A South African buffalo with horns that meet in the middle of the head.

Cape Buffalo

A South African buffalo with horns that meet in the middle of the head.

Portrait of General Monk who was at the head of the army in England

General Monk

Portrait of General Monk who was at the head of the army in England

Head of the Button-bush.


Head of the Button-bush.

Head of flowers of a Coreopsis, divided lengthwise.


Head of flowers of a Coreopsis, divided lengthwise.

Iron spear heads from Africa used to tip throwing weapons for hunting, etc.

Iron Spear Heads

Iron spear heads from Africa used to tip throwing weapons for hunting, etc.

Part of the head or spike of spore-cases, with some of the latter taken off.


Part of the head or spike of spore-cases, with some of the latter taken off.

A most singularly-formed insect; the front part of its head being much prolonged, and projecting upward like a thin curved horn.


A most singularly-formed insect; the front part of its head being much prolonged, and projecting upward…

This painting is by Andrea Mantegna is a great example of popular art from the baroque period. It can now be found in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

Judith with the Head of Holofernes

This painting is by Andrea Mantegna is a great example of popular art from the baroque period. It can…

Mark Twain illustrating an Italian newspaper as saying that the Italian sovereigns are coming back-they have been to England. They have enlarged the King at the Italian hospital.

They Enlarged The King

Mark Twain illustrating an Italian newspaper as saying that the Italian sovereigns are coming back-they…

Man in the Moon smiling with clouds in the back.


Man in the Moon smiling with clouds in the back.

Samuel Morse explaining his telegraph to members of Congress.  Morse made his last trip to Washington, D.C., in December 1842, stringing "wires between two committee rooms in the Capitol, and sent messages back and forth" to demonstrate his telegraph system.

Samuel Morse

Samuel Morse explaining his telegraph to members of Congress. Morse made his last trip to Washington,…

In this age the animals and plants begin to resemble existing species. The age is characterized mainly by the preponderance of reptiles, many of which were very large, as, for example, the <em>plesiosaurus</em>, an animal with a long, snake-like neck and a huge body, or the <em>ichthyosaurus</em>, with a head like a crocodile and short neck and large body. Both of these animals were furnished with fin-like paddles, and lived in water.


In this age the animals and plants begin to resemble existing species. The age is characterized mainly…

1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process of Temporal bone 6. Zygoma 7. Superior Maxillary Bone 8. Inferior Maxillary Bone 9. Tempero-Maxillary Bone 10. Nasal Bone 11. Orbit 12. Cervical Vertebra 13. First Rib 14. Clavicle 15. Manubrium 16. Body of Sternum 17. Ensiform Process of Sternum 18. Shoulder Blade 19. Acromion Process of Scapula 20. Costal Cartilage 21. Seventh Rib 22. Eighth Rib 23. Twelfth Rib 24. Twelfth Dorsal Vertebra 25. Lumbar Vertebra 26. Head of Humerus 27. Humerus 28. Elbow-Joint 29. Radius 30. Ulna 31. Wrist 32. Metacarpal bone 33.Thumb 34. Phalanges of the Finger 35. Sacrum 36. Ilium 37. Crest of the Ilium 38. Pubic Bone 39. Ischium 40. Sacro-Iliac Symphysis 41. Pubic Symphysis 42. Obturator Foramen 43. Head of Femur 44. Neck of Femur 45. Greater trochanter 46. Femur 47 Patella knee-pan 48. Tibia 49. Fibula 50. External Malleolus 51. Internal Malleolus 52. Os Calcis 53. Tarsus 54. Metatarsal Bone 55. Phalanges of Toes


1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process…

1. Temporal Artery 2. Artery behind the ear 3. Occipital Artery 4. Greater occipital nerve 5. Smaller ocipital nerve 6. Nerve of the neck 7. Trapezius muscle 8. Clavicular nerve 9. Clavicle 10. Sterno-0cleido-mastoid muscle 11.Outer artery of the head 12. Inner artery of the head 13. Salivary gland 14. Nerves of the lower jaw 15. Outer maxillary artery 16. Nerve of the chin 17. Circular muscle of th emouth 18. Greater yoke muscle 19. Nerves below the eye 20. Masseter or chewing muscle 21. Ear passage 22. Arteries of the forehead 23. Nerves of the forehead 24. Eye closing muscle 25.Facial Artery 26. Facial nerve


1. Temporal Artery 2. Artery behind the ear 3. Occipital Artery 4. Greater occipital nerve 5. Smaller…

Section through the Head and Neck on the Median Line. 1. Medulla Oblongata 2. Pons 3. Right lobe of cerebrum 4. Cerebellum in section 5. Blood vessel 6. Corpus Striatum 7. Nasal Passage 8. Nasal bone 9. Soft Palate 10. Hard Palate 11. Tongue 12. Epiglottis 13. Os Hyoides 14. Oesaphagus 15. Spinal 16. Larynx 17. Windpipe

Sectional view of the Head

Section through the Head and Neck on the Median Line. 1. Medulla Oblongata 2. Pons 3. Right lobe of…

The chief characteristics of the Asian race are: broad head; angular face; high cheek-bones; small, obliquely-set eyes; straight, coarse, black hair; scanty beard, and short stature. The color of the skin varies from pale lemon to brownish yellow.


The chief characteristics of the Asian race are: broad head; angular face; high cheek-bones; small,…

One of the greatest of the Girondists, was born at Marseilles, March 6, 1767. At first an advocate and journalist at Marseilles, he was sent by that city to the Constituent Assembly at Paris. There he opposed the Court party, and took part with the Minister, Roland, then out of favor. After the events of the 10th of August, 1792, he returned to his native town, where he was received with enthusiasm, and was soon after chosen delegate to the Convention. In the Convention he adhered to the Girondists, and belonged to the party who, at the trial of the King, voted for an appeal to the people. He boldly opposed the party of Marat and Robespierre, and even directly accused the latter of aiming at the dictatorship; consequently, he was, in May, 1793, proscribed as a royalist and enemy of the Republic. He fled to Calvados, and thence with a few friends to the Gironde, where he wandered about country, hiding himself as he best could for about 13 months. At last, on the point of being taken, he tried to shoot himself; but the shot miscarried, and he was guillotined at Bordeaux, June 25, 1794. This "brave and beautiful young Spartan" was one of the great spirits of the Revolution. There was no loftier-minded dreamer in the Girondist ranks; hardly a nobler head than his fell in that reign of terror. He was "ripe in energy, not ripe in wisdom," says Carlyle, or the history of France might have been different.

Charles Jean Marie Barbaroux

One of the greatest of the Girondists, was born at Marseilles, March 6, 1767. At first an advocate and…

A French Jacobin, born in Province, in 1755, of an ancient family; served as second lieutenant in the regiment of Languedoc until 1775. He made, about this time, a voyage to the Isle-de-France, the governor of which was one of his relations, and entered into the garrison of Pondicherry. On his return, he gave himself up to gambling and women, and dissipated his fortune. The Revolution broke out. He immediately showed himself an opponent of the Court, and had a seat in the <em>tiers-etat</em>, while his brother was sitting in that of the nobility. July 14, 1789, he took part in the attack upon the Bastille, and Aug. 10, 1792, upon the Tuileries. In 1792 he was elected a member of the National Convention, and voted for the unconditional death of Louis XVI. He was sent, in 1793, to the South of France, and commanded the left wing of the besieging army under Dugommier, and it was here that he first met Napoleon Bonaparte, then captain of artillery. The patriotic reputation of Barras was so well established that he abd Freron were the only representatives not denounced by the popular societies. Robespierre, however, was friend of his, and often wished to arrest him. Barras, knowing this, became one of the principle actors of the 9th Thermidor, and put himself at the head of the troops which surrounded Robespierre at the Hotel de Ville. In 1794 he was named one of the Committee of Public Safety, and became a great enemy to the members of the members of the "Mountain." In February, 1795, he was elected President of the Convention, and, in that capacity, declared Paris in a state of siege, when the Assembly was attacked by the populace. Afterward, when the Convention was assailed, Bonaparte, by Barras' advice, was appointed to command the artillery; and that general, on the 13th Vendemaire, decisively repressed the royalist movement. For his services, Barras was now named one of the Directory, and took a prominent part in the changes which that body unerwent until Napoleon's <em>coup d'etat</em> on the 18th Brumaire, which effectually overthrew the power of Barrras and his colleagues. His life, from this date, was, generally speaking, one of retirement. He died in Paris, Jan. 29, 1829. His "Memoirs" appeared in 1895.

Comte de Barras

A French Jacobin, born in Province, in 1755, of an ancient family; served as second lieutenant in the…

A slice of the head of flowers of a Coreopsis, with one tubular perfect flower (a) left standing on the receptacle, with its bractlet or chaff (b), one ligulate and meutral ray-flower (cc), and part of another; (dd), section or bracts or leaves of the involucre.


A slice of the head of flowers of a Coreopsis, with one tubular perfect flower (a) left standing on…

Pediculus Pubis. The crab-louse is gray-black and is a much broader square form than the other two species of louse, that has been a great scourge to soliders in time of war. This insect has been named the crab-louse from its broad crab-like appearance. It is of grayish color; the head is small, and appears to be united with the broad body without any thorax; it inhabits the hairy part of the body, under the arms or shoulders, in the beard, etc., but appears to avoid the head. These insects pierce deeply into the skin of mankind, and produce an intolerable itching.

Crab Louse

Pediculus Pubis. The crab-louse is gray-black and is a much broader square form than the other two species…

The head of the female dobson.


The head of the female dobson.

Head of the adult laced wing-fly.

Lacewing Fly

Head of the adult laced wing-fly.

A detailed view of the back of the hog-louse of the Hermatopinus urius species.

Hog Louse

A detailed view of the back of the hog-louse of the Hermatopinus urius species.

Aleyrodes Citri, the head from the side.

White Fly

Aleyrodes Citri, the head from the side.

Development of a Jassid, Agallia sanguinolenta species; head of larva.


Development of a Jassid, Agallia sanguinolenta species; head of larva.

Head of Cicindela, to show mandible.

Tiger Beetle

Head of Cicindela, to show mandible.

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species; larva.

Apple Borer

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species; larva.

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species; pupa.

Apple Borer

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species; pupa.

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species.

Apple Borer

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species.

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species; adult.

Apple Borer

The flat-head apple-borer Chrysobothris femorata species; adult.

Soldier-beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus species; head.

Soldier Beetle

Soldier-beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus species; head.

Rose-chafer, Macrodaclylus subspinosus species; head.

Rose Chafer

Rose-chafer, Macrodaclylus subspinosus species; head.

Tribolium cofusum species; head with antenna.


Tribolium cofusum species; head with antenna.

Tribolium cofusum species; head with antenna.


Tribolium cofusum species; head with antenna.

Epicauta vittata species; coarctata larva from back.

Blister Beetle

Epicauta vittata species; coarctata larva from back.

Head of a moth; the tongue uncoiled.


Head of a moth; the tongue uncoiled.

Head of a moth; tongue partly coiled seen from side.


Head of a moth; tongue partly coiled seen from side.

Head of a moth; the appearance of tongue under a lens.


Head of a moth; the appearance of tongue under a lens.

Head of Papilio, showing where antenna are inserted.


Head of Papilio, showing where antenna are inserted.

Head of Hesperid, showing where antenna are inserted.


Head of Hesperid, showing where antenna are inserted.

The saddle-back caterpillar of the Empretia stinulea species.


The saddle-back caterpillar of the Empretia stinulea species.

The saddle-back caterpillar of the Empretia stinulea species.


The saddle-back caterpillar of the Empretia stinulea species.

The saddle-back moth of the Empretia stinulea species.


The saddle-back moth of the Empretia stinulea species.

The wheat-head army-worm; eating out a head of grain.


The wheat-head army-worm; eating out a head of grain.

The wheat-head army-worm; eggs under a leaf sheath.


The wheat-head army-worm; eggs under a leaf sheath.

The wheat-head army-worm; sheath.


The wheat-head army-worm; sheath.

The wheat-head army-worm; sheath.


The wheat-head army-worm; sheath.

The wheat-head army-worm; moth.


The wheat-head army-worm; moth.

The fall army-worm; head.


The fall army-worm; head.

The codling moth, Carpocapsa pomonella species; head of larva.

Codling Moth

The codling moth, Carpocapsa pomonella species; head of larva.

Screw-worm of the Lucilia macellaria species; head from side.


Screw-worm of the Lucilia macellaria species; head from side.

Cabbage-maggot, Phorbia brassicae species; its head.

Cabbage Maggot

Cabbage-maggot, Phorbia brassicae species; its head.

<em>Tremex columba</em>, head of larva.

Pigeon Horntail

Tremex columba, head of larva.

Long-tailed ichneumon, Thalessa lunator, head of larva.


Long-tailed ichneumon, Thalessa lunator, head of larva.

Cremastogaster lineolata, head of large worker.

Crematogaster Ant

Cremastogaster lineolata, head of large worker.

A French wood carved door head from the 18th century.

Door Ornament

A French wood carved door head from the 18th century.

Flower head of senecio vulgaris.

Flower head

Flower head of senecio vulgaris.

Head of a cuttlefish, showing the brain cavity.

Head of cuttlefish

Head of a cuttlefish, showing the brain cavity.

Skull of a Greek tortoise, showing the brain cavity.

Skull of Greek tortoise

Skull of a Greek tortoise, showing the brain cavity.

"The Japanese spaniel, sometimes called the 'sleeve dog', is black and white in color; coat massive and very silky; tail tightly curled over its back, with flowering plume; very diminutive, some specimens weighing under four pounds."—Finley, 1917

Japanese Spaniel

"The Japanese spaniel, sometimes called the 'sleeve dog', is black and white in color; coat massive…