"Cornelius Vanderbilt was involved in the New York Central Station."—E. Benjamin Andrews 1895
The all-steel postal car was first used by the Erie Railroad. The first of the type was built by the…
"View from Peekskill Landing. This view is from Peekskill landing, looking up the river. On the left…
"View of the town of Strasburg, valley of the Shenandoah, occupied by the Federal forces under General…
"View of the town of Strasburg, valley of the Shenandoah, occupied by the Federal forces under General…
"Man walking dogs in the 'Grand Skedaddle' of the inhabitants from Charleston, S. C., when threatened…
"The 'Grand Skedaddle' of the inhabitants from Charleston, S. C., when threatened by an attack from…
"The 'Grand Skedaddle' of the inhabitants from Charleston, S. C., when threatened by an attack from…
"The 'Grand Skedaddle' of the inhabitants from Charleston, S. C., when threatened by an attack from…
"Jefferson City, capital of Missouri. The arrival of General Fremont's division, September 26th, 1861.…
"Jefferson City, capital of Missouri. The arrival of General Fremont's division, September 26th, 1861.…
"View of Grafton, West Virginia, occupied by the Federal Troops, under the command of General McClellan,…
"View of Grafton, West Virginia, occupied by the Federal Troops, under the command of General McClellan,…
"View of Grafton, West Virginia, occupied by the Federal Troops, under the command of General McClellan,…
"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…
"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…
"Valley of the Chickahominy, looking southeast from the vicinity of Mechanicsville, the scene of the…
"Valley of the Chickahominy, looking southeast from the vicinity of Mechanicsville, the scene of the…
"Valley of the Chickahominy, looking southeast from the vicinity of Mechanicsville, the scene of the…
"Bellaire, O.- Steamboats conveying troops and munitions of war for the Federal forces on the Great…
"Bellaire, O.- Steamboats conveying troops and munitions of war for the Federal forces on the Great…
"Bellaire, O.- Steamboats conveying troops and munitions of war for the Federal forces on the Great…
"Scene on the James River, at Richmond. This view is from a long shaded island extending up the river…
"Chatterton's Hill, from the rail-way station. This is a view of the southeastern side of Chatterton's…
"The first passenger locomotive built in the United States. A year after the Enterprise sailed for India,…
"George Brinton McClellan was born at Philadelphia, December 3, 1826. He was for two years a student…
"Thomas Alva Edison was born at Milan, Ohio, February 11, 1847, but the family soon after moved to Port…
"Three locomotives were imported from England in 1829, and the first trial in America took place Aug.…
"Three locomotives were imported from England in 1829, and the first trial in America took place Aug.…
Fairchild was Attorney General of New York and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Fairchild also was president…
"A formidable obstacle against cavalry consists of railroad ties planted at intervals of 10 feet with…
Superintendent of the New Jersey Southern railroad and New York and Long Branch railroad.
Making up rafts on the Susquehanna River. A scene on the line of the Erie Railroad.
Passenger Depot of the Chicago and North-Western Railroad, corner of Wells and Kinzie streets.
"The following description of a section of Lord Rosse's telescope, though not so perfect as could be…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge coarsely and evenly wavy-toothed. Outline - reverse egg-shape or sometimes…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness; arranged along the branches in…
"The capital of Bohemian, a prosperous well-built city near the centre of the kingdom, on both sides…
George Stephenson's locomotive, 'the rocket' was a great innovation towards the development of railroad…
"Largest locomotive ever built. Designed for the Virginian Railway by the Baldwin Locomotive Works."…
"Deformation of shale by porphyry, Burlington Railroad, east of Whitetail Gulch." -Walcott, 1901
An illustration of Atlanta, Georgia as depicted in 1874. Atlanta, GA is the capital and the most populous…
Ambrose Everett Burnside (May 23, 1824 – September 13, 1881) was an American soldier, railroad executive,…
Jason "Jay" Gould (May 27, 1836 - December 2, 1892) was an American financier who became a leading American…
A train is a connected series of vehicles that move along a track (permanent way) to transport freight…