This erose leaf is so called such because of its margin's shape, as if eroded.

Erose Leaf

This erose leaf is so called such because of its margin's shape, as if eroded.

An illustration of liverwort (Hepatica): a, Thalloid stem with female branches; b, Thalloid stem with male branches. Hepatica is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants belonging to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae. A native of central and northern Europe, Asia and northeastern North America, Hepatica is sometimes called liverleaf or "liverwort". It should not be confused with liverworts, which may also be called "Hepaticae". A few botanists include Hepatica within a wider interpretation of Anemone, as Anemone hepatica.


An illustration of liverwort (Hepatica): a, Thalloid stem with female branches; b, Thalloid stem with…

A flowering branch of the Blue Gum Tree (Eucalyptus globulus), a tree in the Myrtaceae family of evergreen plants.

Blue Gum

A flowering branch of the Blue Gum Tree (Eucalyptus globulus), a tree in the Myrtaceae family of evergreen…

Diagram showing how plants fill ponds from the sides and top.

Pond Diagram

Diagram showing how plants fill ponds from the sides and top.

"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming new plants at the nodes, as in the strawberry." -Whitney, 1911

Strawberry Flagellum

"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming…

The Blackberry Psyllid (Trioza tripunctata) is an insect that feeds on specific plants.

Blackberry Psyllid

The Blackberry Psyllid (Trioza tripunctata) is an insect that feeds on specific plants.

An illustration of a young girl watering a field of tulips.

Girl Watering Field of Tulips

An illustration of a young girl watering a field of tulips.

The Wilhelma was originally a royal palace, mimicking Moorish architecture. After the second world war, a zoo and botanical gardens. It is Europe's only large combined zoological and botanical garden and is home to over 8,000 animals from over 1,000 different species and countless exotic plants from over 5,000 different species. The zoo is famous for keeping all four kinds of great apes, all in families with offspring, as well as for its aquarium featuring animals and plants from all over the world. The botanical gardens are renowned for containing Europe's biggest magnolia grove. It is also the home of the polar bear Wilbaer, who was born in captivity at the zoo in December of 2007.


The Wilhelma was originally a royal palace, mimicking Moorish architecture. After the second world war,…

A young child looking out from the bottom of a shrub.

Child Looking Out From Shrub

A young child looking out from the bottom of a shrub.

An illustration of a group of decorative plants.

Decorative Plants

An illustration of a group of decorative plants.

An illustration of firs.


An illustration of firs.

An illustration of a watering can.

Watering Can

An illustration of a watering can.

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. Certain characteristics which are permanent and remain unaltered by circumstances. The florets are easy to see in this magnified spikelet.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. Certain characteristics which are permanent and remain unaltered by circumstances. The details of the floret are easy to see in this magnified floret.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. Certain characteristics which are permanent and remain unaltered by circumstances. The details of the calyx, cup, or outer scale of the spikelet, is very much magnified, composed of two glumes, the upper and lower, the upper glume being the larger. The glumes and pales are know also by the name of husks or chaff, and are usually removed in cleanng the seed.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. In this magnified pistil, we see the nectary, composed of one or two fleshy scales, and the germ, ovary, or seed-bearing portion of the pistil. The stamens seen in the same figure, consisting each of a bag filled with a fine powder or pollen, supported upon a stalk or filament which is analogous to the stalk or stem of a leaft. The bag hold the pollen, called the anther.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

June grass (Poa prstensis) is also known as Green Meadow grass, Common Spear Grass, Kentucky Blue grass. The lower florets in the June Grass are connected at the base by a web of long silky filaments holding the calyx. The outter palea is five-ribbed with the marginal ribs hairy. The upper sheath is longer than its leaf. June Grass grows from ten to fifteen inches with and erect, smooth, round stem. The root is perennial and creeping. The plants grows a light greenish color while the spikelets are brownsh purple.

June Grass

June grass (Poa prstensis) is also known as Green Meadow grass, Common Spear Grass, Kentucky Blue grass.…

June grass (Poa prstensis) is also known as Green Meadow grass, Common Spear Grass, Kentucky Blue grass. The lower florets in the June Grass are connected at the base by a web of long silky filaments holding the calyx. The outter palea is five-ribbed with the marginal ribs hairy. The upper sheath is longer than its leaf. June Grass grows from ten to fifteen inches with and erect, smooth, round stem. The root is perennial and creeping. The plants grows a light greenish color while the spikelets are brownsh purple. Shown here is a magnified flower.

June Grass

June grass (Poa prstensis) is also known as Green Meadow grass, Common Spear Grass, Kentucky Blue grass.…

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently spread throughout the American continents.        Indian Corn, or maize, grows with a strong, jointed stalk, rising to the height of five to fifteen feet. The male or sterile flowers are arranged in a loose, spreading panicle at the apex, called the tassel and the female fertile flowers on the side. Each plant bears from one to five ears which are are cylindrical and enclosed in a covering of leaves called husks. The ears consists of grain, arranged around a pithy cylinder, called the cob. The seeds are rounded on the surface and compressed on the sides. Indian Corn is annual and is one of the most important of all the cultvated plants.

Indian Corn

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently…

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently spread throughout the American continents.        Indian Corn, or maize, grows with a strong, jointed stalk, rising to the height of five to fifteen feet. The male or sterile flowers , shown here, are arranged in a loose, spreading panicle at the apex, called the tassel and the female fertile flowers on the side. Each plant bears from one to five ears which are are cylindrical and enclosed in a covering of leaves called husks. The ears consists of grain, arranged around a pithy cylinder, called the cob. The seeds are rounded on the surface and compressed on the sides. Indian Corn is annual and is one of the most important of all the cultvated plants.

Indian Corn

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently…

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently spread throughout the American continents.        Indian Corn, or maize, grows with a strong, jointed stalk, rising to the height of five to fifteen feet. The male or sterile flowers , shown here, are arranged in a loose, spreading panicle at the apex, called the tassel and the female fertile flowers, shown here, on the side. Each plant bears from one to five ears which are are cylindrical and enclosed in a covering of leaves called husks. The ears consists of grain, arranged around a pithy cylinder, called the cob. The seeds are rounded on the surface and compressed on the sides. Indian Corn is annual and is one of the most important of all the cultvated plants.

Indian Corn

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently…

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently spread throughout the American continents.        Indian Corn, or maize, grows with a strong, jointed stalk, rising to the height of five to fifteen feet. The male or sterile flowers are arranged in a loose, spreading panicle at the apex, called the tassel and the female fertile flowers on the side. Each plant bears from one to five ears, are cylindrical and enclosed in a covering of leaves called husks. A ear of corn is shown here. The ears consists of grain, arranged around a pithy cylinder, called the cob. The seeds are rounded on the surface and compressed on the sides. Indian Corn is annual and is one of the most important of all the cultvated plants.

Indian Corn

Maize known as corn by most English-speakers, is a cereal grain domesticated in Mesoamerica and subsequently…

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a species of clover. The Red Clover can readily be distinguished by the arrangement and number of its leaves in three leaflets, and flowers in dense oblong or globular heads. It is widely grown as a fodder crop. There are many varities, some of which being, biennial an another perennial.

Red Clover

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a species of clover. The Red Clover can readily be distinguished…

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a species of clover. The Red Clover can readily be distinguished, as shown here, by the arrangement and number of its leaves in three leaflets, and flowers in dense oblong or globular heads. It is widely grown as a fodder crop. There are many varities, some of which being, biennial an another perennial.

Red Clover

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a species of clover. The Red Clover can readily be distinguished,…

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a species of clover. The Red Clover can readily be distinguished by the arrangement and number of its leaves in three leaflets, and flowers in dense oblong or globular heads. It is widely grown as a fodder crop. There are many varities, some of which being, biennial an another perennial. The fruit of the clover plant is shown here.

Red Clover

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a species of clover. The Red Clover can readily be distinguished…

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely heart-shaped, the flower-heads are small and white. The White Clover can easily accomadate itself to a great variety of soils, but grows most luxuriantly in moist grounds and moist or wet seasons.

White Clover

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely…

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely heart-shaped, the flower-heads are small and white. The White Clover can easily accomadate itself to a great variety of soils, but grows most luxuriantly in moist grounds and moist or wet seasons. This flower is magnified.

White Clover

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely…

Alfalfa or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop. It is a wheat reguiring great heat and sunlight. It resembles clover with clusters of small purple or pale blue flowers that have two or three twirls. The leaflets are in threes, obovate, oblong, and toothed. The fruit n downy pods, and has two to three twirls.

Lucerne or Alfalfa Plant

Alfalfa or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an…

Alfalfa or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop. It is a wheat reguiring great heat and sunlight. It resembles clover with clusters of small purple or pale blue flowers, shown here, that have two or three twirls. The leaflets are in threes, obovate, oblong, and toothed. The fruit n downy pods, and has two to three twirls.

Lucerne or Alfalfa Plant

Alfalfa or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an…

Alfalfa or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop. It is a wheat reguiring great heat and sunlight. It resembles clover with clusters of small purple or pale blue flowers that have two or three twirls. The leaflets are in threes, obovate, oblong, and toothed. The fruit n downy pods, as shown here, have two to three twirls.

Lucerne or Alfalfa Plant

Alfalfa or Lucerne (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an…

Sainfion (Hedysarum onobrychis), a hay, is a leguminous plant with many straggling, tapering, smooth, stems growing from two to three feet long. The leaves are in pairs of pointed, oblong leaflets with a slightly hairy underside. The flower stalks are higher than the leaves, ending in a spike of flowers. The flowers are succeeded by flat, hard pods, toothed on the edges and prickly on the sides. The root is perennial, hard, and woody. The Saifoin flowers in July. The fruit or seed is said to be more nutritious than oats.


Sainfion (Hedysarum onobrychis), a hay, is a leguminous plant with many straggling, tapering, smooth,…

Sainfion (Hedysarum onobrychis), a hay, is a leguminous plant with many straggling, tapering, smooth, stems growing from two to three feet long. The leaves are in pairs of pointed, oblong leaflets with a slightly hairy underside. The flower stalks are higher than the leaves, ending in a spike of flowers. The flower is shown here. The flowers are succeeded by flat, hard pods, toothed on the edges and prickly on the sides. The root is perennial, hard, and woody. The Saifoin flowers in July. The fruit or seed is said to be more nutritious than oats.


Sainfion (Hedysarum onobrychis), a hay, is a leguminous plant with many straggling, tapering, smooth,…

Sainfion (Hedysarum onobrychis), a hay, is a leguminous plant with many straggling, tapering, smooth, stems growing from two to three feet long. The leaves are in pairs of pointed, oblong leaflets with a slightly hairy underside. The flower stalks are higher than the leaves, ending in a spike of flowers. The flowers are succeeded by flat, hard pods, toothed on the edges and prickly on the sides. The root is perennial, hard, and woody. The Saifoin flowers in July. The fruit or seed, shown here, is said to be more nutritious than oats.


Sainfion (Hedysarum onobrychis), a hay, is a leguminous plant with many straggling, tapering, smooth,…

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. Plants persist through the winter. Dead, straw-colored flowering stems may persist, but only for a short time, and are recognized by the distinctive spike-like inflorescence. This picture represents the bulb fully developed and mature, form which the stalk was cut.

Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively…

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. Plants persist through the winter, but if my any means, the green portion is severed, at any season of the year, the result will be as we see in the picture here, the death of the plant. Dead, straw-colored flowering stems may persist, but only for a short time, and are recognized by the distinctive spike-like inflorescence.

Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively…

Pecopteris, frond of an ancient tree fern, was a form genus of leaves from several unrelated plant groups that flourished the early Carboniferous period and on to c. 250 Ma. Pecopteris first appeared in the Devonian period, but flourished in the Carboniferous, especially the Pennsylvanian. Plants bearing these leaves went extinct around the beginning of the Permian period.

Pecopteris Tree Fern

Pecopteris, frond of an ancient tree fern, was a form genus of leaves from several unrelated plant groups…

The marine isopod or sand flea (Caprella) is an omnivorous feeder that eats detritus, one-celled plants, small invertebrates. It is preyed upon by shrimp, sea anemones and several fish species. Females of some species of skeleton shrimp apparently kill the males after mating using a poisonous claw.

Marine Isopod

The marine isopod or sand flea (Caprella) is an omnivorous feeder that eats detritus, one-celled plants,…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. The female is wingless and has a large waxen egg-sac (e.s.) attached to her body.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. Male scale insects are unusual in possessing only one pair of wings, thus making them resemble true flies (Diptera), though they lack the halteres (rudimentary hind wings) seen in flies, and have tail filaments, which do not occur in flies.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is a bit of leaf with scales.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is an adult female scale.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is the wax scale under which the female lives.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is a scale larva.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is an adult male scale.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

"Flowering Branch of Glaux maritima. GLAUX. A primulaceous genus of plants, consisting of a single species, G. maritima, known as sea-milkwort or black saltwort." -Whitney, 1911

Sea Milkwort

"Flowering Branch of Glaux maritima. GLAUX. A primulaceous genus of plants, consisting of a single species,…

"Flower of Gloriosa superba. GLORIOSA. A genus of tuberous-rooted liliaceaous plants, with opposite or whorled leaves terminating in tendrils by which they climb, and with large and beautiful red or yellows flowers. There are three species, of tropical Asia and Africa, cultivated in greenhouses." -Whitney, 1911


"Flower of Gloriosa superba. GLORIOSA. A genus of tuberous-rooted liliaceaous plants, with opposite…

"Graminae. Flower of a Grass, the glumes are removed. GRAMINAE. In botany, the largest order among endogenous plants except the orchids." -Whitney, 1911

Grass Flower

"Graminae. Flower of a Grass, the glumes are removed. GRAMINAE. In botany, the largest order among endogenous…

"Graminae. Flower of a Grass. GRAMINAE. In botany, the largest order among endogenous plants except the orchids." -Whitney, 1911

Grass Flower

"Graminae. Flower of a Grass. GRAMINAE. In botany, the largest order among endogenous plants except…

This table cloth is made with damask, a weaving technique. It is woven in an arabesque pattern which is a repeating geometric form that is inspired from plants and animals.

Table Cloth

This table cloth is made with damask, a weaving technique. It is woven in an arabesque pattern which…

This ribbon pattern is a British design.

Ribbon Pattern

This ribbon pattern is a British design.

This ribbon pattern is a British design.

Ribbon Pattern

This ribbon pattern is a British design.

This Pompeian flower stand is used to place flower vases or plants on top.

Pompeian Flower Stand

This Pompeian flower stand is used to place flower vases or plants on top.

This lace scarf is ornamented with British plants and flowers in needlework. It was designed in 1851.

Lace Scarf

This lace scarf is ornamented with British plants and flowers in needlework. It was designed in 1851.

This wood carving represents spring which is symbolized by forty-seven varieties of plants.

Wood Carving

This wood carving represents spring which is symbolized by forty-seven varieties of plants.

This butter dish is also known as a butter cooler. It has a cover and is designed in a trellis work of creeping plants.

Butter Dish

This butter dish is also known as a butter cooler. It has a cover and is designed in a trellis work…

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

Flower Pot

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

Flower Pot

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

This perfume vase is embossed with a design of oak leaves, acorns, aqueous plants, and fish. The lid is surmounted by a vulture, and the handles are in the form of plant stems.

Perfume Vase

This perfume vase is embossed with a design of oak leaves, acorns, aqueous plants, and fish. The lid…

"Ornamental plants, cultivated chiefly for their handsome flowers. The Abelias are small or medium-sized bushy shrubs with deciduous or persistent foliage and rather small in numerous flowers varying from white to pink or purple; after the flowers have fallen, the persistent usually purplish sepals are attractive. A. grandiflora, Rehd. Fig. 58. Lvs. ovate, rounded or attenuate at the base, acute, 3/4-1&1/2 in. long, serrate, shining above, nearly glabrous, half-evergreen: fls. in terminal, loose panicles, white flushed pink, campanulate, 3/4in. long; stamens not exserted. Of garden origin. Gt. 41:1366. Gn. 76, p.528. J.H. III. 8:77- One of hte hardiest and most free-flowering abelias; it flowers continuously from June to November." L.H. Bailey, 1917

Glossy Abelia

"Ornamental plants, cultivated chiefly for their handsome flowers. The Abelias are small or medium-sized…

"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls. diaecious, apetalous. G. c. III. 18:737. R. H. 1904:256. -The kei apple of the Cape of Good Hope; a spiny plant grown S. for hedges; is considered promising for S. Calif. and S. Fla. as a fr. plant. Fruit acid, used as pickles or conserves. Proves quite hardy in S. Calif." L.H. Bailey, 1917

Aberia Caffra

"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls.…