"Catheturus lathami, the "Brush Turkey" of Eastern Australia, is blackish-brown with greyish under surface, shewing conspicuous light margins to the feathers. It has a bright yellow neck-wattle, forms mounds of earth and decayed leaves, sometimes as much as six feet high and fourteen feet in diameter at the base, and covers the course outer layers with fresh leaves and sticks." A. H. Evans, 1900

Brush Turkey

"Catheturus lathami, the "Brush Turkey" of Eastern Australia, is blackish-brown with greyish under surface,…

Crax alector, Crested Curassow, is black with a purplish gloss, the belly being white, the naked lores and orbits black, the cere and base of the bill yellow, the tip bluish, and the feet horn-coloured. Throughout the whole genus, which is Central ad South American, the female has a curly crest barred with white." A. H. Evans, 1900

Crested Curassow

Crax alector, Crested Curassow, is black with a purplish gloss, the belly being white, the naked lores…

"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring; while the former has the rump feathers buff, with black mottlings and purplish-red tips. The females, hardly separable from one another, lack the red face-wattles, the long ear-tufts, and the pair of spurs of a male." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring;…

"Ceriornis caboti, (Cabot's Tragopan) of South-East China has the latter region buff. The hens are black and buff with with whitish spots." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Ceriornis caboti, (Cabot's Tragopan) of South-East China has the latter region buff. The hens are black…

"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs from its congeners in never becoming white in the winter. It varies considerably in coloration, but is usually considered a local form of the Willow Grouse (L. albus) of the north of Europe, Asia, and America. The male in both summer and winter is more or less, chestnut-brown above, with black markings and a reddish head; the lower parts are similar, but are usually spotted with white. In Autumn the brown of the upper parts becomes buff, and the lower surface is barred with buff and black." A. H. Evans, 1900

Red Grouse

"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs…

"The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus) is curious and highly specialized. "The body is long and thin, the bill is strong with basal serrations on the maxilla; bristles surround the gape, and the eye-lids have distinct lashes- a rare fact among birds. The reticulated metatarsi are fairly stout; the toes are long; the hallux being unusually developed and the claws slightly curved. The short rounded wings have ten primaries and nine secondaries. The plumage in both sexes is olive above with white markings, and dull rufous below; the long loose crest and the tip of the tail are yellowish, and patch of bare bluish-black skin surrounds the eyes." A. H. Evans, 1900


"The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus) is curious and highly specialized. "The body is long and thin,…

"Balearica pavonina, the "Crowned" Crane of the Northern Ethiopian Region, is greenish-black above and dark grey below, most of the feathers being lanceolate (shaped like a lance); the neck is delicate grey all around, the secondaries are chestnut-the inner being somewhat decomposed; white and yellow shew on the wing coverts; a spreading tuft of twisted yellow and white bristles with black tips surmounts the occiput, while the sides of the face are bare-white above and pink below, and the throat is covered with black down. There is a very small throat-wattle in this form." A. H. Evans, 1900

Crowned Crane

"Balearica pavonina, the "Crowned" Crane of the Northern Ethiopian Region, is greenish-black above and…

"Psophia crepitans, the Agami, ranging from British Guiana to Amazonia, is a black bird with velvety plumage on the head and neck, and lax feathering below; a golden-green and violet sheen adorns the lower fore-neck, a rusty brown patch crosses the back and wing-coverts, the bare orbits are pinkish, the beak is greenish or greyish, and the legs are variously stated to be bright green or flesh coloured." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Psophia crepitans, the Agami, ranging from British Guiana to Amazonia, is a black bird with velvety…

"Cariama cristata, the Seriem&aacute, or Crested Screamer, extending from Pernambuco to Paraguay and Matto Grosso, is ochreous-grey above with zig-zag umber markings, and whitish below with brown stripes. Vertical feathers on the lores form a conspicuous crest, while those of the neck and throat are long and loose; interrupted white bands cross the remiges, and the bases and tips of the lateral rectrices. The iris is yellow, the beak and feet are red, the naked orbits greenish. The female is yellower, and exhibits less crest." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Cariama cristata, the Seriemá, or Crested Screamer, extending from Pernambuco to Paraguay and…

"The Otis Tarda, the Great Bustard, which, as a native only became extinct in Norfolk about 1838, used to extend from East Lothian to Dorset, bit is now merely an occasional visitor to Britain. The upper parts are mottled with rufous, buff, and blackish-brown, the head is blue-grey, with long white bristles at the base of the mandible, the lower surface is white, relieved in the male by a tawny gorget for a short time during the breeding season. The primaries are black, most of the secondaries and wing-coverts white. Some other Bustards seem to have similar vernal change of plumage. The female is smaller and has no bristles." A. H. Evans, 1900

Great Bustard

"The Otis Tarda, the Great Bustard, which, as a native only became extinct in Norfolk about 1838, used…

Anarhynchus frontalis, the Wry-bill of New Zealand, is grey, with a black gorget and whitish lower parts; the habits are as in Aegialitis, but the laterally-twisted bill enables the bird to pick up insects from around stones with the greatest ease." A. H. Evans, 1900


Anarhynchus frontalis, the Wry-bill of New Zealand, is grey, with a black gorget and whitish lower parts;…

"Numenius arquata, the Curlew or Whaup, breeds freely on the moorlands of Britain; and extends throughout Northern Europe and Asia to Lake Baikal. The plumage is pale brown with darker streaks, the rump, tail, and axillaries being white, and the two latter barred with brown; the belly is white, the breast nearly in winter." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Numenius arquata, the Curlew or Whaup, breeds freely on the moorlands of Britain; and extends throughout…

"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations and blotches above and bars below, has two transverse buff stripes on the black hind-crown. It inhabits Northern and Central Europe and Asia-with Atlantic Islands and Japan." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations…

"Larus ichthyaetus, the Great Black-headed Gull, ranging from the Black Sea and the Levant to Tibet, and wintering in Southern Asia, has the bill almost orange." A. H. Evans, 1900. The adults have a black hood, grey wings and back, and white wing tips.

Great Black-Headed Gull

"Larus ichthyaetus, the Great Black-headed Gull, ranging from the Black Sea and the Levant to Tibet,…

"The Dodo, ...was an immense Pigeon-like bird bigger than a Turkey, with an aborted keel to the sternum and the wings also aborted. The coracoid and scapula met at an obtuse angle, as in many other flightless species. The huge blackish bill terminated in a large horny hook, the cheeks were partly bare, the short yellow legs were stout, scaly, and feathered on the upper portion; the plumage was dark ash- coloured, with whitish breast and tail, yellowish-white wings, and black tips to their coverts. The short rectrices formed a curled tuft, and the first four primaries were directed backwards." A. H. Evans, 1900


"The Dodo, ...was an immense Pigeon-like bird bigger than a Turkey, with an aborted keel to the sternum…

Didunculus strigirostris, the Manu-mea or Red Bird of the islands of Upolu, Salvai, and Tutuila in Samoan group, is glossy greenish-black, with chestnut back, rump, wing-coverts, tail and under tail-coverts, but browner-quills and abdomen. The hooked and toothed bill is orange, the feet are reddish, and the naked orbits red. The sexes are similar, the young entirely brown." A. H. Evans, 1900

Tooth-Billed Pigeon

Didunculus strigirostris, the Manu-mea or Red Bird of the islands of Upolu, Salvai, and Tutuila in Samoan…

An illustration of young child looking at a bird while sitting in the reeds.

Child Looking at Bird

An illustration of young child looking at a bird while sitting in the reeds.

An illustration of a European Robin.

European Robin

An illustration of a European Robin.

An illustration of a bird and frog.

Bird & Frog

An illustration of a bird and frog.

An illustration of a blackbird.


An illustration of a blackbird.

An illustration of a man holding a staff with an eagle perched atop.

Man with Eagle

An illustration of a man holding a staff with an eagle perched atop.

An illustration of a cuckoo with a butterfly in its beak.

Cuckoo with Butterfly in Beak

An illustration of a cuckoo with a butterfly in its beak.

"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles to the feathers and transverse brown markings; yellower lower surface; and browner cheeks, remiges, and rectrices. The soft plumage, the disc of feathers round the eye, and the nocturnal habits have given this bird the name Owl-Parrot." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles…

"Merops Apiaster, the Bee-eater, has ruddy-brown head, neck, upper back, and broad alar bar, buff lower back, green wings and tail with black tips to the long median rectrices, light blue upper tail-coverts, pale green and white forehead, black ear-coverts, and bright yellow throat, divided from the greenish-blue under parts by a black band." A. H. Evans, 1900

Bee Eater

"Merops Apiaster, the Bee-eater, has ruddy-brown head, neck, upper back, and broad alar bar, buff lower…

"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and ending in two points anteriorly, which shews black markings in the males; the naked orbits are pinkish." A. H. Evans, 1900 This sketch depicts a female Hornbill laying down next to her young, feeding it.

Female Hornbill Laying Down Feeding Her Young

"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and…

"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from Southern Scandinavia to Northern Africa and the Atlantic Islands, migrating a little further south; while it extends through most of Asia and reaches Japan. The fine erectile crest, the head, neck, and lower parts are cinnamon-coloured; the remaining plumage is black, varied with buff and white; a band of the latter crosses the tail; and head plumes are tipped with black and white." A. H. Evans


"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from…

"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete facial discs and unfeathered toes, is umber-brown varied with yellowish and white, the lower parts becoming lighter." A. H. Evans

Two Burrowing Owls by the Mountains

"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete…

"The coloration of the twenty or more species of Cypselus is sooty-black or mouse-brown, frequently exhibiting a metallic gloss, while the collar, rump, abdomen, or edges of the feathers may be white. A forked tail is not uncommon. The common Swift, or Deviling of Britain, is found through Europe, North Africa, and Asia, southwards t the Himalayas, migrating to South Africa, Madagascar, and Southern Asia." A. H. Evans, 1900

Common Swift Flying Through the Air by a Structure and a Tree with its Mouth Open

"The coloration of the twenty or more species of Cypselus is sooty-black or mouse-brown, frequently…

"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black band, and a white forehead and nape, with a large bill." A. H. Evans


"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black…

The Rhamphastus ariel, or Ariel Toucan, is black with a yellow or orange rump and throat. The brilliant bill and orbits vary in colour; the tail is square.

Ariel Toucan

The Rhamphastus ariel, or Ariel Toucan, is black with a yellow or orange rump and throat. The brilliant…

"Iynx torquilla, the Cuckoo's-mate or Snake-bird, is fairly common in England, and extends thence to Japan, Kordofan, and Senegal. The Wryneck may be distinguished from the typical Woodpeckers by their soft tails without spiny shafts, and naked nostrils with a partial covering. The plumage shews a particular mixture of black , brown, grey, and white, somewhat similar to the Nightjar." A. H. Evans, 1900

A Wryneck Sitting on a Tree

"Iynx torquilla, the Cuckoo's-mate or Snake-bird, is fairly common in England, and extends thence to…

"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black post-auricular and a yellow pre-ocular spot, three black bars on the wing-coverts, and blackish wing- and tail-quills. The duller female has no black spots or bars. The dense feathers project forward over the beak. A. H. Evans, 1900

A Broadbill Sitting on a Tree Branch

"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black…

"Milvulus tyrannus, Scissor-tail, normally exhibits olive, grey, yellow, or white in varying proportions." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Milvulus tyrannus, Scissor-tail, normally exhibits olive, grey, yellow, or white in varying proportions."…

Pipra mentalis, the Red-capped Manakin, has black plumage with a red head, neck, and thighs.

Red-capped Manakin

Pipra mentalis, the Red-capped Manakin, has black plumage with a red head, neck, and thighs.

"Cephalopterus ornatus, the Umbrella bird, is entirely black, with a huge expanded umbrella-like crest of bare-shafted incurved feathers, and a long flattened and feathered gular wattle." A. H. Evans, 1900

Amazonian Umbrella Bird

"Cephalopterus ornatus, the Umbrella bird, is entirely black, with a huge expanded umbrella-like crest…

"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain rufous, green, or grey; the females being nearly always dull, though many of the males are very brilliant." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain…

"The curious nest is placed in exposed situations on branches, in forks of trees or shrubs, on posts, rocks, or house-roofs; it has thick walls, almost unbreakable when dry, of clayey mud and dung mixed with a little hair or dry grass, a lining of same materials underlying the three to five white eggs." A. H. Evans, 1900

The Nest of an Oven-bird

"The curious nest is placed in exposed situations on branches, in forks of trees or shrubs, on posts,…

"Menura superba, the Lyre-bird, of New South Wales and South Queensland, some thirty-three inches long, is dull brown, with slaty tinge above, and more rufous throat, wing, and tail-coverts; while the outer rectrices exhibit regular notch-like transparent or blackish markings on the chestnut inner webs, caused by the absence of barbules. The naked orbits are bluish or lead-coloured. The female has a long, broad, normal tail, the median feathers exceeding the rest." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Menura superba, the Lyre-bird, of New South Wales and South Queensland, some thirty-three inches long,…

"Hirundo rustica, the Swallow, is metallic black, with a variable amount of chestnut or rufous on the head, rump, or lower surface; the last of these regions exhibiting much white or having a black pectoral band, while streaky markings are not uncommon." A. H. Evans


"Hirundo rustica, the Swallow, is metallic black, with a variable amount of chestnut or rufous on the…

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Its better to have a small advantage rather than a greater one. -Trowbridge, 1866

Advantage Rebus

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Its better to have a small advantage rather than a greater…

An illustration of a bird in a hand.

Bird in Hand

An illustration of a bird in a hand.

"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions, and throughout North America to Mexico, are slaty-blue and rusty-red of various shades, relieved by black and white; the slaty tints shewing chiefly above, often in combination with black or brown cap." A. H. Evans, 1900


"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions,…

"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular region, white belly and dusky breast; the sides of the last exhibit dark-edged bronzy plumes, which can be expanded like a fan, succeeded by long grey decomposed feathers with lilac margins; and small bluish tufts surmount the bare orbits and post-ocular region." A. H. Evans, 1900

D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise

"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular…

"Falcinellus speciosus, Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, is black with rainbow-like reflections; the broad plumes of the sides of the upper breast being banded with metallic blue and green, and having wide tips which open upwards into a fan; while the long pointed flank-feathers compose similarly coloured tufts." A. H. Evans

Long-tailed Bird of Paradise

"Falcinellus speciosus, Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, is black with rainbow-like reflections; the broad…

"Diphyllodes magnifica, Magnificent Bird of Paradise, has a brown head and under surface, green throat and breast-shield, orange-brown back surmounted by a double cape of straw-yellow upon red-brown, and long, curved steel-blue head, with two lines of brown feathers crossing each other at right angles, and for its blue feet." A. H. Evans, 1900

Magnificent Bird of Paradise

"Diphyllodes magnifica, Magnificent Bird of Paradise, has a brown head and under surface, green throat…

"Parotia sexpennis, the Six-wired Bird of Paradise, is bronzy- and purplish-black, having scale-like golden throat- and breast-feathers with green and blue reflections. A satiny white patch crosses the forehead; the occiput is green, blue, and purple, having two lateral tufts, from each of which spring three wires terminating in small black discs; while large, soft, erectile masses of black adorn each side of the body." A. H. Evans, 1900

Six-wired Bird of Paradise

"Parotia sexpennis, the Six-wired Bird of Paradise, is bronzy- and purplish-black, having scale-like…

"Ptilorhynchus violaceus, the Satin Bower-bird, is purplish-black, with much feathered culmen. Female Paridise-birds generally have brown upper parts with lighter markings, though they are occasionally blacker. The hen of the Ptilorhynchus exhibits grey-green and brown tints." A. H. Evans, 1900

Satin Bower-bird

"Ptilorhynchus violaceus, the Satin Bower-bird, is purplish-black, with much feathered culmen. Female…

"The Pica rustica, or Magpie, extends through the Palaearctic Region, and reaches Formosa and North America." A. H. Evans, 1900 The plumage of this bird is black and white.

A Magpie Sitting on a Tree Branch Looking Down While Surrounded by Other Trees

"The Pica rustica, or Magpie, extends through the Palaearctic Region, and reaches Formosa and North…

An illustration of an owl.


An illustration of an owl.

"Prosthemadera novae zealandiae, the Tui, are black and white... two gular patches of curled white filamentary plumes, which give it the name of Parson-bird, as well as pointed white feathers curving forward from the sides of the neck." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Prosthemadera novae zealandiae, the Tui, are black and white... two gular patches of curled white filamentary…

"Cinnyris splendidus, the Old World Sun-birds, recalling the non-Passerine Humming-birds by their brilliant metallic coloration." A. H. Evans, 1900

Splendid Sun-bird

"Cinnyris splendidus, the Old World Sun-birds, recalling the non-Passerine Humming-birds by their brilliant…

"Certhiola flaveola, the Sugar-bird, coloration varies from black, grey, or purplish, relieved by rufous and white, to brilliant blue, purple, or green, with the quills only black, or with further yellow, chestnut, and exceptionally scarlet, decorations. Uniform black, or olive and brown hues are unusual, save in females, which, however, are often bright green, with the addition of a little blue or yellow." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Certhiola flaveola, the Sugar-bird, coloration varies from black, grey, or purplish, relieved by rufous…

"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking, though the females are usually duller than the males, which have in some cases a sober winter garb.:" A. H. Evans, 1900. Plumage is usually red, yellow, and black in color.


"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking,…

icterus baltimore, Baltimore Oriole, are glossy black, with yellow, bay, or orange patches-especially upon the rump and lower surface-and often some white on the wing." A. H. Evans, 1900

Baltimore Oriole

icterus baltimore, Baltimore Oriole, are glossy black, with yellow, bay, or orange patches-especially…

"Skeleton of the trunk of a Falcon. Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (St) at ; Cr, keel of sternum; Fu (Cl), furcula (clavicles); G, glenoid cavity for humerus; S, scapula; Un uncinate process; V, vertebral, and Sp, sternal, portion of rib. (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

The Skeleton of the Trunk of a Falcon

"Skeleton of the trunk of a Falcon. Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (St) at ; Cr, keel…

"Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird. (The skeleton of the body is indicated by dotted lines.) F, digits; Fi, fibula; HW, carpus; MF, tarsometatarsus; MH, carpometacarpus; OA, humerus; OS, femur; Py, pygostyle; R, coracoid; Ul, ulna; Sch, scapula; St, sternum, with its keel (Cr); T, tibiotarsus; Rd, radius; Z, Z, digits of foot. (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird

"Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird. (The skeleton of the body is indicated by dotted…

"Pelvis of Apteryx austrlis. Lateral view. a, Acetabulum; il, ilium; is, ischium; p, pectineal process of pubis; p, pubis." (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

Diagram of the Pelvis of a Kiwi

"Pelvis of Apteryx austrlis. Lateral view. a, Acetabulum; il, ilium; is, ischium; p, pectineal process…

"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt, basitemporal; d, dentaryl en, external nostrils, e.o, exoccipital; eth, ethmoid; fr, frontal; j, jugal; lc, lacrymal; mx, maxilla; mx.p, maxillopalatine process; n, nasal, parietal; pg, pterygoid; pl, palatine; ps, presphenoid; px, premaxilla; q, quadrate; q.j, quadratojugal; s.ag, supra-angular; s.o, supraoccipital; sq, squamosal; ty, tympanic cavity; v, vomer; II, foramen for optic nerve; V, for trigeminal." (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

Diagram of the Skull of a Wild Duck

"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt,…

"The annexed figure explains the nomenclature of most of the outward of a Bird, but some further explanations may be given." A. H. Evans, 1900

A Labeled Diagram of a Falcon to Show the Nomenclature of the External Parts

"The annexed figure explains the nomenclature of most of the outward of a Bird, but some further explanations…

"Archaeornithes is at present represented by but one member, the first undoubted fossil Bird, made known in 1861 by Andreas Wagner form the Jurassic slate formation of Solenhofen in Bavaria, and now preserved in a British Museum. This he described under the name of Griphosaurus; but as Hermann von Meyer had already bestowed the title of Archaeopteryx Lithographica upon a bird, presumably identical, a feather of which had been obtained from the above system." A. H. Evans, 1900 This sample was obtained from the Limestone in Berlin

Archaeopteryx Lithographica

"Archaeornithes is at present represented by but one member, the first undoubted fossil Bird, made known…