"Catheturus lathami, the "Brush Turkey" of Eastern Australia, is blackish-brown with greyish under surface,…
Crax alector, Crested Curassow, is black with a purplish gloss, the belly being white, the naked lores…
"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring;…
"Ceriornis caboti, (Cabot's Tragopan) of South-East China has the latter region buff. The hens are black…
"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs…
"The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus) is curious and highly specialized. "The body is long and thin,…
"Balearica pavonina, the "Crowned" Crane of the Northern Ethiopian Region, is greenish-black above and…
"Psophia crepitans, the Agami, ranging from British Guiana to Amazonia, is a black bird with velvety…
"Cariama cristata, the Seriemá, or Crested Screamer, extending from Pernambuco to Paraguay and…
"The Otis Tarda, the Great Bustard, which, as a native only became extinct in Norfolk about 1838, used…
Anarhynchus frontalis, the Wry-bill of New Zealand, is grey, with a black gorget and whitish lower parts;…
"Numenius arquata, the Curlew or Whaup, breeds freely on the moorlands of Britain; and extends throughout…
"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations…
"Larus ichthyaetus, the Great Black-headed Gull, ranging from the Black Sea and the Levant to Tibet,…
"The Dodo, ...was an immense Pigeon-like bird bigger than a Turkey, with an aborted keel to the sternum…
Didunculus strigirostris, the Manu-mea or Red Bird of the islands of Upolu, Salvai, and Tutuila in Samoan…
"Stringops habroptilus, the Kakapo or Tarapo of New Zealand has sap-green upper parts, with yellow middles…
"Merops Apiaster, the Bee-eater, has ruddy-brown head, neck, upper back, and broad alar bar, buff lower…
"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and…
"Upupa epops, not unfrequently visits Britain, where it has nested on several occasions; it breeds from…
"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete…
"The coloration of the twenty or more species of Cypselus is sooty-black or mouse-brown, frequently…
"Bucco hyperrhynchus, or Puff-bird, is blue-black, with a white under surface crossed by a broad black…
The Rhamphastus ariel, or Ariel Toucan, is black with a yellow or orange rump and throat. The brilliant…
"Iynx torquilla, the Cuckoo's-mate or Snake-bird, is fairly common in England, and extends thence to…
"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black…
"Milvulus tyrannus, Scissor-tail, normally exhibits olive, grey, yellow, or white in varying proportions."…
Pipra mentalis, the Red-capped Manakin, has black plumage with a red head, neck, and thighs.
"Cephalopterus ornatus, the Umbrella bird, is entirely black, with a huge expanded umbrella-like crest…
"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain…
"The curious nest is placed in exposed situations on branches, in forks of trees or shrubs, on posts,…
"Menura superba, the Lyre-bird, of New South Wales and South Queensland, some thirty-three inches long,…
"Hirundo rustica, the Swallow, is metallic black, with a variable amount of chestnut or rufous on the…
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Its better to have a small advantage rather than a greater…
"The colours in Sitta caesia, (Nuthatch) which ranges over nearly all the Palaearctic and Indian Regions,…
"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular…
"Falcinellus speciosus, Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, is black with rainbow-like reflections; the broad…
"Diphyllodes magnifica, Magnificent Bird of Paradise, has a brown head and under surface, green throat…
"Parotia sexpennis, the Six-wired Bird of Paradise, is bronzy- and purplish-black, having scale-like…
"Ptilorhynchus violaceus, the Satin Bower-bird, is purplish-black, with much feathered culmen. Female…
"The Pica rustica, or Magpie, extends through the Palaearctic Region, and reaches Formosa and North…
"Prosthemadera novae zealandiae, the Tui, are black and white... two gular patches of curled white filamentary…
"Cinnyris splendidus, the Old World Sun-birds, recalling the non-Passerine Humming-birds by their brilliant…
"Certhiola flaveola, the Sugar-bird, coloration varies from black, grey, or purplish, relieved by rufous…
"Pyromelaena flammiceps, the Weaver-birds, the coloration of these rather small birds is most striking,…
icterus baltimore, Baltimore Oriole, are glossy black, with yellow, bay, or orange patches-especially…
"Skeleton of the trunk of a Falcon. Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (St) at ; Cr, keel…
"Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird. (The skeleton of the body is indicated by dotted…
"Pelvis of Apteryx austrlis. Lateral view. a, Acetabulum; il, ilium; is, ischium; p, pectineal process…
"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt,…
"The annexed figure explains the nomenclature of most of the outward of a Bird, but some further explanations…
"Archaeornithes is at present represented by but one member, the first undoubted fossil Bird, made known…