A genus of plants or shrubs, mostly tropical, two species of which arecharacterized by large white flowers…
"The common spindle tree (Euonymus europaeus) is a European shrub, which bears glossy lanceolate…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge with remote, not evergreen; egg-shape or long oval, rather thin with…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharply and unequally toothed (sometimes with quite deep and sharp…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very sharply and finely toothed. Outline - long oval, long egg-shape,…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very sharply and quite irregularly and unevenly toothed. Outline -…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very finely sharp-toothed. Outline - long and narrow, often "scythe-shaped."…
Leaves - Simple; alternate; edge very finely and sharply toothed. Outline - long egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed.…
Leaves - simple; opposite; edge entire. Outline - egg-shape, or often broad oval, or reverse egg-shape.…
Leaves - simple, alternate (often crowded at the ends of the branches); edge entire. Outline - broadly…
Leaves - simple; opposite; edge entire. Outline - oval, long oval, or reverse egg-shape. Apex - pointed…
Leaves - simple, opposite; finely and sharply toothed. Outline - broadly oval, or broadly reverse egg-shape.…
Leaves - simple, opposite; edge lobed, with the lobes very finely sharply toothed. Outline - rounded…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their smallness and closeness. They are arranged…
Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflets eleven to thirty-one); alternate; edge of leaflets evenly…
The bayberry or Myrica cerifera is small tree native to North America and used in candlemaking and for…
A strong-scented herbaceous plant of the genus Ruta, nat. order Rutacae, a native of S. Europe, but…
"Diagram illustrating the gradual filling up of lakes by the encroachment of vegetation, and also the…
The cotton plant is a shrub that produces a downy fiber, called cotton. This material is then woven…
"The Hedge-Sparrow chooses the fork of a hawthorn-bush or some similar shrub."
"The Stonechat generally forms itts nest under some furze-bush or other shrub, or among rank grass."…
Representation of "the two membranous legs of a large caterpillar, of which the hooks of the feet are…
"It lives on the arbutus, a shrub common enough on the hills and mountains of the coast of the Mediterranean."
The mesquit is on of the characteristic shrubs throughout the desert. It varies in size from a straggling…
Two or three species of yucca are called Spanish bayonet. The shrub has a thick stalk about 3 or 4 feet…
The creosote is a sticky, resinous bush with small round evergreen leaves, yellow flowers, woolly fruit,…
The candlewood consists of about a dozen stalks about an inch in diameter, nearly straight, and about…
The palo verde is a very peculiar naked evergreen tree. It has small freen leaves in the rainy season,…
"Besides the rolling and folding caterpillars, there are still those which bind up a good many leaves…
"Besides the rolling and folding caterpillars, there are still those which bind up a good many leaves…
The Florida Rosemary: "Ceratiola ericoides. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a view of the ovary, with…
"Batis maritima. 1. a male cone; 2. a male flower; 3. the same forced open to show the petals; 4. on…
"Lardizabala triternata. 1. petals and stamens of male flower; 2. carpels; 3. fruit of a Lardizabala;…
Anastatica hierochuntina or the Rose of Jericho is member of the Brassicaceae family.
"Staphylea Bumalda. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of it; 3. a section of its ovary." -Lindley,…
"Sapindus senegalensis. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a petal; 3. the ovaries before fertilisation; 4. a…
"1. Acer circinatum. 2. flower of A. campestre; 3. its samara; 4. the same, with the seed laid bare;…
"Berberis vulgaris. 1. stamen; 2. perpendicular section of a pistil with one stamen and one petal adhering;…
An illustration of the Yucca gloriosa, commonly referred to as the Spanish Dagger. The yucca gloriosa…
"Eriostemon myoporoides. 1. a complete flower; 2. the ovary, seated in a cup-shaped disk, surrounded…
"7. a flower of Chenopodium album; 8. a section of the same, showing the superior ovary; 9. its seed…
"Adenocarpus frankenioides. 1. the standard, wings, and keel split open; 2. the stamens; 3. a cross…
"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes…