The Emperor Maximilian on the Triumphal Car is a woodcut that was created by German Artist Albrecht Dürer. It shows the Emperor Maximilian being crowned by the figures of virtue on a chariot. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface, and then printing it on paper.

The Emperor Maximilian on the Triumphal Car

The Emperor Maximilian on the Triumphal Car is a woodcut that was created by German Artist Albrecht…

Albrecht Dürer's Pirkheimer Border is a woodcut that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1513. It has a design of a combination of ribbons, grapes, columns and angels holding a shield at the bottom. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface, and then printing it on paper.

Albrecht Dürer's Pirkheinmer Border

Albrecht Dürer's Pirkheimer Border is a woodcut that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer…

This bookplate of Hector Pomer is woodcut that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer. Pomer was a provost of St. Laurence, Nuremburg, Germany. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface, and then printing it on paper.

Bookplate of Hector Pomer

This bookplate of Hector Pomer is woodcut that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer. Pomer…

Charles Stanhope improved upon Gutenberg's press by making it out of cast iron therefore reducing the force required and increasing the printed area.

Stanhope Press

Charles Stanhope improved upon Gutenberg's press by making it out of cast iron therefore reducing the…

George Clymer improved upon Gutenberg's press by making it out of iron therefore reducing the force required.

Columbian Press

George Clymer improved upon Gutenberg's press by making it out of iron therefore reducing the force…

The hand printing press was invented by Peter Smith and manufactured by Robert Hoe in 1822.

Hand Press

The hand printing press was invented by Peter Smith and manufactured by Robert Hoe in 1822.

"Treadwell's wooden-frame bed and platen power press, 1822." -Hill, 1921

Treadwell's Platen Printing Press

"Treadwell's wooden-frame bed and platen power press, 1822." -Hill, 1921

"Isaac Adam's bed and platen press, 1830." -Hill, 1921

Adams' Platen Printing Press

"Isaac Adam's bed and platen press, 1830." -Hill, 1921

"Single large cylinder press, 1832-1900." -Hill, 1921

Single Large Cylinder Press

"Single large cylinder press, 1832-1900." -Hill, 1921

"Single small cylinder press, 1835-1900." -Hill, 1921

Single Small Cylinder Press

"Single small cylinder press, 1835-1900." -Hill, 1921

"Double cylinder press, 1835-1900. These presses were built up to 1900 and this picture shows the latest design brought out about 1882." -Hill, 1921

Double Cylinder Press

"Double cylinder press, 1835-1900. These presses were built up to 1900 and this picture shows the latest…

"The making of line engravings follows the same general course, with the exception that no halftone screen is needed, the copy to be reproduced being already made up of lines or dots or a combination of them." -Hill, 1921

Line Engraving

"The making of line engravings follows the same general course, with the exception that no halftone…

"The Benday process, so called, is the use of mechanical appliances for adding lines or stipples to either drawings or plates. Its use is very extensive in the making of tint blocks or color work, used either in connection with line or half-tone key plates." -Hill, 1921

Benday Engraving

"The Benday process, so called, is the use of mechanical appliances for adding lines or stipples to…

The Hortulus Animae is one of a series of woodcuts that was created by German Renaissance artist Hans Baldung Grun between 1510 and1511. It possibly depicts Mary. A woodcut is made by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block, and the printing the design on paper.

Hortulus Animae

The Hortulus Animae is one of a series of woodcuts that was created by German Renaissance artist Hans…

This print is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the house that was designed by English artist Robert Bateman in 1876. It seems to depict a couple strolling in a wooded area. The woodcut is created by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block for printing on paper.

Art in the House

This print is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the house that was designed by English artist…

Phillip's pastoral is a woodcut that was created by English poet, painter and printmaker William Blake. A woodcut is created by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block, and then printing it on paper.

Phillip's Pastoral

Phillip's pastoral is a woodcut that was created by English poet, painter and printmaker William Blake.…

This print is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the House by English artist Robert Bateman in 1876. It seems to depict a woman in a cape standing behind a boy that is weeping. The woodcut is created by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block for printing on paper.

Art in the House

This print is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the House by English artist Robert Bateman…

This is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the House that was designed by English artist Robert Bateman in 1877. It seems to depict a lady standing outside a window where children are looking out of. The woodcut is created by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block for printing on paper.

Art in the House

This is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the House that was designed by English artist Robert…

This is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the House that was designed by English artist Robert Bateman in 1876. It seems to depict man serenading a woman by under a tree. The woodcut is created by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block for printing on paper.

Art in the House

This is part of a series of woodcuts called Art in the House that was designed by English artist Robert…

This clothes wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers connected by cogs, powered by hand crank. Originally wringers were used to wring water from wet laundry, today they are used to press or flatten sheets, tablecloths, and other laundry.

The Laundry Aided Clothes Wringer

This clothes wringer is a mechanical laundry aid consisting of two rollers connected by cogs, powered…

Telegraphy is the long distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters. A telegraph is a device for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances.

The Inner Workings of Telegraphy

Telegraphy is the long distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters.…

Ironing is the work of using a heated tool to remove wrinkles from fabric. The heating is commonly done to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. Ironing works by loosening the bonds between the long chain polymer molecules.

Sad Iron

Ironing is the work of using a heated tool to remove wrinkles from fabric. The heating is commonly done…

A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to a inked surface resting upon a medium, which transfers an image. During the Renaissance era, printing methods based on Gutenbergs printing press spread rapidly throughout Europe first.

Printing Press

A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to a inked surface resting upon a medium,…

In printing and publication, proofs are preliminary versions of publications. They may be uncut and unbound, or in some cases electronic. They are normally created as part of the proofreading and copyediting processes, but can be used for promotional and review purposes also. Galley proofs are so named because in the days of handset type, the printer would set the page into galleys, metal trays into which the type was laid and tightened into place. These would be used to print a limited number of copies for editing markup. The printer would then receive the edits, rearrange the type, and print the final version

Printers Galley

In printing and publication, proofs are preliminary versions of publications. They may be uncut and…

A Linotype machine is a line casting machine used in printing. The machine revolutionized printing and especially newspaper publishing, making it possible for a relatively small number of operators to set type for many pages on a daily basis. The Linotype machine operator enters text on a 90-character keyboard. The machine assembles matrices, which are molds for the letter forms, into a line. The assembled line is then cast as a single piece, called a slug, of type metal in a process known as hot metal typesetting. The matrices are then returned to the type magazine from which they came. The name of the machine comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once, hence a line-o-type. This allows much faster typesetting and composition than original hand composition in which operators place down one pre cast metal letter, punctuation mark or space at a time.

Linotype Machine

A Linotype machine is a line casting machine used in printing. The machine revolutionized printing and…

Paper Cutters allow you to cut large stacks of paper in a variety of sizes. Paper Trimmers are operated manually, electrically or hydraulically. Manual paper cutting machines require the user to physically lift and press down on the cutting lever or blade handle to effect cutting.

Paper Cutting Machines

Paper Cutters allow you to cut large stacks of paper in a variety of sizes. Paper Trimmers are operated…

A machine for compressing bolts of cloth or waste into compact bales for shipment.

Baling Press Machine

A machine for compressing bolts of cloth or waste into compact bales for shipment.

Ironing is the work of using a heated tool, or tools, (an iron) to remove wrinkles from fabric. The heating is commonly done to a temperature of 100° Celsius. Ironing works by loosening the bonds between the long-chain polymer molecules in the fibers of the material. While the molecules are hot, the fibers are straightened by the weight of the iron, and they hold their new shape as they cool. Some fabrics, such as cotton, require the addition of water to loosen the intermolecular bonds. Many modern fabrics are advertised as needing little or no ironing. Permanent press clothing was developed to reduce the ironing necessary by combining wrinkle-resistant polyester with cotton.

Wrinkle Free Sad Iron

Ironing is the work of using a heated tool, or tools, (an iron) to remove wrinkles from fabric. The…

A typical phone call, traditionally, is placed by picking the phone handset up off the base and holding the handset so that the hearing end is next to the user's ear and the speaking end is within range of the mouth. The caller would then rotary dial or press buttons for the phone numbers needed to complete the call.

Placing a Phone Call

A typical phone call, traditionally, is placed by picking the phone handset up off the base and holding…

The Linotype machine is a line casting machine that is commonly used in printing. This machine modernized printing in particular the newspaper publishing companies. Linotypes made possible for a relatively small number of operators to set type for many pages on a daily basis.

Early Model Linotype Machine

The Linotype machine is a line casting machine that is commonly used in printing. This machine modernized…

This is a combination step ladder, clothes rack, and ironing board. A step ladder is hinged in the middle to form an inverted V, with stays to keep the two halves at a fixed angle. A clothes rack refers to a frame upon which clothes are hung after washing to easily let each garment dry. Most ironing is done on an ironing board, a small, portable, foldable table with a heat resistant top. Some commercial-grade ironing boards incorporate a heating element and a pedal-operated vacuum to pull air through the board and dry the garment.

Combination Step Ladder, Clothes Rack, and Ironing Board

This is a combination step ladder, clothes rack, and ironing board. A step ladder is hinged in the middle…

This invention relates to heat presses and, more particularly, to heat presses that are easy to use and expandable for greater workloads.

Hat Pressing Machine

This invention relates to heat presses and, more particularly, to heat presses that are easy to use…

The present invention relates to a printing machine for printing price tickets, in which is combined the mechanism of a conventional ticket printing machine and that for magnetic recording which can be linked directly with a POS system.

Ticket Printing Machine

The present invention relates to a printing machine for printing price tickets, in which is combined…

The front view of a minting press from 1882 Royal Mint. The coin is placed on slide J and lever M is pulled to press the design onto the coin.

Minting Press from Royal Mint Front View

The front view of a minting press from 1882 Royal Mint. The coin is placed on slide J and lever M is…

A side view of the coin press from the Royal Mint from 1882. The coining presses were modified by Uhlhorn of Grevenbroich. The big turns and releases the press to stamp the coins.

Minting Press from Royal Mint Side View

A side view of the coin press from the Royal Mint from 1882. The coining presses were modified by Uhlhorn…

"The blanks are placed in the slide J and the lowest carried forward to the die in two successive movements of the "layer—on" I, a rod working backwards and forwards on a horizontal plate and actuating the finger L." —Encyclopaedia Britannica

Mechanism of Minting Press from Royal Mint

"The blanks are placed in the slide J and the lowest carried forward to the die in two successive movements…

A tall cabinet, closet, or small room built to hold clothes

Wardrobe Cabinet Trunk

A tall cabinet, closet, or small room built to hold clothes

A tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes.

Wardrobe Trunk

A tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for…

An illustration of a screw press which is a type of machine used to shape or cut metal.

Screw Press

An illustration of a screw press which is a type of machine used to shape or cut metal.

Device used for contact printing that holds a negative against the photographic paper. The paper is exposed by light from an external light

Printing Frame

Device used for contact printing that holds a negative against the photographic paper. The paper is…

Press in which a force applied by a piston to a small area is transmitted through water to another piston having a large area

Hydraulic Press

Press in which a force applied by a piston to a small area is transmitted through water to another piston…

Cabinet in which to hang clothes and store small clothing items.

Trunk Wardrobe

Cabinet in which to hang clothes and store small clothing items.

A machine used to print paper media.

Printing Press

A machine used to print paper media.

"Devices for lifting water are older than written history, and various forms of pumps are used on almost every farm in the country, every citizen being familiar with a number of ways of lifting water."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Homemade Jumbo Windmill

"Devices for lifting water are older than written history, and various forms of pumps are used on almost…

"Some forms of centrifugal pump, however, have been designed for use with horse power and even for windmills."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Centrifugal Pump

"Some forms of centrifugal pump, however, have been designed for use with horse power and even for windmills."—Government…

"From the reservoir, whether constructed on a large scale to hold storm water or of small size to receive the discharge from a pump, there must be provided suitable means of conducting the water to the land. The simplest, cheapest, and most widely used is the open earth ditch built in such a way as to have a gentle, uniform, grade sufficiently great for the water to flow with rapidity and yet not to wash the banks."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Section of Field and Lateral Ditch

"From the reservoir, whether constructed on a large scale to hold storm water or of small size to receive…

"It is desirable, however, on account of economy of expense and of water, that all ditches should be as nearly straight as possible, and to save distance it is sometimes necessary to build up the ditch upon a mound or, if the depression to be crossed it too great, to construct a flume."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Section of Raised Ditch

"It is desirable, however, on account of economy of expense and of water, that all ditches should be…

"The section of the flume is usually rectangular, but it may be of a V shape, and occasionally, as in California, it is semicircular, this latter form requiring least lumber, but necessitating the use of iron bands or brackets."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Combined Wood and Iron Flume

"The section of the flume is usually rectangular, but it may be of a V shape, and occasionally, as in…

"The mature beetle in life rivals asparagi in beauty, but may be distinguished by its much broader elytra and its color. The ground color is orange red; each elytron is marked with six black dots, and the knees and a portion of the under surface of the thorax are also marked with black. The beetle, as it occurs on the plant when in fruit, very closely resembles at a little distance the ripening asparagus berry."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Crioceris 12-Punctata

"The mature beetle in life rivals asparagi in beauty, but may be distinguished by its much broader elytra…

"By the time [olive trees] are well grown the form of the young tree is established, and further pruning for form may be done in a general manner to obtain the following results: (1) Maintenance of a comparatively open center to the tree; (2) exposure to the sun and air as large a number as possible of last year's branches around the circumference of the tree; (3) removal of all ground suckers and water sprouts; (4) preservation of outward-growing and drooping basal and lateral fruit branches; (5) heading back of upward-growing limbs, which consume much, but produce little; and, (6) the removal of all diseased or injured wood. In pruning for form the rules governing pruning for fruit should be kept in mind."—Government Printing Office, 1897

An Olive Tree

"By the time [olive trees] are well grown the form of the young tree is established, and further pruning…

"Since the strength of the fibers in adhesion is very much less than in tension and compression, adhesion enters into nearly every test as an important factor. Thus, if a piece of wood consisting of several fibers is tested in tension, the fibers a and b would probably not break at all, but be merely pulled out, the failure, as far as they are concerned, being due to lack of adhesion and not to a lack of tensile strength. Every tension test presents numerous cases of this king, the broken fibers presenting no even fracture, but being splintered and drawn out especially if the wood is good."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Behavior of Fibers in Tension Test

"Since the strength of the fibers in adhesion is very much less than in tension and compression, adhesion…

"The females alone excavate the domiciles, which consist either of branching galleries, as in the gallery of Xyleborys pubescens, or of a broad but thin and leaf-shaped chamber at the end of one of several entrance ways."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Gallery of Xyleborus Pubescens

"The females alone excavate the domiciles, which consist either of branching galleries, as in the gallery…

"Leghorns are the best known of the egg-producing varieties or Mediterranean class. They are the premiers in laying and the standard by which the prolificacy of other breeds is judged."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Single-Comb White Leghorn Cock

"Leghorns are the best known of the egg-producing varieties or Mediterranean class. They are the premiers…

"The comb is single, of medium size, perfectly straight and upright upon the head, free from side sprigs, deeply serrated with five or six points, and bright red in color. The comb should extend well back over the head, with no tendency to follow the shape of the neck."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Head of Single-Comb Brown Leghorn Cock

"The comb is single, of medium size, perfectly straight and upright upon the head, free from side sprigs,…

"The Rose-comb White and Rose-comb Brown Leghorns have a small rose comb, square in front, firm and even upon the head, tapering evenly from front to rear, without inclining to one side, the top comparatively flat and covered with small points or corrugations, terminating in a well-developed spike in the rear."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Rose-Combed White Leghorn Cockerel

"The Rose-comb White and Rose-comb Brown Leghorns have a small rose comb, square in front, firm and…

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are tied together the plant bears a certain resemblance to such a glass. As a rule, these vines make comparatively little growth, and the canes are severely cut back each year."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Upright System of Grape Training

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are…

"When a grapevine is first set in a vineyard, it closely resembles the plant shown in [the image]. Such a rooted cutting may be one or two years old, the former being preferable in the majority of cases. The cane is cut back to two buds, and during the first season its shoots are allowed to lie prone upon the surface of the soil."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Rooted Grape Cutting

"When a grapevine is first set in a vineyard, it closely resembles the plant shown in [the image]. Such…

"The cross-wire system is another method of training which appears to be confined in this country to the Hudson River Valley, and even there it is used only to a limited extent. But at Juraçon, Bassess-Pyrénées, France, this system is regularly followed. Poles are used in place of the wires, however. [The image] represents vines trained in this manner."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Cross-Wire System of Grape Training

"The cross-wire system is another method of training which appears to be confined in this country to…

"A printing-press of the time of Gutenberg."

Printing Press

"A printing-press of the time of Gutenberg."

The method of printing books during the Renaissance period.

The Printing of Books

The method of printing books during the Renaissance period.