This German shield dates back to 16th century.

German Shield

This German shield dates back to 16th century.

This German shield dates back to 16th century.

German Shield

This German shield dates back to 16th century.

Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Europe, North America and Asia and two species, T. officinale and T. erythrospermum, are found as weeds worldwide. The common name Dandelion is given to members of the genus and like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have very small flowers collected together into a composite flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret. Many Taraxacum species produce seeds asexually by apomixis, where the seeds are produced without pollination, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant.


Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Europe,…

An illustration of a lotus decorated capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Lotus Capital

An illustration of a lotus decorated capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical…

An illustration of a papyrus decorated capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Papyrus Capital

An illustration of a papyrus decorated capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical…

An illustration of a lotus decorated capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Lotus Capital

An illustration of a lotus decorated capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical…

An illustration of a Persian capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Persian Capital

An illustration of a Persian capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture,…

An illustration of an early Greek capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Early Greek Capital

An illustration of an early Greek capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical…

An illustration of a Corithian capital from the Tholos of Epidaurus. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Corinthian Capital

An illustration of a Corithian capital from the Tholos of Epidaurus. In several traditions of architecture…

An illustration of a Byzantine capital from the central portal of St. Mark's Venice. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Byzantine Capitals

An illustration of a Byzantine capital from the central portal of St. Mark's Venice. In several traditions…

An illustration of a Byzantine capital from the the Church of St. Vitale, Ravenna. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Byzantine Capitals

An illustration of a Byzantine capital from the the Church of St. Vitale, Ravenna. In several traditions…

An illustration of a Byzantine capital from the the Church of St. Vitale, Ravenna. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Byzantine Capitals

An illustration of a Byzantine capital from the the Church of St. Vitale, Ravenna. In several traditions…

An illustration of a cushion capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Cushion Capitals

An illustration of a cushion capital. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture,…

An illustration of a Romanesque capitals from the cloister of Monreale near Palermo, Sicily. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Romanesque Capitals

An illustration of a Romanesque capitals from the cloister of Monreale near Palermo, Sicily. In several…

An illustration of a Gothic capitals from Wells Cathedral. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Gothic Capitals

An illustration of a Gothic capitals from Wells Cathedral. In several traditions of architecture including…

An illustration of a Gothic capitals from from Amiens Cathedral. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Gothic Capitals

An illustration of a Gothic capitals from from Amiens Cathedral. In several traditions of architecture…

An illustration of Italian Renaissance capital from St. Maria dei Miracoli, Venice. In several traditions of architecture including Classical architecture, the capital (from the Latin caput, 'head') forms the crowning member of a column or a pilaster. The capital projects on each side as it rises, in order to support the abacus and unite the form of the latter (normally square) with the circular shaft of the column.

Italian Renaissance Capitals

An illustration of Italian Renaissance capital from St. Maria dei Miracoli, Venice. In several traditions…

"Human Thoracic Duct and Azygous Veins. a, receptacle of the chyle; b, trunk of the thoracic duct, opening at c into root of left innominate vein at junction of f, left jugular, and g, left subclavian vein; e, right innominate vein; d, d, d, several thoracic and lumbar lymphatic glands; h, h, a short portion of the esophagus. Two azygous veins run parallel with and on each side of the duct, until the left crosses behind the duct to join the right. The structures represented rest nearly upon the back-bone." -Whitney, 1911

Thoracic Duct

"Human Thoracic Duct and Azygous Veins. a, receptacle of the chyle; b, trunk of the thoracic duct, opening…

The wels catfish is a scaleless fresh and brackish water catfish recognizable by its broad, flat head and wide mouth. The mouth contains lines of numerous small teeth, two long barbels on the upper jaw and four shorter barbels on the lower jaw. It has a long anal fin that extends to the caudal fin, and a small sharp dorsal fin positioned relatively far forward. It uses its sharp pectoral fins to capture prey. With these fins, it creates an eddy to disorient its victim, which it then simply engulfs in its enormous throat. It has very slippery green-brown skin. Its belly is pale yellow or white. Wels catfish can live for at least thirty years and have very good hearing.

Wels Catfish

The wels catfish is a scaleless fresh and brackish water catfish recognizable by its broad, flat head…

The cephalopods are the mollusk class Cephalopoda characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent head, and a modification of the mollusk foot, a muscular hydrostat, into the form of arms or tentacles. Teuthology, a branch of malacology, is the study of cephalopods. The class contains two extant subclasses. In the Coleoidea, the mollusk shell has been internalized or is absent; this subclass includes the octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish. In the Nautiloidea the shell remains; this subclass includes the nautilus. About 786 distinct living species of cephalopods have been identified. Two important extinct taxa are Ammonoidea, the ammonites, and Belemnoidea, the belemnites Cephalopods are found in all the oceans of Earth, at all depths. None of them can tolerate freshwater, but a few species tolerate more or less brackish water.


The cephalopods are the mollusk class Cephalopoda characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent…

An illustration of pinnoctopus cordiformis, a type of cephalopods. The cephalopods are the mollusc class Cephalopoda characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent head, and a modification of the mollusk foot, a muscular hydrostat, into the form of arms or tentacles. Teuthology, a branch of malacology, is the study of cephalopods.

Pinnoctopus Cordiformis

An illustration of pinnoctopus cordiformis, a type of cephalopods. The cephalopods are the mollusc class…

"Fragment of the Entrance-Façade of the Palace of Diocletian at Spalatro. The tendency of the period of decadence is particularly illustrated by the introduction of small shafts resting on brackets, which serve no other purpose than to adorn and enliven the façade. Between these small shafts are alternate windows, with a semicircular head and niches of various shapes.

Entrance Façade of Diocletian's Palace

"Fragment of the Entrance-Façade of the Palace of Diocletian at Spalatro. The tendency of the…

The remora (Echeneis remora) is a sucking fish with a flat disk on its head it uses to stick to larger fish, such as sharks.


The remora (Echeneis remora) is a sucking fish with a flat disk on its head it uses to stick to larger…

Echinobothrium typus is a species of tapeworm distinguished by two fossettes with hooks on its head.


Echinobothrium typus is a species of tapeworm distinguished by two fossettes with hooks on its head.

The Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish in the Gymnotidae family of naked-back knifefishes.

Electric Eel

The Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish in the Gymnotidae family of naked-back knifefishes.

"Elaphidion parallelum ... a, larva; b, twig split open, showing inclosed pupa; k, severed end of twig; c, beetle; i, basal joints of an antenna, showing the characteristic spines at the tip of the third and fourth joints; j, tip of elytron; d, e, f, g, h, head, maxilla, labium, mandible, and antenna of larva." -Whitney, 1911

Long-Horned Beetle

"Elaphidion parallelum ... a, larva; b, twig split open, showing inclosed pupa; k, severed end of twig;…

An illustration of the inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Inflorescence of Field Scabious

An illustration of the inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field…

An illustration of the young inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Young Inflorescence of Field Scabious

An illustration of the young inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Ray-floret of Field Scabious

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Ray-floret of Field Scabious

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of the seed of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Seed of Field Scabious

An illustration of the seed of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

"Early Human Embryo, giving diagrammatically the principal vessels antecedent to the establishment of the regular fetal circulation. H, heart; P, lungs; L, liver; T A, the aortic trunk or cardiac aorta; c, c', c", common, external, and internal carotids; s, subclavian artery; v, vertebral artery; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the aortic arches (the persistent left aortic arch hidden); A, subvertebral aorta; o, o', omphalomeseraic artery and vein, to and from U, the umbilical vesicle with its vitelline duct, dv; u, u, the two hypogastric or umbilical arteries, with the ramifications, u", u", in the placenta; u', umbilical vein; vh, hepatic vein; cv, inferior vena cava; vil, iliac veins; az, an azygous vein; vc, a posterior cardinal vein; vi, innominate vein; vp, portal vein; Dv, the ductus venosus; DC, a ductus Cuvieri. The anterior cardinal vein is seen beginning in the head and running down to the ductus Cuvieri, on the under side of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5." -Whitney, 1911

Human Embryo

"Early Human Embryo, giving diagrammatically the principal vessels antecedent to the establishment of…

"Encrinite: head and piece of stem. Any fossil crinoid; a stone-lily: a term especially applied to the ordinary stalked form with a cylindrical stem and well-formed arms." -Whitney, 1911


"Encrinite: head and piece of stem. Any fossil crinoid; a stone-lily: a term especially applied to the…

"Anterior View, Distal End, of Right Humerus of a Man. H, humerus; epc, epicondyle, or external supracondyloid protuberance; ept, epitrochlea, or internal supracondyloid protuberance; cp, capitellum, or convex articular suface for head of radius; tr, trochlea, or transversely concave articular surface for the ulna; epc and cp are together the ectocondyle, and ept and tr are together the entocondyle." -Whitney, 1911


"Anterior View, Distal End, of Right Humerus of a Man. H, humerus; epc, epicondyle, or external supracondyloid…

"Head of Scolopendra, from below, showing the epilabrum, the protomala with its cardo (Card), and stipes (St); Ant, antenna." -Whitney, 1911

Centipede Head

"Head of Scolopendra, from below, showing the epilabrum, the protomala with its cardo (Card), and stipes…

"Part of Epiphyllospermous Frond. In botany, bearing the fruit or spores on the back of the leaves or fronds, as ferns." -Whitney, 1911

Epiphyllospermous Frond

"Part of Epiphyllospermous Frond. In botany, bearing the fruit or spores on the back of the leaves or…

"Right Femur of a Youth. E, E, epiphyses; gtr, ltr, greater and lesser trochanter; h, head; et, it, external and internal tuberosity; ec, ic, external and internal condyle; n, neck." -Whitney, 1911

Youth Femur

"Right Femur of a Youth. E, E, epiphyses; gtr, ltr, greater and lesser trochanter; h, head; et, it,…

Episema were used in Greece as a symbol for a country, region, or used on a shield or badge. This episemon depicts a lion's head with a fish in its mouth.


Episema were used in Greece as a symbol for a country, region, or used on a shield or badge. This episemon…

Also known as fish lice, this is a species of copepod, a parasitic crustacean. "Female of Chondracathus gibbosus, enlarged; and example of the crustaceous Epizoa. B, ventral view; a, head; b, c, appendages; d, d, mediodorsal processes; e, e, medioventral processes; f, i, h, lateral processes; g, ovisacs; k, terminal segment; l, minute male lodged in vulva of female; m, n, mediodorsal ovarian tubes; p, lateral ovarian tubes; o, o, oviduct; 2, 3, antennules; 4, 5, 6, antennae, gnathites." -Whitney, 1911


Also known as fish lice, this is a species of copepod, a parasitic crustacean. "Female of Chondracathus…

"The Metre Bridge is employed - a piece of apparatus which is illustrated [here]. It consists of a wooden base, upon the upper face of which is mounted a metallic rectangle; three sides of this rectangle are formed by a broad substantial copper band - having a negligible resistance - and the fourth consists of a platinum silver wire w w joining the copper blocks P and p. This wire is exactly one meter long, and over it slides a key K, which when depressed makes contact by means of a platinum knife-edge with the wire; the exact point on the wire at which this contact is made is indicated by an arrow-head on the key, which slides against a scale, as shown." (Britannica, 1891)

Metre Bridge

"The Metre Bridge is employed - a piece of apparatus which is illustrated [here]. It consists of a wooden…

"A Lion's Head Erased. In heraldry, represented as having been forcibly torn off, the separated parts being left jagged, as opposed to couped." -Whitney, 1911


"A Lion's Head Erased. In heraldry, represented as having been forcibly torn off, the separated parts…

The Roman lunette panel is a semicircle typically found on door-head.

Roman Lunette Panel

The Roman lunette panel is a semicircle typically found on door-head.

The Italian Renaissance lunette panel is a semi-circle design found on a door-head.

Italian Renaissance Lunette Panel

The Italian Renaissance lunette panel is a semi-circle design found on a door-head.

The Arabian lunette panel is a semi-circle design found on a door-head.

Arabian Lunette Panel

The Arabian lunette panel is a semi-circle design found on a door-head.

Wrought-iron grill lunette panel. Its a semi-circle design typically found on a door-head.

Wrought-Iron Grill Lunette Panel

Wrought-iron grill lunette panel. Its a semi-circle design typically found on a door-head.

This Graeco-Italic hand-hydria is made out of clay and is unpainted. It is smaller and a slenderer hydria intended to be carried by hand and not the head.

Graeco-Italic Hand-Hydria

This Graeco-Italic hand-hydria is made out of clay and is unpainted. It is smaller and a slenderer hydria…

This Graeco-Italic hand-hydria is made out of clay and is unpainted. It is smaller and a slenderer hydria intended to be carried by hand and not the head.

Graeco-Italic Hand-Hydria

This Graeco-Italic hand-hydria is made out of clay and is unpainted. It is smaller and a slenderer hydria…

Compound coral head with polyps partly expanded and partly contracted. The expanded polyps show the tentacles which surround the mouth; the contracted polyps show the polygonal outline from crowding.

Coral Head

Compound coral head with polyps partly expanded and partly contracted. The expanded polyps show the…

A compound coral head with crowded prismatic corallites. The specimen represents a worn pebble, formerly a part of a larger head.

Coral Head

A compound coral head with crowded prismatic corallites. The specimen represents a worn pebble, formerly…

Head of brain coral with soft parts.

Brain Coral

Head of brain coral with soft parts.

Head of brain coral with corallum.

Brain Coral

Head of brain coral with corallum.

Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535) was an English lawyer, author, and statesman who in his lifetime gained a reputation as a leading humanist scholar, and occupied many public offices, including Lord Chancellor (1529–1532), in which he had a number of people burned at the stake for heresy. More coined the word "utopia", a name he gave to an ideal, imaginary island nation whose political system he described in the eponymous book published in 1516. He was beheaded in 1535 when he refused to sign the Act of Supremacy that declared Henry VIII Supreme Head of the Church in England.

Sir Thomas More

Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535) was an English lawyer, author, and statesman who…

The blueprints of "The Adele" clearly show the large bay window in the dining area. There is also a large front porch and a smaller porch extending off the back of the house. In 1917, this house cost about $2,400 to build.

"The Adele" Floor Plans

The blueprints of "The Adele" clearly show the large bay window in the dining area. There is also a…

The floor plan of this three story Queen Anne Victorian style house shows the openness of this large house. This view also reveals a small back porch called a sloop. The directionality of the stairs indicate that a basement was also included with this house. In 1917, this house cost between $4,300 and $4,500 to build.

"The Asbury" Floor Plans

The floor plan of this three story Queen Anne Victorian style house shows the openness of this large…

The entrance to this house is labeled a vestibule, to elicit a sense of grandeur. The round tower can be clearly seen from this perspective. A fireplace is situated at the base of the tower in the parlor room. The sitting room contains a large bay window, as well a fireplace. The dining room also has a bay window, although this one is much rounder. The kitchen is situated at the back of the house and exits to a small back porch. An elegant stair case can be found at the front of the house that leads all the way to the third floor. A smaller staircase is located in the kitchen and stops at the second floor. On the second floor there are four large chambers, three with closets, and a single bathroom. In 1917, this large house cost between $4,000 and $4,250 to build depending on the locality.

"The Badenoch" Floor Plans

The entrance to this house is labeled a vestibule, to elicit a sense of grandeur. The round tower can…

"Irrigating young orchard with furrows. a, sluice; b, head ditch; c, furrow." -Department of Agriculture

Irrigating with Furrows

"Irrigating young orchard with furrows. a, sluice; b, head ditch; c, furrow." -Department of Agriculture

An ornate capital V surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

Decorative Floral V

An ornate capital V surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

An ornate capital O surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

Decorative Floral O

An ornate capital O surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

An ornate capital J surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

Decorative Floral J

An ornate capital J surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

An ornate capital W surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.

Decorative Floral W

An ornate capital W surrounded by leaves and vines, used at the start of a new chapter or heading.