A scene from the story, Jumbo's Garden. Jumbo had a garden, a pretty little garden, filled…
The milky juice obtained fom the unripe capsules of several species of the poppy, which is rendered…
A fleshy plant grown extensively as a garden vegetable. It is thought to be native to India, where it…
A shrubby plant belonging to the same genus as the blackberry. It is cultivated extensively as a garden…
This illustration shows the scaly bulb of a Lily. Lilies are showy and large flowered plants that are…
Adelaide's Botanical Gardens is a 125 acres of land, located inside the north east corner of Adelaide's…
"Epidermis of the garden Balsam, showing stomata st, of an elliptical form." — Encyclopedia Britanica,…
"The drag is a useful, light three-pronged tool which may be used for loosening the soil amongst vegetable…
"Selby's Flower Gatherer which cuts and holds the flower at the same time." — Encyclopedia Britannica,…
"A new instrument for clipping hedges, Ridgeway's hedge-cutter, does its work quickly and well; and…
"Sulphurators are instruments for distributing flowers of sulphur, for the purpose of destroying mildew.…
"Sulphurators are instruments for distributing flowers of sulphur, for the purpose of destroying mildew.…
"Root suckers are young shoots from the roots of plants, chiefly woody plants, as may often be seenin…
"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make…
"Whip-grafting or tongue-grafting is the most usual mode of performing the operation. The stock is headed…
"Cleft-grafting is another method in common use. The stock a is cleft down from the horizontal cut d,…
"Crown-grafting is preferable to cleft-grafting, inasmuch as it leaves no open spaces in the wood. The…
"Fahlias and paeonies may be grafted by inserting young shoots into the neck of one of the fleshy roots…
"In the case of large woody plants thus worked the grafted roots, after the operation is completed,…
"The simplest and most generally practised form of budding is that called Shield budding or T-budding.…
"A special contrivance for a cutting pot was brought into notice many years ago by Mr. A. Forsyth. A…
"Many plans may be propagated by planting their leaves or portions of their leaves as cuttings, as,…
"Many plans may be propagated by planting their leaves or portions of their leaves as cuttings, as,…
"This mode of propagation is performed by cutting the branches into short lengths, each containing one…
Small portion of epidermis of the Garden Balsam, showing very sinuous-walled cells, and three stomata.
This banner has floral and vine arrangements on it with two mermaids in the center of the print.
This painting, by Francesco Raibolini, the coloring and soft tones stands out in this piece. After being…
(1430-1516) Bellini was a Venetian Renaissance painter, probably the best known of the Bellini family…
"Closeup of a garden spider's foot, showing the 'combs' for clinging to webs."—Finley, 1917
Leaves - simple; alternate, or alternate in pairs; edge finely and sharply toothed. Outline - narrow…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge finely and sharply double-toothed. Outline - egg-shape. Apex - pointed.…
"To show aleurone grains. A, cells from cotyledon of seed of garden bean; n, aleurone grains; m, starch;…
"The family stomach or repletes of the honey ant of the garden of the gods (Myrmecocystus hortideorum)."…