"We see here a towering cliff belonging to a mountainous range which rises like a wall, or barrier,…
"While treading on our course this earthly ball, / We often stumble, and we sometimes fall: / 'Get above…
"This colossal figure, human-headed and lion-bodied, is hewn from the natural rock. The body is about…
"Near the southern extremity of the plain of Marathon rises a conical mound, 30 feet high. it covers…
"The chief gods, in striking contrast with the monstrous divinities of the Oriental mythologies, had…
"The representation shows the arrangement of the tiers or oars in a two-banked ship. In just what way…
A diagram showing the muscular cycle form by the biceps or flexor muscle, and the triceps or extensor…
"Shows how the bones of the arm (a), forearm (b), and hand (c), are twisted, and form a conical screw."—Pettigrew,…
"Shows how the bones of the arm (q), forearm (q'x), and foot (o), are twisted to form an osseous screw."—Pettigrew,…
"Cast or mold of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart of a deer. Shows that the left ventricular…
An extreme form of a compressed foot, typically seen in the deer and ox. It is useful for land transit.
"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself…
"The Red-Throated Dragon shows a large membranous expansion (b b) situated between the anterior (d d)…
"Horse in the act of trotting. In this, as in all the other paces, the body of the horse is levered…
"Shows the powerful legs, small feet, and rudimentary wings of the bird; the obliquity at which the…
"The overhead movement enables the swimmer to throw himself forward on the water, and to move his arms…
"An improvement on the foregoing for long distances is the known as the side stroke. In this method,…
"Under surface of large beetle, with deeply concave and comparatively small wings, shows that the nervures…
"Right wing of the Kestrel, drawn from the specimen, while being held against the light."—Pettigrew,…
"The Lapwing with one wing fully extended, and forming a long lever; the other being in a flexed condition…
An insect characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong transparent wings, and an elongated…
"The Pigeon flying downwards and turning prior to alighting. The pigeon expands its tail both in ascending…
An ancient Assyrian wall relief, depicting the symbol of a winged bull with the head of a human male.
Hand flower is the common name of chiranthodendron platanoides. The bright red stamens resemble the…
The flowers of cymbopetalum penduliflorum grow alone at the end of each stem. The petals and thick and…
The digestive system of a fowl. 1 is the tongue, 3 is the crop, 6 is the gizzard, 10 is the small intestine,…
Human lungs. 1 and 2 make up the larynx, or voice box. 1 is thyroid cartilage, 2 is cricoid cartilage.…
A hydraulic press which uses a hydraulic cylinder to generate force. The inventor of the device, Joseph…
An air compressor. They come in many forms, most commonly in cylinder form - as shown. This image shows…
This image is a centrifugal pump with one half of the casing removed. S is a hollow hub, a is a curved…
A sectional view of a human molar. The roots, or fangs, are shown covered by a layer of bone called…
An Image of an esophagus showing how a mass of food, or bolus, passes through the esophagus into the…
A complex anatomical view of the heart. RA is the right atrium, or auricle, which receives the deoxygenated…
Striped, or striated, muscle which quickly contracts causing the alternating black and white lines.…
The upper bicep of the right arm. Included are the tendons, blood vessels, and its nerve.
A simple nerve cell, or neuron. N is the nucleus of the cell, NC is the cytoplasm, D are dendrites which…
Illustration of the reflex action of an animal. SE is the sensory nerve-ending. A stimulus passes through…
Diagram of the retina, aka percipient layer of the eye. 1: inner limiting membrane, which is next to…
Diagrams of how an image is displayed with a normal eye (top image), myopic or nearsighted eye (middle…
A diagram of the human ear. It is divided into the outer ear - A, middle ear - B, and inner ear - C.…
A Hancock Coach cross-sectioned in order to display the engine and driving connections. (A) is the exhaust…
Enlarged end of the female, showing oviposition: the oviduct, the egg guide, and the egg issuing from…
Flabellifera are a tribe of isopods. Their bodies end in a tail fan, made by the last pair of appendages…
Nerve Ganglia, or Knots (sing. Ganglion; Knot) occur as collections of nerve cells on the course of…
This illustration shows a Clermont Gargoyle in France. Gargoyles, in Gothic architecture, are spouts…