the order Galliformes. Often considered a family Tetraonidae, the American Ornithologists' Union and many others include grouse as a subfamily Tetraoninae in the family Phasianidae. Grouse inhabit temperate and subarctic regions of the northern hemisphere, from pine forests to moorland and mountainside. Most species are year-round residents, and do not migrate. These birds feed mainly on vegetation, but also on insects, especially when feeding young. Several of the forest-living species are notable for eating large quantities of conifer needles, which most other vertebrates refuse

Young Grouse

Grouse are a group of birds from the order Galliformes. Often considered a family Tetraonidae, the American…

South American bird related to the partridge.


South American bird related to the partridge.

The guillemots have the beak long, straight, convex above, somewhat angular below. They only come ashore for breeding.


The guillemots have the beak long, straight, convex above, somewhat angular below. They only come ashore…

A rather large bird common to North America and Europe.


A rather large bird common to North America and Europe.

Found in the arctic regions of Europe and America, the black guillemot averages about thirteen inches in length.

Black Guillemot

Found in the arctic regions of Europe and America, the black guillemot averages about thirteen inches…

The Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) is a bird in the Alcidae family of Auks. It was also known as the synonym Uria grylle.

Black Guillemot

The Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) is a bird in the Alcidae family of Auks. It was also known as the…

"Lomvia troile. Common Guillemot, or Murre. Adult in summer: Head and neck all around rich dark maroon brown, changing on upper parts into dark slaty-brown, nearly uniform, but most of the feathers of the back and rump with slightly lighter, more grayish-brown, edges. Secondaries narrowly but distinctly tipped with white. Under parts from the throat pure white, the sides and flanks marked with dusky or slaty, the lining of the wings varied with white and dusky. Bill black; mouth yellow; eyes brown; feet blackish. In some cases, not in most, a white "eye-glass," consisting of a rim around eye and handle back of eye in the furrow of the plumage." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Guillemot

"Lomvia troile. Common Guillemot, or Murre. Adult in summer: Head and neck all around rich dark maroon…

"The Guillemots, when placed on the ground, raise themselves with great difficulty, owing to the conformation of their legs."


"The Guillemots, when placed on the ground, raise themselves with great difficulty, owing to the conformation…

Guinea Fowl are the African representatives of the pheasants, from which they differ in that the plumage of both sexes is alike. The origin of the domesticated stock is <i>Numida meleagris</i>, from W. Africa. A number of other species occur in other parts of Africa. In the black guinea fowl (<i>Phasidus niger</i>), which ranges from Cape Lopez to Loango, spurs are present in the male as in pheasants. Guinea fowl are nearly all gregarious, are ground feeders, and roost in trees. Most species seek to escape danger by running rather than by flying. As in the turkeys, parts of the head and neck are without feathers, and these bare patches are often highly colored.

Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl are the African representatives of the pheasants, from which they differ in that the plumage…