A piece of the rose-red Delesseria Lepreiurei

Delesseria Lepreiurei

A piece of the rose-red Delesseria Lepreiurei

A piece of the rose-red Delesseria Lepreiurei, showing that it is composed of a layer of cells.

Delesseria Lepreiurei

A piece of the rose-red Delesseria Lepreiurei, showing that it is composed of a layer of cells.

A piece of the rose-red Delesseria Lepreiurei, showing the cells are gelatinous and thick-walled.

Delesseria Lepreiurei

A piece of the rose-red Delesseria Lepreiurei, showing the cells are gelatinous and thick-walled.

Closterium acutum, a common Desmid. It is a single firm-walled cell, filled with green protoplasmic matter.


Closterium acutum, a common Desmid. It is a single firm-walled cell, filled with green protoplasmic…

View of three stages of the conjugation


View of three stages of the conjugation

Stage of a species of Botrydium, a globose cell.


Stage of a species of Botrydium, a globose cell.

Full-grown plant, extended and ramified below in a root-like way.


Full-grown plant, extended and ramified below in a root-like way.

A Vaucheria; single cell grown on into a much-branched thread; the end of some branches enlarging, and the green contents in one (a) there condensed into a spore.


A Vaucheria; single cell grown on into a much-branched thread; the end of some branches enlarging, and…

A Vaucheria; spore and the mature spore escaping.


A Vaucheria; spore and the mature spore escaping.

Bryopsis plumosa; apex of a stem with its branchlets; all the extension of one cell.

Bryopsis Plumosa

Bryopsis plumosa; apex of a stem with its branchlets; all the extension of one cell.

A stone on which various Lichens are growing, such as (passing from left to right) a Parmelia, a Sticta, and on the right, Lecidia geographica, so called from its patches resembling the outline of islands or continents as depicted upon maps.


A stone on which various Lichens are growing, such as (passing from left to right) a Parmelia, a Sticta,…

Piece of thallus of Parmelia conspersa, with section through an apothecium.


Piece of thallus of Parmelia conspersa, with section through an apothecium.

Section of a smaller apothecium.


Section of a smaller apothecium.

Two asci of the same, and contained spores, and accompanying filaments.


Two asci of the same, and contained spores, and accompanying filaments.

Piece of thallus of a Sticta, with section, showing the immersed apothecia; the small openings of these dot the surface.


Piece of thallus of a Sticta, with section, showing the immersed apothecia; the small openings of these…

Cladonia coccinea; the fructification is in the scarlet knobs, which surround the cups.


Cladonia coccinea; the fructification is in the scarlet knobs, which surround the cups.

Two of the asci and contained double spores, quite like those of a Lichen


Two of the asci and contained double spores, quite like those of a Lichen

A species of Botrytis.


A species of Botrytis.

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus has been found to produce a secondary form of fruit, being that forming the subject of the genus Eurotium.

Aspergillus Glaucus

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus…

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus has been found to produce a secondary form of fruit, being that forming the subject of the genus Eurotium.

Aspergillus Glaucus

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus…

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus has been found to produce a secondary form of fruit, being that forming the subject of the genus Eurotium.

Aspergillus Glaucus

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus…

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus has been found to produce a secondary form of fruit, being that forming the subject of the genus Eurotium. Magnified thread.

Aspergillus Glaucus

A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous fungi) forming common molds, such as the blue of cheese. Aspergillus…

Phylloxera Vastatrix- a, an unaffected rootlet of grape; b, rootlets with newly-formed galls; c, same, with old and dried-up tissue; dd, groups of the lice on roots and rootlets.

Phylloxera Vastatr

Phylloxera Vastatrix- a, an unaffected rootlet of grape; b, rootlets with newly-formed galls; c, same,…

The pod or boll of cotton.


The pod or boll of cotton.

Genus of plants of the family Araceae.


Genus of plants of the family Araceae.

Ferula Asafetida is a flowering plant, a herbaceous perennial plant.


Ferula Asafetida is a flowering plant, a herbaceous perennial plant.

The coffee plant is a shrub or small tree, native to subtropical Africa and southern Asia.


The coffee plant is a shrub or small tree, native to subtropical Africa and southern Asia.

Bamboos are a group of woody perennial evergreen plants in the true grass family Poaceae and occur from Northeast Asia.


Bamboos are a group of woody perennial evergreen plants in the true grass family Poaceae and occur from…

"The scaup (<em>Fuliguia mariula</em>) is a winter visitor to the United States and Southern Europe. Its food consists of marine animals and plants."&mdash;Finley, 1917

Scaup Duck

"The scaup (Fuliguia mariula) is a winter visitor to the United States and Southern Europe.…

"A genus of Old World bulbous plants belonging to the order Lilac&aelig;." &mdash;Finley, 1917


"A genus of Old World bulbous plants belonging to the order Lilacæ." —Finley, 1917

"The prunella, or self-heal, is a genus of hardy perennial, herbaceous plants belonging to the order Labiatae."&mdash;Finley, 1917


"The prunella, or self-heal, is a genus of hardy perennial, herbaceous plants belonging to the order…

"Silique, the fruit of certain cruciferous plants, consisting of a pair of valves which seperate from a central septum"&mdash;Finley, 1917


"Silique, the fruit of certain cruciferous plants, consisting of a pair of valves which seperate from…

"Star of Bethlehem, or Ornithogalum, a genus of bulbous plants belonging to the order Liliacae."&mdash;Finley, 1917

Star of Bethlehem

"Star of Bethlehem, or Ornithogalum, a genus of bulbous plants belonging to the order Liliacae."—Finley,…

"A former genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the order Caryophylacae, and now included in the genus Alsine."&mdash;Finley, 1917

Greater stitchwort

"A former genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the order Caryophylacae, and now included in the genus…

Image showing how crown grafting is done. Grafting is marrying two plants so the sap's circulation between both is united.


Image showing how crown grafting is done. Grafting is marrying two plants so the sap's circulation between…

A farmer tending his tobacco plants.

Tobacco Plants

A farmer tending his tobacco plants.

The slug, limax campestris, a pest to tobacco plants.


The slug, limax campestris, a pest to tobacco plants.

Seedlings of "a and b, Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera); c, Rhode Island Bent (Agrostis canina)." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Bent Plants

Seedlings of "a and b, Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera); c, Rhode Island Bent (Agrostis canina)."…

"Diagram to show the tangential flow of water from the side where there is less demand to the side where the demand is greater." -Stevens, 1916

Water Flow in Plants

"Diagram to show the tangential flow of water from the side where there is less demand to the side where…

"Diagram showing by the arrows how the water can flow tangentially around a plant without traversing the medullary rays, which are indicated in black." -Stevens, 1916

Water Flow in Plants

"Diagram showing by the arrows how the water can flow tangentially around a plant without traversing…

"Diagram showing the relation of the water-carrying tissues of the leaves to those of the stem, and how the older rings of growth give up their water to the newer before this water can enter the leaves. The figures at the bottom indicate in years the age of the rings." -Stevens, 1916

Water Flow in Plants

"Diagram showing the relation of the water-carrying tissues of the leaves to those of the stem, and…

A man looking into a microscope.


A man looking into a microscope.

"A a large, B a small spherical, sponge-like mass of earth which is built around the axils of the branches of trees in the tropical forests and...is seeded by ants with parasitic plants." -National Geographic, 1916

Ant Gardens

"A a large, B a small spherical, sponge-like mass of earth which is built around the axils of the branches…

The narrow-leaved arrowhead.


The narrow-leaved arrowhead.

Two plants of the Arum family: left, dragon arum (Arisaema dracontium); right, Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum.

A. Dracontium and A. Triphyllum

Two plants of the Arum family: left, dragon arum (Arisaema dracontium); right, Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema…

Two plants of the Arum family: left, arrow arum (Peltandra virginica); right, water arum (Calla palustris).

P. Virginica and C. Palustris

Two plants of the Arum family: left, arrow arum (Peltandra virginica); right, water arum (Calla palustris).

Two species of the pickerel weed family: right, pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata); left, mud plantain (Heteranthera reniformis).

Pickerel Weeds

Two species of the pickerel weed family: right, pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata); left, mud plantain…

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens and pistils on two different plants, Dioecia.

Linnaeus' Dioecia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens and pistils on two different plants, Dioecia.

"Legume.--A pod; applied to the fruit of leguminous plants, such as the pea, &c." -Newman, 1850


"Legume.--A pod; applied to the fruit of leguminous plants, such as the pea, &c." -Newman, 1850

A decorative divider with birds, plants, and spiders.

Nature Divider

A decorative divider with birds, plants, and spiders.

A decorative divider with a man in the center, surrounded by plants and animals.

Man and Animals Divider

A decorative divider with a man in the center, surrounded by plants and animals.

A decorative divider with a vase in the center surrounded by flowers, plants, and pine cones.

Vase Divider

A decorative divider with a vase in the center surrounded by flowers, plants, and pine cones.

A decorative divider with wheat in the center, surrounded by dogs, rabbits, and other plants.

Animal Divider

A decorative divider with wheat in the center, surrounded by dogs, rabbits, and other plants.

A decorative divider with leaves, flowers, and birds.

Leaves Divider

A decorative divider with leaves, flowers, and birds.

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

Leaf Divider

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

Bird Divider

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

Of the Ginseng family (Araliaceae): left, wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis); middle, ginseng (Panax quinquefolium); right, dwarf ginseng (Panax trifolium).


Of the Ginseng family (Araliaceae): left, wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis); middle, ginseng (Panax…

"Section across a lake littoral zone, showing typical plant species." From left to right: tapegrass, yellow cow lily, maidencane, cattail, willow, bald cypress, and red maple. -Phelps, 1995

Lake Littoral Zone

"Section across a lake littoral zone, showing typical plant species." From left to right: tapegrass,…

Of the Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae): left, poke milkweed (Asclepias phytolaccoides); right, four-leaved milkweed (Asclepias quadrifolia).

Poke Milkweed and Four-Leaved Milkweed

Of the Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae): left, poke milkweed (Asclepias phytolaccoides); right, four-leaved…

Of the Convolvulus family (Convolvulaceae): top, hedge bindweed (Convolvulus sepium); bottom, common dodder (Cuscuta Gronovii).

Bindweed and Dodder

Of the Convolvulus family (Convolvulaceae): top, hedge bindweed (Convolvulus sepium); bottom, common…