The head of a common bat.

Bat Head

The head of a common bat.

A light frame of wood covered with paper, for flying in the air.


A light frame of wood covered with paper, for flying in the air.

"Flying Mercury" — Gayley, 1893

Flying Mercury

"Flying Mercury" — Gayley, 1893

"So peculiar and strange is the structure of these animals, that the first specimen discovered was classed by one naturalist as a bird, by another as a species of bat, and by yet a third as a flying reptile." — Goodrich, 1844

Pterodactyle skeleton

"So peculiar and strange is the structure of these animals, that the first specimen discovered was classed…

"The persecution which Latona experienced from Juno is alluded to in the story. The tradition was that the future mother of Apollo and Diana, flying from the wrath of Juno, besought all the islands of the Aegean to afford her a place of rest, but all feared too much the potent queen of heavan to assist her rival." —Bulfinch, 1897

Leto or Latona

"The persecution which Latona experienced from Juno is alluded to in the story. The tradition was that…

A dove, flying.


A dove, flying.

Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds, they are highly eficient in the air, using dynamic soaring and slope soaring to cover great distances with little exertion.


Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds, they are highly eficient in the air, using dynamic…

A fast flying bird of Europe.

European Swift

A fast flying bird of Europe.

A flying fish with extremely large wing like pectoral fins divided into two portions.

Flying Gurnard

A flying fish with extremely large wing like pectoral fins divided into two portions.

A Vampire Bat hanging from a tree branch.

Vampire Bat

A Vampire Bat hanging from a tree branch.

Vampire bat teeth.

Vampire Bat Teeth

Vampire bat teeth.

Bees flying out of their hive and towards the ant hill in a miniature zeppelin.

Ants and Bees

Bees flying out of their hive and towards the ant hill in a miniature zeppelin.

A bird just hatching from its egg with a butterfly flying near.

Baby Bird

A bird just hatching from its egg with a butterfly flying near.

About 4 inces in length and has a long slender tail. It has a large frill on each side of its body, formed of skin stretched over six elongated hinder ribs, which like a parachute sustain the creature in te air for a few moments.

Flying Dragon

About 4 inces in length and has a long slender tail. It has a large frill on each side of its body,…

A small flying dormouse wit hony three molars on the top and three on the bottom.

Dormouse Phalanger

A small flying dormouse wit hony three molars on the top and three on the bottom.

An optical instrument which the representatin of actual motion, as in leaping, walking, flying, etc.


An optical instrument which the representatin of actual motion, as in leaping, walking, flying, etc.

The sun setting over the ocean with birds flying in the air.

Sun and Ocean

The sun setting over the ocean with birds flying in the air.

"Flying Buttress of Flank." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Flying Buttress

"Flying Buttress of Flank." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

A flying insect known for its colors and patterns on their wings.


A flying insect known for its colors and patterns on their wings.

"The Sphingina or Sphinx Moths, so callled from the curious havit which the larva have of raising the anterior segments of their bodies, and remaining motionless in this position for hours, thus bearing a fanciful resemblace to the fabled Sphinx, are for the most part crepuscular and day-flying." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893

Sphinx Moth

"The Sphingina or Sphinx Moths, so callled from the curious havit which the larva have of raising the…

"The Sphingina or Sphinx Moths, so callled from the curious havit which the larva have of raising the anterior segments of their bodies, and remaining motionless in this position for hours, thus bearing a fanciful resemblace to the fabled Sphinx, are for the most part crepuscular and day-flying." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893

Sphinx Moth

"The Sphingina or Sphinx Moths, so callled from the curious havit which the larva have of raising the…

"The Noctuina form an eceedingly large group of nocturnal moths, although even here there are a few exceptional instances of day-flying species. They are distinguished by their stout bodies and narrow forewings, under which when reposing they conceal the inferior and in many cases more brightly-colored pair. The majority of the species are small and dull in their colors, while a few are among the largest of known insects." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Noctuina form an eceedingly large group of nocturnal moths, although even here there are a few…

"The Noctuina form an eceedingly large group of nocturnal moths, although even here there are a few exceptional instances of day-flying species. They are distinguished by their stout bodies and narrow forewings, under which when reposing they conceal the inferior and in many cases more brightly-colored pair. The majority of the species are small and dull in their colors, while a few are among the largest of known insects." — Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Noctuina form an eceedingly large group of nocturnal moths, although even here there are a few…

An extinct reptile of the dinosaur age.


An extinct reptile of the dinosaur age.

A small fruit eating flying bat.

Flying Fox

A small fruit eating flying bat.

A small fruit eating flying bat.

Fruit Bat

A small fruit eating flying bat.

A gecko with small wings for gliding.

Flying Gecko

A gecko with small wings for gliding.

A large non—flying bird of South America.

South American Ostrich

A large non—flying bird of South America.

"Ant-lion larva." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Ant-lion larva." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

"Ant-lion perfect insect." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Ant-lion perfect insect." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Geometric pattern for translation and rotation exercises.

Geometric Block Pattern 79

Geometric pattern for translation and rotation exercises.

Cent (1 cent) United States coin from 1856. Obverse has a left-flying eagle and is inscribed - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1856. Reverse shows the value surrounded by a cotton, tobacco and grain wreath.

Copper-Nickel Cent Coin, 1856

Cent (1 cent) United States coin from 1856. Obverse has a left-flying eagle and is inscribed - UNITED…

Reverse side of American twenty-five cent piece with flying eagle.


Reverse side of American twenty-five cent piece with flying eagle.

Five birds taking flight from a tree.


Five birds taking flight from a tree.

A large tree atop a hillside near a fence and birds flying by.


A large tree atop a hillside near a fence and birds flying by.

A sailing vessel with numbered sails:"1. Flying jib, 2. Jib, 3. Fore staysail, 4. Foresail, 5. Fore gaff topsail, 6. Main topmast staysail, 7. Mainsail, 8. Main gaff topsail


A sailing vessel with numbered sails: "1. Flying jib, 2. Jib, 3. Fore staysail, 4. Foresail, 5. Fore…

(1813-1883) German composer most famous for Rienzi and The Flying Dutchman.

Wilhelm Richard Wagner

(1813-1883) German composer most famous for Rienzi and The Flying Dutchman.

The flying buttresses of Notre Dame in Paris, France.

Flying Buttresses

The flying buttresses of Notre Dame in Paris, France.

Santa Claus with many children in his sleigh flying to the North Pole.

Santa and Children

Santa Claus with many children in his sleigh flying to the North Pole.

A decorative border with a chicken on a farm.

Chicken Border

A decorative border with a chicken on a farm.

The flying fox or fruit bat is a large bat from the genus Pteropus.

Flying Fox

The flying fox or fruit bat is a large bat from the genus Pteropus.

Illustration of a tree branch with 7 birds and one flying away. It can be used to write mathematics story problems involving addition and subtraction. For example: 8 birds were on the tree. One flew away. How many feet were left?

8 Birds On A Tree Branch

Illustration of a tree branch with 7 birds and one flying away. It can be used to write mathematics…

The flying fox or Pteropus, the largest genus of bats.

Flying Fox Bat

The flying fox or Pteropus, the largest genus of bats.

Maple seeds.

Maple Seed

Maple seeds.

The skeleton of a bat's wing.

Bat Wing

The skeleton of a bat's wing.

"A sphinx moth with a long sucking-tube." -Bergen, 1896

Sphinx Moth

"A sphinx moth with a long sucking-tube." -Bergen, 1896

The bumblebee.


The bumblebee.

A large insect of the order Homptera.


A large insect of the order Homptera.

"A genus of extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria, found in the Jura Limestone formation, in the Lias at Lyme-Regis, in the Oolite slate of Stonefield." -Marshall


"A genus of extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria, found in the Jura Limestone formation,…

A flock of geese flying over a town.


A flock of geese flying over a town.

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is shorter in proportion to the trunk than in warm-blooded vertebrates. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, stomach; 3, small intestine; 4,large intestine.

The Alimentary Canal of the Flying Lizard

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is…

"A body whose average density is so much less than that of air that the body will rise, lifting not only itself, but a considerable load."

Spherical Balloon

"A body whose average density is so much less than that of air that the body will rise, lifting not…

"A large balloon successfully equipped with a powerful oil engine, a propellor, and a rudder."

Dirigible Balloon

"A large balloon successfully equipped with a powerful oil engine, a propellor, and a rudder."

The most successful flying experiment, which in 1908 made many successful ascensions. The plane was invented and flown by the Wright Brothers.

Wright Brothers Aeroplane

The most successful flying experiment, which in 1908 made many successful ascensions. The plane was…

The dragonfly is an insect belonging to the Odonata order.


The dragonfly is an insect belonging to the Odonata order.

An insect with four large transparent wings, that are net-veined. They are abundant in ponds and still waters.


An insect with four large transparent wings, that are net-veined. They are abundant in ponds and still…

Two biplanes flying through the clouds.


Two biplanes flying through the clouds.

A zeppelin airship flying over water.


A zeppelin airship flying over water.

"These Flying-fishes in their common element are harassed by the attacks of other inhabitants of the ocean, and when under the excitement of fear they take to the air. Their flight does not usually exceed thirty seconds. They fly from two to three feet above the water."

The Flying Fish (E. Volitans)

"These Flying-fishes in their common element are harassed by the attacks of other inhabitants of the…

"The Flying Gurnard has the fin rays of the pectorals connected by membranes, by which it is enabled to support itself in the air, like the flying-fish."

The Flying Gurnard (Dactylopterus Volitans)

"The Flying Gurnard has the fin rays of the pectorals connected by membranes, by which it is enabled…