This rein is a harness used to control and direct with, a rein helps stop or slow up a horse by pulling on it.

Safety Driving Rein

This rein is a harness used to control and direct with, a rein helps stop or slow up a horse by pulling…

Horseshoes have always been viewed as an aid to assist horses' hooves when subjected to the various unnatural conditions brought about by domestication, whether due to work conditions or stabling and management. Countless generations of domestic horses bred for size, color, speed, and many other traits with little regard for hoof quality and soundness make some breeds more dependent on horseshoes than feral horses such as mustangs, which develop strong hooves as a matter of natural selection.

Cushioned Hooves Horseshoe

Horseshoes have always been viewed as an aid to assist horses' hooves when subjected to the various…

Tack is a term used to describe any of the various equipment and accessories worn by horses in the course of their use as domesticated animals. Saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingale, and breastplates are all forms of horse tack. Equipping a horse is often referred to as tacking up.

Safety Rein

Tack is a term used to describe any of the various equipment and accessories worn by horses in the course…

One of the two long pieces of wood, which extends before a vehicle cart and attaches to a horse hitched on a shaft.

Combined Tongue and Thill for Vehicles

One of the two long pieces of wood, which extends before a vehicle cart and attaches to a horse hitched…

Headgear without a bit that uses a nose band to control a horse is called a hackamore, or, in some areas, a bitless bridle. There are many different designs with many different name variations, but all use a nose band that is designed to exert pressure on sensitive areas of the animal's face in order to provide direction and control.

Driving Bit for Harness

Headgear without a bit that uses a nose band to control a horse is called a hackamore, or, in some areas,…

A horse harness is a type of horse tack that allows a horse or other equine to pull various horse-drawn vehicles such as a carriage, wagon or sleigh. Harnesses may also be used to hitch animals to other loads such as a plow or canal boat.

Original Use Horse Harness

A horse harness is a type of horse tack that allows a horse or other equine to pull various horse-drawn…

A clotheshorse or clothes horse, sometimes called a clothes rack, drying horse, winterdyke, clothes maiden, drying rack refers to a frame upon which clothes are hung after washing to enable them to dry. The frame is usually made of wood, metal or plastic.

Umbrella Stand and Rack

A clotheshorse or clothes horse, sometimes called a clothes rack, drying horse, winterdyke, clothes…

This is a detachable harness type of horse tack that allows a horse or other equine to pull various horse-drawn vehicles such as a carriage, wagon or sleigh. Harnesses may also be used to hitch animals to other loads such as a plow or canal boat.

Horse Detaching Harness

This is a detachable harness type of horse tack that allows a horse or other equine to pull various…

A hay rake is an agricultural rake used to collect cut hay into windrows for later collection. It is also designed to fluff up the hay and turn it over so that it may dry. A hay rake may be mechanized, drawn by a tractor or draft animals, or it may be a hand tool.

Horse Hay Rake

A hay rake is an agricultural rake used to collect cut hay into windrows for later collection. It is…

Lady Eleanor's, sister of King Edward II, elaborately decorated and upholstered carriage drawn by six horses. The carriage was built to without springs, making an uncomfortable trip.

Fourteenth Century State Carriage

Lady Eleanor's, sister of King Edward II, elaborately decorated and upholstered carriage drawn by six…

An illustration a typical street during the fourteenth century. The house in the back have Gothic tracery in the windows and arched doors common during the period. On the left side, the horses are carrying a horse litter for transporting goods.

Fourteenth Century City Street

An illustration a typical street during the fourteenth century. The house in the back have Gothic tracery…

An illustration of a remount depot built close together to prevent cold droughts. A remount depot is a stable housing 5,000 to 10,000 horses.

Remount Depot Built Close Together Stables

An illustration of a remount depot built close together to prevent cold droughts. A remount depot is…

A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design.

Carriage Cart

A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design.

A toy horse that is mounted on rockers or springs and is large enough for a child to ride. Also called hobbyhorse.

Rocking Horse

A toy horse that is mounted on rockers or springs and is large enough for a child to ride. Also called…

"The spring balance, B, is shown in a horizontal position. The ropes are held to the pulley or fly—wheel face by blocks of wood, O. The weights at W may be replaced by a spring balance if desired." —Derr, 1911

Rope Brake Measuring Brake Horse Power

"The spring balance, B, is shown in a horizontal position. The ropes are held to the pulley or fly—wheel…

An illustration of a young boy and a man riding two horses through a forest.

Two Men Riding Horses

An illustration of a young boy and a man riding two horses through a forest.

An illustration of a man riding a horse on a trail talking to a young man walking beside him. There is another man riding farther down the trail behind him.

Horseback Riding

An illustration of a man riding a horse on a trail talking to a young man walking beside him. There…

An illustration of George Washington as Commander in Chief of the American army. He is riding a horse along with other members of the American army.

George Washington Riding with the American Army

An illustration of George Washington as Commander in Chief of the American army. He is riding a horse…

An illustration of a male sea horse with its young. Male sea horses carry the fertilized eggs and carry them for about four weeks and then releases the fry. These young are susceptible to prey and not many survive however, their survival rate is higher then most fish species.

Sea Horse

An illustration of a male sea horse with its young. Male sea horses carry the fertilized eggs and carry…

"Some forms of centrifugal pump, however, have been designed for use with horse power and even for windmills."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Centrifugal Pump

"Some forms of centrifugal pump, however, have been designed for use with horse power and even for windmills."—Government…

"While Paul Revere is riding out through Medford, Ebenezer Door, mounted on an old plod-jogging horse, with his saddle-bags flopping at every step of the animal, is going out over Boston Neck."—Coffin, 1879

Ebenezer Dorr

"While Paul Revere is riding out through Medford, Ebenezer Door, mounted on an old plod-jogging horse,…

"Then came Lord Cathcart upon a powerful horse. He was chief of the knights. Two negro slaves wearing white breeches and blue sashes, with large silver clasps around their necks, help his stirrups."—Coffin, 1879

Captain Cathcart

"Then came Lord Cathcart upon a powerful horse. He was chief of the knights. Two negro slaves wearing…

"The horse moves very slow - he hangs his head, / He's traveled long till he's quite wearied. / The rider, thinking to relieve his nag, / On his own shoulders puts a heavy bad. / Short-sighted reasoner, who thinks, of course, / That such a change must greatly help the horse."—Barber, 1857

A Change, but No Relief

"The horse moves very slow - he hangs his head, / He's traveled long till he's quite wearied. / The…

"The wind has blown the gate quite open wide; / To shut it, no one will step aside: / 'I have no business with another's gate,' / So thus the selfish man will surely prate: / An open gate, the cattle soon find out, / And trample in with hogs who root about; / A motley drove now wander o'er the ground, / And desolation, is seen around."—Barber, 1857

What is Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business

"The wind has blown the gate quite open wide; / To shut it, no one will step aside: / 'I have no business…

A form of transportation used during 17th century England.

Coach and Sedan Chair

A form of transportation used during 17th century England.

A stagecoach used during the eighteenth century.

An Eighteenth-Century Stagecoach

A stagecoach used during the eighteenth century.

A cartoon image showing some soldiers on horses running to attack a castle.

The Fight

A cartoon image showing some soldiers on horses running to attack a castle.

"The chariot was discovered in 1903 in an Ertuscan cemetery near Rome. It dates from perhaps 600 B.C. Almost every part of the vehicle is covered with thin plates of bronze, elaborately decorated. The wheels are only two feet in diameter. Since the chariot is too small and delicate for use in warfare, we may believe it to have been intended for ceremonial purposes only."—Webster, 1913

A Graeco-Ertuscan Chariot

"The chariot was discovered in 1903 in an Ertuscan cemetery near Rome. It dates from perhaps 600 B.C.…

A barn used primarily to house horses.

Horse Barn

A barn used primarily to house horses.

A barn used to house horses and cattle.

Cattle and Horse Barn

A barn used to house horses and cattle.

A decorative letter S with two people riding on a horse.

Letter S with Horse

A decorative letter S with two people riding on a horse.

A famous racehorse who won a match in 1878.

Ten Broeck

A famous racehorse who won a match in 1878.

The hoof of a horse.

Horse's Hoof

The hoof of a horse.

A large horse bred for hard, heavy tasks.

French Draught Horse

A large horse bred for hard, heavy tasks.

A breed of pony used for riding, driving, and pack purposes.

Shetland Pony

A breed of pony used for riding, driving, and pack purposes.

A famous racehorse.

Maud S

A famous racehorse.

A famous racehorse used in the mid-19th century.

Flora Temple

A famous racehorse used in the mid-19th century.

A perennial plant used as a condiment.


A perennial plant used as a condiment.

The superficial muscles in a horse.

Horse Muscles

The superficial muscles in a horse.

"Horse in the act of trotting. In this, as in all the other paces, the body of the horse is levered forward by a diagonal twisting of the trunk and extremities, the extremities describing a figure-of-8 track (s u, r t).—Pettigrew, 1857

Trotting Horse

"Horse in the act of trotting. In this, as in all the other paces, the body of the horse is levered…

An ancient Assyrian divider with an ornamental horse design.

Assyrian Divider 1

An ancient Assyrian divider with an ornamental horse design.

This insect can be beneficial to gardens. This insect eats other insects and snails.

Devil's Coach Horse

This insect can be beneficial to gardens. This insect eats other insects and snails.

The Devil's Coach Horse is also known as Rove Beetles. These beetles feed largely on decaying matter.

Devil's Coach Horse

The Devil's Coach Horse is also known as Rove Beetles. These beetles feed largely on decaying matter.

The common names of pavia are buckeye and smooth-fruited horse chestnut. The californica variety has white or pale rose flowers. The flowers are very fragrant and cover the dense head of the tree. Pictured is the flowering branch, detached leaf, flower, and young fruit of pavia californica.

Pavia Californica

The common names of pavia are buckeye and smooth-fruited horse chestnut. The californica variety has…

Common horse chestnut is the common name of <i>Aesculus hippocastanum</i>. The tree is large, between sixty and eighty feet tall. The flowers are white tinged with red.

Opening Foliage of Common Horse Chestnut

Common horse chestnut is the common name of Aesculus hippocastanum. The tree is large, between sixty…

Illustrated is a garden or truck cultivator. These are made for both horse and man power.

Garden Cultivator

Illustrated is a garden or truck cultivator. These are made for both horse and man power.

Westington six-pole street-railway generator. The smaller units are connected to the belt, which is typical when the floor space has no restriction. This belted model is not as efficient as the direct-connected model, but for jobs up to 300 horse power the difference can be overlooked.

Street Generator

Westington six-pole street-railway generator. The smaller units are connected to the belt, which is…

Different types of horse breeds. Left is a draft horse, middle is a Shetland pony, and the right is a trotter.

Horse Breeds

Different types of horse breeds. Left is a draft horse, middle is a Shetland pony, and the right is…

A mule is a member of the horse family. A mule is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse, while a hinny is a cross between a male horse and a female donkey, but is not the name of a female mule. Mules are more common than hinnies. Because horses and donkeys have different numbers of chromosomes,all male and most female mules and hinnies are infertile crossbreeds.

Mule & Hinny

A mule is a member of the horse family. A mule is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse,…

The Peteler locust crushing machine was a horse drawn device used to trap and kill locusts. Locusts were a serious hazard to agriculture in the 1800's; this device was one of many used in an attempt to cut back on overwhelming locust populations.

Peteler locust crushing machine

The Peteler locust crushing machine was a horse drawn device used to trap and kill locusts. Locusts…

The King Suction Machine was considered one of the most effective locust extermination machines of its time. It employed a revolving fan to vacuum locusts into a crushing chamber, then ejected their carcasses back down into the soil.

KIng Suction Machine

The King Suction Machine was considered one of the most effective locust extermination machines of its…

The Flory-locust machine was a horse-drawn implement used by farmers to exterminate locust populations. This device was employed with moderate effect. Locusts would be startled into jumping as it rolled over them, and crushed in the moving belts.

The Flory-Locust Machine

The Flory-locust machine was a horse-drawn implement used by farmers to exterminate locust populations.…

The Wilson-Rhode locust catcher was a horse-drawn device used to trap and kill locusts. Locusts were a serious hazard to agriculture in the 1800's; this device was one of many used in an attempt to cut back on overwhelming locust populations.

Wilson-Rhode Locust Catcher

The Wilson-Rhode locust catcher was a horse-drawn device used to trap and kill locusts. Locusts were…

A horse-drawn chariot for soldiers, used to break enemy battalions. The wheels are equipped with blades or scythes, affixed to the axletrees. An archer rides next to the driver, taking aim.

A Chariot of Iron

A horse-drawn chariot for soldiers, used to break enemy battalions. The wheels are equipped with blades…

A gadfly, or Bot-fly, that lays its eggs on horses. After these eggs hatch on the skin, the larvae bore into the skin and create tumors ('warbles') beneath it. When fully fed, they leave their host and drop to the ground, bury themselves, and, after pupation, emerge as flies. This illustration is enlarged, and also shows the larvae.

Gadfly of Horse

A gadfly, or Bot-fly, that lays its eggs on horses. After these eggs hatch on the skin, the larvae bore…

The horse leech, similar to the medicinal leech, feeds chiefly on earthworms and on other leeches.

Horse Leech

The horse leech, similar to the medicinal leech, feeds chiefly on earthworms and on other leeches.

This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of the leg:
1. Human, 2. Ox, 3. Horse, 4. Bird, 5. Frog, 6. Crocodile, 7. Seal, 8. Dog, 9. Bear
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis.

Human Leg (Front View), and Comparative Diagrams showing Modifications of the Leg

This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of…

This illustration shows the leg of a horse.

Leg of Horse

This illustration shows the leg of a horse.

The anatomy of a horse.  1, ears; 2, forelock; 3, forehead; 4, eyes; 5, eye-pits; 6, nose; 7, nostril; 8, point of nose; 9, lips; 10, nether jaw; 11, cheek; 12, poll; 13, mane; 14, withers; 15, parotid glands; 16, throat; 17, neck; 18, jugular vein; 19, shoulder; 20, breast; 21, ribs; 22, back; 23, loins; 24, hip; 25, flank; 26, belly; 27, haunch; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 30, stifle; 31, leg; 32, tail; 33, hock or hough; 34, cannon or shank bone; 35, arms; 36, knees; 37, passage for girth; 38, elbow; 39, shank; 40, bullet; 41, pasterns; 42, coronet; 43, foot; 44, hoof; 45, fetlock.


The anatomy of a horse. 1, ears; 2, forelock; 3, forehead; 4, eyes; 5, eye-pits; 6, nose; 7, nostril;…

Soldiers chasing a lone man who is assumed to be an enemy or spy.

Civil War Horse Chase

Soldiers chasing a lone man who is assumed to be an enemy or spy.