An illustration showing both the flower (a) and fruit (b) of the Indian Cucumber-root plant. Medeola virginiana or Indian Cucumber-root is a perennial plant in the genus Medeola. It occurs with either a single tier or two tiers of leaves. The upper tier consists of from three to five whorled leaves on the stem above a lower tier of five to nine (also whorled). Only the two-tiered plants produce flowers which are green-to-yellow and appear from May to June. When two-tiered, it grows up to 30 inches high. The waxy leaves are typically 2.5 inches long and about an inch wide, but can be as long as five inches. The leaves have an entire margin. It typically produces three dark blue to purple, inedible berries above the top tier of leaves in September.

Indian Cucumber-root

An illustration showing both the flower (a) and fruit (b) of the Indian Cucumber-root plant. Medeola…

An illustration of melica grass; "2, The panicle. a, a spikelet; b, the empty glumes; c, a flowering glume, side view; d, the same back view." -Century, 1889 Melica is a genus of perennial grasses known generally as melic or melic grass. They are found in most temperate regions of the world. They are clumping grasses with long, erect stems bearing spikelets of papery grass flowers. Some species of melic have corms and are sometimes called oniongrass.

Melica Grass

An illustration of melica grass; "2, The panicle. a, a spikelet; b, the empty glumes; c, a flowering…

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak (lower) and a Northern Cardinal (upper) sit on branches among the flowers. "Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail-coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing-coverts exquisite carmine rose-red; wings and tail black, variegated with white; bill white; feet grayish-blue; iris brown. Female above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts saffron-yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown." "Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich red, usually vermillion, sometimes rosy; pure and intense on crest and under parts, darker on back, where obscured with ashy-gray, as it is also on upper surfaces of wings and tail; the feathers of the wings fuscous on inner webs. A jet-black mask on the face, entirely surrounding the bill, extending on the throat. Bill coral-colored; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

A Northern Cardinal and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak Sitting on a Branch Among the Flowers

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak (lower) and a Northern Cardinal (upper) sit on branches among the flowers.…

"The upper part of Peppermint (Mentha piperita), with flowers. a, flower; b, calyx." -Century, 1889


"The upper part of Peppermint (Mentha piperita), with flowers. a, flower; b, calyx." -Century, 1889

Three Humming-birds feeding on the nectar of flowers as two birds fly by overhead.


Three Humming-birds feeding on the nectar of flowers as two birds fly by overhead.

Albrecht Meyer on right sketches plants for the <I>De Historia Stirpium</I> published in 1542. Heinrich F&uuml;llmaurer, on left, transfers the drawings to wood blocks.

Two Men Drawing

Albrecht Meyer on right sketches plants for the De Historia Stirpium published in 1542. Heinrich Füllmaurer,…

This is a children and flowers border. The two girls are holding a long flower chain on each end. The bottom of the page is a girl sleeping on a basket of flowers.

Children and Flowers Border

This is a children and flowers border. The two girls are holding a long flower chain on each end. The…

In architecture the frieze is the wide central section part of an entablature and may be plain or—in the Ionic or Corinthian order—decorated with bas-reliefs. Even when neither columns nor pilasters are expressed, on an astylar wall it lies upon the architrave ('main beam') and is capped by the moldings of the cornice.In interiors, the frieze of a room is the section of wall above the picture rail and under the crown moldings or cornice. By extension, a frieze is a long stretch of painted, sculpted or even calligraphic decoration in such a position, normally above eye-level. Frieze decorations may depict scenes in a sequence of discrete panels. The material of which the frieze is made of may be plasterwork, carved wood or other decorative medium.This image is "intended to convey an idea of the details of decoration which characterized the Renaissance style during its best period, and which display considerable grace and finish. They are based on the antique Roman type, but still display a peculiar independent treatment, as in the deeply under-cut foliage in the arabesques and the lightness and clearness of the stalks and tendrils."

Friezes at Venice

In architecture the frieze is the wide central section part of an entablature and may be plain or—in…

The St-Paul-St-Louis Church is located in Paris on Rue Saint Antoine in the Marais. The church was begun in 1627 and completed in 1641 and is an examaple of Jesuit architecture. It was designed based on the Ges&uacute; church in Rome. The letters IHS, as shown on the front of the church, is an abbreviation, the first three letters, of Jesus' name in Greek, &Iota;&Eta;&Sigma;&Omicron;&Upsilon;&Sigma;, translated into English characters."In this style curved lines of the most varied description supersede all straight lines both in ground plans and in designs, whilst the most ordinary and characteristic embellishments are volutes, shellfish, and scrolls; groups of fruit and garlands of flowers, hangings, curtains, etc. [shown here]." "During the time that the license of the Roccoco Style prevailed, the elements of the ancient columnar orders were often misapplied, engaged columns and pilasters were frequently so connected with other side-pilasters which were recessed behind them to the number of one, two, or even three, that the cornices and, in fact, all horizontal mouldings were separately profiled over each column or pilaster [shown here]."

Façade of the Church of St. Paul and St. Louis at Paris

The St-Paul-St-Louis Church is located in Paris on Rue Saint Antoine in the Marais. The church was begun…

Acacia estrophiolata, commonly known as the Ironwood or Southern Ironwood, is a tree native to Central Australia. It is a graceful, pendulous shade tree, which grows from about 4-16 m tall and has a trunk with a diameter of up to about 0.45 m. Young plants are spiky leafed. It has pale yellow flowers after winter rains.It is usually found in areas with about 220-350 mm/year of average rainfall.


Acacia estrophiolata, commonly known as the Ironwood or Southern Ironwood, is a tree native to Central…

Flies in the family Syrphidae are commonly known as hoverflies, flower flies, or syrphid flies.As their common names suggest, they are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers; the adults of many species feed mainly on nectar and pollen, while the larvae (maggots) eat a wide range of foods. In some species, the larvae are saprotrophs, eating decaying plant and animal matter in the soil or in ponds and streams. In other species, the larvae are insectivores and prey on aphids, thrips, and other plant-sucking insects.


Flies in the family Syrphidae are commonly known as hoverflies, flower flies, or syrphid flies.As their…

This floral hat is an early 20th century design. It has a bouquet of flowers at the top with a ribbon that falls down the back of the hat.

Floral Hat

This floral hat is an early 20th century design. It has a bouquet of flowers at the top with a ribbon…

This is an early 20th century dress. It is designed long with layers of ruffles. It is fitted at the waist with flowers at the center.

Early 20th Century Dress

This is an early 20th century dress. It is designed long with layers of ruffles. It is fitted at the…

This is a children and flowers border. The two girls are holding a long flower chain on each end. The bottom of the page is a girl sleeping on a basket of flowers.

Children and Flowers Border

This is a children and flowers border. The two girls are holding a long flower chain on each end. The…

The vase is an open container, often used to hold cut flowers. It can be made from a number of materials including ceramics and glass. The vase is often decorated and thus used to extend the beauty of its contents.

Bottle Type Vase

The vase is an open container, often used to hold cut flowers. It can be made from a number of materials…

A Gothic diaper ornament during the fourteenth century. A diaper ornament is a carved or painted surface of square shapes containing flowers or simple figures.

Gothic Architecture Diaper Ornament

A Gothic diaper ornament during the fourteenth century. A diaper ornament is a carved or painted surface…

An illustration of mumming, or masquerading, in Windsor Castle Garden during the fourteenth century. The garden is enclosed in a fence and flowers planted around the garden.

Mumming at Windsor Castle Garden

An illustration of mumming, or masquerading, in Windsor Castle Garden during the fourteenth century.…

A mitre of Cardinal Vaughahan from the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. The hat was worn by the cardinal during special ceremonies. The mitre is decorated with gold thread and jewels within flowers.

Mitre of Roman Catholic ArchBishop of Westminster Cardinal Vaughan

A mitre of Cardinal Vaughahan from the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. The hat was worn by…

A branch from a black mulberry with fruits and leaves. The plant have both male and female flowers are used for reproduction by pollination.

Black Mulberry Branch with Fruits and Leaves

A branch from a black mulberry with fruits and leaves. The plant have both male and female flowers are…

This is a glass vessel featuring floral designs, in which there are six different flowers shown.

Glass Vessel

This is a glass vessel featuring floral designs, in which there are six different flowers shown.

An illustration of an angel woman adorned with a flower wreath, surrounded by two cherubs and cascading flowers and butterflies.

Angel Woman

An illustration of an angel woman adorned with a flower wreath, surrounded by two cherubs and cascading…

An illustration of a young angel girl wearing a flower wreath and dropping flowers as she walks.

Angel Girl

An illustration of a young angel girl wearing a flower wreath and dropping flowers as she walks.

An illustration of a Lace-Leaf plant also known as a Lattice Leaf or Lace Plant. The Lace-Leaf plant is an aquatic plant with oblong leaf blades measuring up to 65 cm. The leaves of the plant lay beneath the water and are purely skeletal, with not tissue. The flowers grow above the water's surface.

Lace-leaf Plant

An illustration of a Lace-Leaf plant also known as a Lattice Leaf or Lace Plant. The Lace-Leaf plant…

"Polygonaceae is mainly a north temperate order. A few genera are tropical which has 125 species restricted to tropical and sub&mdash;tropical America. Polygonum has a very wide distribution to the mountains of tropical Africa and South Africa, through the highlands of tropical Asia to Australia, and in America as far south as Chile. Most of the genera have a limited distribution. Of the three which are native in the British Isles." &mdash;Encyclopaedia Britannica Company, 1910

Flowers and Leaves of Common Dock

"Polygonaceae is mainly a north temperate order. A few genera are tropical which has 125 species restricted…

An open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers.

Ornamental Vase

An open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers.

Container used mainly for displaying fresh, dried, or artificial flowers.

Tall Ornamental Vase

Container used mainly for displaying fresh, dried, or artificial flowers.

An illustration of a beautiful young girl surrounded by flowers known as Buttercups.

Girl and Flowers

An illustration of a beautiful young girl surrounded by flowers known as Buttercups.

An illustration of three common Daisies growing in the wild. One Daisy is partially closed and the other two are in full bloom.

Common Daisy

An illustration of three common Daisies growing in the wild. One Daisy is partially closed and the other…

Tiny flowers or fruits, usually fuzzy and caterpillar-shaped, often drooping.

Pistillate Catkin

Tiny flowers or fruits, usually fuzzy and caterpillar-shaped, often drooping.

A spike of unisexual flowers with no petals.

Staminate Catkins

A spike of unisexual flowers with no petals.

Biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long

Vegetable Oyster

Biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long

Tall perennial Old World salvia with violet-blue flowers; found in open grasslands

Salvia Pratensis

Tall perennial Old World salvia with violet-blue flowers; found in open grasslands

This plant is thought to have originated in Europe, featuring rich pink and white flowers.

Saponaria Officinalis

This plant is thought to have originated in Europe, featuring rich pink and white flowers.

This perennial features dark red flowers and rsetttes.

Sarracenia Purpurea

This perennial features dark red flowers and rsetttes.

This perennial features white flowers, and thin racemes.

Saururus Cernuus

This perennial features white flowers, and thin racemes.

Small evergreen native to peru, featuring a rounded head, featuring flowers that cluster closely together.

Schinus Molle

Small evergreen native to peru, featuring a rounded head, featuring flowers that cluster closely together.

A tree belonging to the schizanthus family, featuring varying flowers.

Pinnatus Schizanthus

A tree belonging to the schizanthus family, featuring varying flowers.

Tree belonging to the epiphytic family of orchids, also featuring rich flowers.

Tibicinis Schomburgkia

Tree belonging to the epiphytic family of orchids, also featuring rich flowers.

This plant features rich and showy yellow flowers.

Wall Pepper

This plant features rich and showy yellow flowers.

This is a short shrub like perennial of the sedum, featuring star shaped flowers.

Sedum Telephium

This is a short shrub like perennial of the sedum, featuring star shaped flowers.

This is a common orchid having flowers that are uncommonly shaped.

Pot Orchid

This is a common orchid having flowers that are uncommonly shaped.

This weed is native to the United States and features yellow flowers.

Senecio Aureus

This weed is native to the United States and features yellow flowers.

This herb is commonly used for its blue, red, and purple flowers.

Florist Cineraria

This herb is commonly used for its blue, red, and purple flowers.

This herb belongs to the canary islands, featuring flowers that look like daisy's. Flowers for this herb are usually either purple, red, or blue.

Senecio Cruentus

This herb belongs to the canary islands, featuring flowers that look like daisy's. Flowers for this…

This perennial is known for its white cone shaped flowers.

Shortia Galacifolia

This perennial is known for its white cone shaped flowers.

This wildflowers is commonly seen near Wyoming, or southern parts of Mexico. Flowers usually bear five petals.

Sidalcea Candida

This wildflowers is commonly seen near Wyoming, or southern parts of Mexico. Flowers usually bear five…

This herb is a perennial found in north america, usually bearing redish flowers.

Silene Virginica

This herb is a perennial found in north america, usually bearing redish flowers.

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

Solanum Wendlandii

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

A poisonous perennial vine, with violet flowers.

Solanum Dulcamara

A poisonous perennial vine, with violet flowers.

Bears rich yellow flowers, native to north america.

Solidago Canadensis

Bears rich yellow flowers, native to north america.

Dryer weed from canada and parts of the United States, they bear yellow flowers.

Solidago Nemoralis

Dryer weed from canada and parts of the United States, they bear yellow flowers.

An herb bearing yellow flowers which are commonly used to dye.

Solidago Rugosa

An herb bearing yellow flowers which are commonly used to dye.

A genus famous for having pinnate leaves and colorful flowers.

Viciifolia Sophora

A genus famous for having pinnate leaves and colorful flowers.

A roundheaded tree with dark green leaves, bearing rich white flowers.

Sophora Japonica

A roundheaded tree with dark green leaves, bearing rich white flowers.

Plant with purple spotted flowers.

Sparaxis Tricolor

Plant with purple spotted flowers.

A tropical herb with showy flowers and fruits.

Acerifolia Sphaeralcea

A tropical herb with showy flowers and fruits.

Shrub with white flowers that blossom in the spring.

Spiraea Prunifolia

Shrub with white flowers that blossom in the spring.

A type of rosaceous plant belonging to the genus Spiraea; flowers are usually small or pink.

Nipponica Spiraea

A type of rosaceous plant belonging to the genus Spiraea; flowers are usually small or pink.

A shrub which closely resembles other plants in the Spiraea genus. This plant features dense flowers with varying colors.

Vanhouttei Spiraea

A shrub which closely resembles other plants in the Spiraea genus. This plant features dense flowers…

Species of an orchid; these flowers are usually seen in the southeastern parts of brazil.

Stanhopea Oculata

Species of an orchid; these flowers are usually seen in the southeastern parts of brazil.