Of the mallow family (Malvaceae), the purple poppy-mallow or Callirrhoe involucrata.

Purple Poppy-Mallow

Of the mallow family (Malvaceae), the purple poppy-mallow or Callirrhoe involucrata.

Of the St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae), St. Andrew's Cross or Ascyrum hypericoides.

St. Andrew's Cross

Of the St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae), St. Andrew's Cross or Ascyrum hypericoides.

Of the St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae), the common St. John's wort: left, Hypericum ellipticum; right, Hypericum perforatum.

Common St. John's Wort

Of the St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae), the common St. John's wort: left, Hypericum ellipticum;…

Of the St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae), the marsh St. John's wort, Hypericum Virginicum.

Marsh St. John's Wort

Of the St. John's Wort family (Hypericaceae), the marsh St. John's wort, Hypericum Virginicum.

Of the rock-rose family (Cistaceae), the plant and flower of Hudsonia tomentosa.

H. Tomentosa

Of the rock-rose family (Cistaceae), the plant and flower of Hudsonia tomentosa.

Of the rock-rose family (Cistaceae), the frostweed or Helianthemum Canadense.


Of the rock-rose family (Cistaceae), the frostweed or Helianthemum Canadense.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the marsh violet or Viola palustris.

Marsh Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the marsh violet or Viola palustris.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the dog violet or Viola conspersa.

Dog Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the dog violet or Viola conspersa.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the blue violet or Viola papilionacea.

Blue Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the blue violet or Viola papilionacea.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the arrow-leaved violet or Viola sagittata.

Arrow-Leaved Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the arrow-leaved violet or Viola sagittata.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the downy yellow violet or Viola pubescens.

Downy Yellow Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the downy yellow violet or Viola pubescens.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the round-leaved violet or Viola rotundifolia.

Round-Leaved Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the round-leaved violet or Viola rotundifolia.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the Canada violet or Violaa canadensis.

Canada Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the Canada violet or Violaa canadensis.

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the pale violet or Viola striata.

Pale Violet

Of the violet family (Violaceae), the pale violet or Viola striata.

Of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae), the loosestrife or Lythrum alatum.


Of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae), the loosestrife or Lythrum alatum.

Of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae), the clammy cuphea or Cuphea viscosissima.

Clammy Cuphea

Of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae), the clammy cuphea or Cuphea viscosissima.

Of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae), the swamp loosestrife or Decodon verticillatus.

Swamp Loosestrife

Of the loosestrife family (Lythraceae), the swamp loosestrife or Decodon verticillatus.

Of the meadow-beauty family (Melastomaceae), the meadow beauty or deer-grass (Rhexia virginica).

Meadow Beauty

Of the meadow-beauty family (Melastomaceae), the meadow beauty or deer-grass (Rhexia virginica).

"Bunch of Sepia eggs attached to plant." -Thomson, 1916

Cuttlefish Eggs

"Bunch of Sepia eggs attached to plant." -Thomson, 1916

The bayberry or Myrica cerifera is small tree native to North America and used in candlemaking and for medicinal purposes.


The bayberry or Myrica cerifera is small tree native to North America and used in candlemaking and for…

The common boneset or Eupatorium perfoliatum was used for medicinal purposes.

Common Boneset

The common boneset or Eupatorium perfoliatum was used for medicinal purposes.

The bloodroot or Sanguinaria canadensis is a flowering plant with medicinal uses.


The bloodroot or Sanguinaria canadensis is a flowering plant with medicinal uses.

The blue flag or Iris versicolor is an iris with medicinal uses.

Blue Flag

The blue flag or Iris versicolor is an iris with medicinal uses.

The yellow lady's slipper or Cypripedium parviflorum is an orchid used for medicinal purposes.

Yellow Lady's Slipper

The yellow lady's slipper or Cypripedium parviflorum is an orchid used for medicinal purposes.

The spotted wintergreen or Chimaphila maculata is a perennial herb used for medicinal purposes.

Spotted Wintergreen

The spotted wintergreen or Chimaphila maculata is a perennial herb used for medicinal purposes.

The snakehead or Chelone glabra is an herbaceous plant used for medicinal purposes.


The snakehead or Chelone glabra is an herbaceous plant used for medicinal purposes.

The dog's bane or Apocynum androsemifolium is a flowering plant used for medicinal purposes.

Dog's Bane

The dog's bane or Apocynum androsemifolium is a flowering plant used for medicinal purposes.

The Indian Tobacco or Lobelia inflata is an herbaceous plant used for medicinal purposes.

Indian Tobacco

The Indian Tobacco or Lobelia inflata is an herbaceous plant used for medicinal purposes.

The butterfly weed or Asclepias tuberosa is a milkweed plant used for medicinal purposes.

Butterfly Weed

The butterfly weed or Asclepias tuberosa is a milkweed plant used for medicinal purposes.

The carnation pink or Dianthus caryophyllus.

Carnation Pink

The carnation pink or Dianthus caryophyllus.

The Chinese lily.

Chinese Lily

The Chinese lily.

The sexual system of a plant, here having one carpel and one stamen, Monandria.

Linnaeus' Monandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having one carpel and one stamen, Monandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having two stamens, Diandria.

Linnaeus' Diandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having two stamens, Diandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having three stamens, Triandria.

Linnaeus' Triandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having three stamens, Triandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having four stamens, Tetrandria.

Linnaeus' Tetrandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having four stamens, Tetrandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having five stamens and one pistil, Pentandria.

Linnaeus' Pentandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having five stamens and one pistil, Pentandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having six stamens and one pistil, Hexandria.

Linnaeus' Hexandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having six stamens and one pistil, Hexandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having seven stamens, Heptandria.

Linnaeus' Heptandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having seven stamens, Heptandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having eight stamens, Octandria.

Linnaeus' Octandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having eight stamens, Octandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having nine stamens, Enneandria.

Linnaeus' Enneandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having nine stamens, Enneandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having ten stamens and a carpel, Decandria.

Linnaeus' Decandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having ten stamens and a carpel, Decandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having many stamens, Dodecandria.

Linnaeus' Dodecandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having many stamens, Dodecandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having twenty or more stamens, Icosandria.

Linnaeus' icosandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having twenty or more stamens, Icosandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having many stamens with a pistil in the center, Polyandria.

Linnaeus' Polyandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having many stamens with a pistil in the center, Polyandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having four stamens of unequal length, Didynamia.

Linnaeus' Didynamia

The sexual system of a plant, here having four stamens of unequal length, Didynamia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having six stamens (four longer), Tetradinamia.

Linnaeus' Tetradinamia

The sexual system of a plant, here having six stamens (four longer), Tetradinamia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united in a tube, Monadelphia.

Linnaeus' Monadelphia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united in a tube, Monadelphia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united in two bundles, Diadelphia.

Linnaeus' Diadelphia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united in two bundles, Diadelphia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united in three or more bundles, Polyadelphia.

Linnaeus' Polyadelphia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united in three or more bundles, Polyadelphia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united by anthers, Syngenesia.

Linnaeus' Syngenesia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united by anthers, Syngenesia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united with the pistil, Gynandria.

Linnaeus' Gynandria

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens united with the pistil, Gynandria.

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens and pistils in two different flowers of the same plant, Monoecia.

Linnaeus' Monoecia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens and pistils in two different flowers of the same plant,…

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens and pistils on two different plants, Dioecia.

Linnaeus' Dioecia

The sexual system of a plant, here having stamens and pistils on two different plants, Dioecia.

The sexual system of a plant, here having both hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same plant, Polygamia.

Linnaeus' Polygamia

The sexual system of a plant, here having both hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers on the same plant,…

The sexual system of a plant, here having hidden reproductive organs, Cryptogamia.

Linnaeus' Cryptogamia

The sexual system of a plant, here having hidden reproductive organs, Cryptogamia.

This image is of a secund plant, with leaves arranged on one side only.


This image is of a secund plant, with leaves arranged on one side only.

The images are of papilionaceous leaves, shaped like a butterfly or corolla.

Papilionaceous Leaves

The images are of papilionaceous leaves, shaped like a butterfly or corolla.

"A young radish, showing seed leaves." -Newman, 1850


"A young radish, showing seed leaves." -Newman, 1850

A flower spike.

Flower Spike

A flower spike.

"Tube nectary of Nasturtium." -Newman, 1850


"Tube nectary of Nasturtium." -Newman, 1850