A girl looking out the window as a book sits on the sill.

Reading at Window

A girl looking out the window as a book sits on the sill.

"Cat-tail curtain raised by loop from bottom." -beard, 1906

Cat-tail curtain

"Cat-tail curtain raised by loop from bottom." -beard, 1906

The Happiness of the Godly, from Hans Holbein's series of engravings known as his Bible Cuts.

The Happiness of the Godly

The Happiness of the Godly, from Hans Holbein's series of engravings known as his Bible Cuts.

A window with sunlight shining through.

Sunlit Window

A window with sunlight shining through.

Man selling water to woman in window.

Man Selling Water

Man selling water to woman in window.

The earliest church on the site is believed to have been founded in 627 by Paulinus, the first Archbishop of York, on a visit to the town when he was baptising believers in the River Trent. This legend is commemorated in the Minster's baptistry window. It is considered an outstanding example of Norman and Early English architecture. The distinctive pyramidal spires of lead (or Rhenish caps or "pepperpot" spires as they are known locally), the only example of their kind in the UK, uniquely overlap the footprint of the tower walls and are particularly noteworthy.

Southwell Minster

The earliest church on the site is believed to have been founded in 627 by Paulinus, the first Archbishop…

An illustration of men shooting outside of a window.

Men Shooting

An illustration of men shooting outside of a window.

An illustration of a woman resting upon the window as she looks out.

Woman Looking Out of Window

An illustration of a woman resting upon the window as she looks out.

An illustration of a woman looking out of a window covered with a shutter.

Looking out Window

An illustration of a woman looking out of a window covered with a shutter.

A soldier crouched in a window, firing his rifle from the covered position.

A Man Firing from a Window

A soldier crouched in a window, firing his rifle from the covered position.

Johann Gottlieb Rall (ca. 1726 - December 26, 1776 ) was a German colonel in command of Hessian troops in Trenton, New Jersey. By 1776, Rall belonged to the infantry regiment of the 1st Division under General Phillip Leopold von Heister and commanded approximately 1,200 men fighting for Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War. He was at the Battle of Brooklyn at Flatbush, the Battle of White Plains, the Battle of Long Island, and figured prominently in the Battle of Trenton. At the Battle of Trenton, Rall was mortally wounded and taken back to his headquarters where he died.

<p>"Rall's head-quarters. This is a frame building standing upon Warren Street, opposite Perry, near the corner of Bank Alley. The buildings on the left are also of ante-Revolutionary origin. This house was a tavern at the time, kept by Stacey Potts, the grandfather of Stacey G. and Joseph C. Potts, Esqrs., of Trenton. In a pane of glass, in the front window on the left of the front door, lower story, may be seen a hole made by a bullet, shot during the battle. Colonel Rall died in the front room in the second story, immediately over this window. It is related that a daughter of Mr. Potts, who was at a neighbor's when the firing commenced, was running toward her father's house, when a musket-ball struck her comb from her head and slightly injured her scalp."—Lossing, 1851

Rall's Headquarters

Johann Gottlieb Rall (ca. 1726 - December 26, 1776 ) was a German colonel in command of Hessian troops…

Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.

Gothic Style Window

Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period.…

A Rose window (or Catherine window) is often used as a generic term applied to a circular window, but is especially used for those found in churches of the Gothic architectural style and being divided into segments by stone mullions and tracery. The name "rose window" was not used before the 17th century and according to the Oxford English Dictionary, among other authorities, comes from the English flower name rose.

Rose Window, Church of St. Ouen, Rouen

A Rose window (or Catherine window) is often used as a generic term applied to a circular window, but…

The "clearstory window of St. Leu d'Esserent, France" showing a sexfoil window, of six petals. -Whitney, 1911


The "clearstory window of St. Leu d'Esserent, France" showing a sexfoil window, of six petals. -Whitney,…

A young girl feeding pigeons from her bedroom window.

Young Girl at the Window

A young girl feeding pigeons from her bedroom window.

An entablature refers to the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns, resting on their capitals. Entablatures are major elements of classical architecture, and are commonly divided into the architrave, frieze, and the cornice. The term cornice comes from Italian cornice, meaning "ledge." Cornice molding is generally any horizontal decorative molding which crowns any building or furniture element: the cornice over a door or window, for instance, or the cornice around the edge of a pedestal. A simple cornice may be formed just with a crown molding.

Cornice of Entablature over Doorway at the Great Temple at Philæ

An entablature refers to the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns,…

Used in sash windows, "a chain of peculiar make used to replace a sash-cord when the sash is very heavy." -Whitney, 1911

Sash Chain

Used in sash windows, "a chain of peculiar make used to replace a sash-cord when the sash is very heavy."…

The mask decoration was founded in Pompeii, Rome. These masks were used as keystone decorations of doors and window arches.

Mask Decoration

The mask decoration was founded in Pompeii, Rome. These masks were used as keystone decorations of doors…

The mask decoration was found in Pompeii, Rome. These masks were used as keystone decorations of doors and window arches.

SideMask Decoration

The mask decoration was found in Pompeii, Rome. These masks were used as keystone decorations of doors…

This vase is a window pilaster of the Cancelleria in Rome. It was designed by Bramante during the Italian Renaissance.


This vase is a window pilaster of the Cancelleria in Rome. It was designed by Bramante during the Italian…

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically found on the bases of columns and pilasters, or on door and window arches.

Rich Enrichment Bead Moulding

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically…

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically found on the bases of columns and pilasters, or on door and window arches.

Rich Enrichment Bead Moulding

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically…

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically found on the bases of columns and pilasters, or on door and window arches.

Rich Enrichment Bead Moulding

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically…

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically found on the bases of columns and pilasters, or on door and window arches.

Rich Enrichment Bead Moulding

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically…

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically found on the bases of columns and pilasters, or on door and window arches.

Rich Enrichment Bead Moulding

The rich enrichment bead moulding is a Renaissance design of semi-circles. These designs were typically…

An illustration of a woman standing next to a table looking out a window.

Woman Looking Out Window

An illustration of a woman standing next to a table looking out a window.

The blueprints of "The Adele" clearly show the large bay window in the dining area. There is also a large front porch and a smaller porch extending off the back of the house. In 1917, this house cost about $2,400 to build.

"The Adele" Floor Plans

The blueprints of "The Adele" clearly show the large bay window in the dining area. There is also a…

Here is a small, one bedroom bungalow style house. Is has a hipped roof with a gabled window in the front. Two chimneys protrude from the roof. In 1917, this house cost about $500 to build.

"The American"

Here is a small, one bedroom bungalow style house. Is has a hipped roof with a gabled window in the…

A three story Queen Anne Victorian style house. This house includes the typical, round tower associated with this style. A window is situated at the end of the gabled roof. A covered porch leads to the front door. A bit of smoke can be seen coming from the chimney. There is a vine creeping up the side of the house as well. In 1917, this house cost between $4,300 and $4,500 to build.

"The Asbury"

A three story Queen Anne Victorian style house. This house includes the typical, round tower associated…

The floor plan shows more detail on the interior of the house. From this view can be seen the large bay window that protrudes from the dining room. There is a fireplace in the parlor. The kitchen has a large walk-in pantry attached. The three bedrooms are all located on the second floor. The master chamber includes an alcove to provide more space than the other rooms along with a walk-in closet. In 1917, this house cost between $2,800 and $3,000 to build depending on the locality.

"The Atlantic" Floor Plans

The floor plan shows more detail on the interior of the house. From this view can be seen the large…

A classic example of a Queen Anne Victorian style house. A large chimney protrudes from the steep hipped roof. The typical round tower can be seen on the left most side of the house. Rounded bay windows extend from the right side of the house on the first and second floors. A dormer window can be found on the top floor of the tower. A small porch extends from the front of the house. In 1917, this large house cost between $4,000 and $4,250 to build depending on the locality.

"The Badenoch"

A classic example of a Queen Anne Victorian style house. A large chimney protrudes from the steep hipped…

The entrance to this house is labeled a vestibule, to elicit a sense of grandeur. The round tower can be clearly seen from this perspective. A fireplace is situated at the base of the tower in the parlor room. The sitting room contains a large bay window, as well a fireplace. The dining room also has a bay window, although this one is much rounder. The kitchen is situated at the back of the house and exits to a small back porch. An elegant stair case can be found at the front of the house that leads all the way to the third floor. A smaller staircase is located in the kitchen and stops at the second floor. On the second floor there are four large chambers, three with closets, and a single bathroom. In 1917, this large house cost between $4,000 and $4,250 to build depending on the locality.

"The Badenoch" Floor Plans

The entrance to this house is labeled a vestibule, to elicit a sense of grandeur. The round tower can…

There is a variation of the bay window on the front of this house. A quaint porch leads to the front door. A section juts out from the right side of the house. In this illustration, there are many trees and shrubs decorating the landscaping. In 1917, this medium-sized house cost between $2,600 and $2,800 to build depending on the locality.

"The Baldwin"

There is a variation of the bay window on the front of this house. A quaint porch leads to the front…

From this angle it is easy to see the bay window at the front of the house. A large fireplace is situated along the right wall of the parlor. The kitchen has a walk-in pantry. The sitting room is large and extends the wall of the house, giving it character. The master bedroom on the second floor has a large walk-in closet. In 1917, this medium-sized house cost between $2,600 and $2,800 to build depending on the locality.

"The Baldwin" Floor Plans

From this angle it is easy to see the bay window at the front of the house. A large fireplace is situated…

An illustration of a boy opening a window.

Boy Opening Window

An illustration of a boy opening a window.

An illustration of a open single-hung sash window.

Open Single-hung Sash Window

An illustration of a open single-hung sash window.

An illustration of a woman looking out a window.

Woman Looking Out Window

An illustration of a woman looking out a window.

An illustration of a woman dumping a bucket of water on a jester from a window.

Woman Dumping Water on Jester

An illustration of a woman dumping a bucket of water on a jester from a window.

An illustration of a young girl sitting on a bench looking out a window.

Girl Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young girl sitting on a bench looking out a window.

An illustration of a young girl looking out a window.

Girl Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young girl looking out a window.

An illustration of a group of children looking out a window.

Children Looking Out Window

An illustration of a group of children looking out a window.

An illustration of a girl hanging from a window.

Girl Hanging from Window

An illustration of a girl hanging from a window.

An illustration of a young girl looking out the window.

Girl Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young girl looking out the window.

"And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth." Genesis 8:11 KJV

Return of the Dove to the Ark

"And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so…

"The male figure is that of Sir John de Weston, of Weston-Lizars, in Staffordshire, and Isabel his wife, whose paternal name was Bromley. In three quarterfoils beneath the figures are shields: the first contains the arms of Weston, sable, and eagle displayed or, with a lable argent, fretty gules; the centre shield is argent, fretty gules; that under the lady is formed entirely of the colours of her arms disposed quarterly, and parted horizontally, or fessways, by the line dancette." -Hall, 1862

Weston Coat of Arms

"The male figure is that of Sir John de Weston, of Weston-Lizars, in Staffordshire, and Isabel his wife,…

An illustration of a young girl wishing upon a star through a window with large drapes

Child Wishing on a Star Through Window

An illustration of a young girl wishing upon a star through a window with large drapes

An illustration of a young woman looking out a widow with shutters.

Young Woman Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young woman looking out a widow with shutters.

The cornice molding is any type of horizontal decorative molding that crowns a building, furniture, doors or windows.

Cornice Molding

The cornice molding is any type of horizontal decorative molding that crowns a building, furniture,…

This glass painting window is found in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. It has an early Norman style with colors of ruby and green. It also has geometrical shapes with a cross in the top center.

Glass Painting Window

This glass painting window is found in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. It has an early Norman style with…

The window bolt is used to window fastener or lock.

Window Bolt

The window bolt is used to window fastener or lock.

The fan light is intended to be placed over a doorway or window.

Fan Light

The fan light is intended to be placed over a doorway or window.

This stained glass window depicts a theme from St. John's festival. It is used for decorative purposes on a window.

Stained Glass

This stained glass window depicts a theme from St. John's festival. It is used for decorative purposes…

This stained glass window depicts St. Michael (archangel) casting out the great red dragon. Stained glass is typically found on church windows for decorative purposes.

Stained Glass Window

This stained glass window depicts St. Michael (archangel) casting out the great red dragon. Stained…

This window curtain is made out of lace. It is used as a shade or cover for a window, and for decorative purposes.

Window Curtain

This window curtain is made out of lace. It is used as a shade or cover for a window, and for decorative…

This stained glass window has an ecclesiastical decoration. It is designed in a Gothic style.

Stained Glass Window

This stained glass window has an ecclesiastical decoration. It is designed in a Gothic style.

In Norse mythology, there is a war between the Winilers and the Vandals. Odin takes the side of the Vandals and his wife Frigga takes the side of the Winilers. Odin says he will help whoever he sees first the next morning. Frigga makes a plan that the women tie their long hair under their chins like a beard to disguise themselves as men and she moves the bed so Odin faces the window the women are standing near. He names them Long-Beards (Lombards) and helps them to victory.

Lombard Woman

In Norse mythology, there is a war between the Winilers and the Vandals. Odin takes the side of the…

An illustration of a young boy sitting in a window seat and looking out a window.

Boy Sitting and Looking Out Window

An illustration of a young boy sitting in a window seat and looking out a window.

An illustration of a hen, cat, dog and horse standing on top of one another to see into a window.

Animals Looking Through Window

An illustration of a hen, cat, dog and horse standing on top of one another to see into a window.

"The post-oral arches of the house martin, at middle of period of incubation, lateral view, X14 diameters. mk, stumpof meckelian or mandibular rod, its articular part, ar already shapen; q, quadrate bone, or suspensorium of lower jaw, with a free anterior orbital process and long posterior otic process articulating with the ear-capsule, of which teo, tympanic wing of occipital, is a part; mst, est, sst, ist, sth, parts of suspensorium of the third post-oral arch, not completed to chy; mst, medio-stapedial, tp come away from teo, bringing a piece with it, the true stapes or columella auris; the oval base of the stapes fitting into the future fenestra ovalis, or oval window looking into the cochlea; sst, supra-stapedial; est, extra-stapedial; ist, infra-stapedial, which will unite with sth, the stylo-hyal; chy and bhym cerato-hyal and basi-hyal, distal parts of the same arch; bbr, br 1, br2, basi-branchial, epi-branchial and cerato-branchial pieces of the third arch, composing the rest of the hyoid bone; tg, tongue." Elliot Coues, 1884

House Martin Skull

"The post-oral arches of the house martin, at middle of period of incubation, lateral view, X14 diameters.…

This is a woman seated near a window peering outside.

Woman Seated

This is a woman seated near a window peering outside.