The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.


The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.

The origin of the name for the secretary bird is an allusion to the custom that clerks had of placing pens behind the ear when goose-quills were used for writing, (Figuier, 1869).

Secretary Bird

The origin of the name for the secretary bird is an allusion to the custom that clerks had of placing…

The back view of a hummingbird.


The back view of a hummingbird.

While a woodpecker is drilling, the two parts of the bill are closed together, making a wedge-pointed drill, and at the same time a snug case for the insect-catcher.


While a woodpecker is drilling, the two parts of the bill are closed together, making a wedge-pointed…

Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes small mammals. They have long stout and sharp-pointed beaks, in order to catch fish.


Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…

The Kiwi, a native of New Zealand is closely related to the Ostrich but much smaller. It is also a flightless bird.


The Kiwi, a native of New Zealand is closely related to the Ostrich but much smaller. It is also a flightless…

The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.


The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.

The toucan has a larger bill than most other birds.


The toucan has a larger bill than most other birds.

A flightless bird, the ostrich can run rapidly with its wings outstretched.


A flightless bird, the ostrich can run rapidly with its wings outstretched.

The hoopoes are easily recognized from the double range of plumes which form an arched crest on their head.


The hoopoes are easily recognized from the double range of plumes which form an arched crest on their…

"The animal struts about, and, lifting its tail in the air, spreads it like a fan, and seems to be very foolishly proud of its beauty" (Hooker, 1886).


"The animal struts about, and, lifting its tail in the air, spreads it like a fan, and seems to be very…

Birds-of-paradise are brilliantly colored, many having tufts or wires that float on the breezes.

Bird of Paradise

Birds-of-paradise are brilliantly colored, many having tufts or wires that float on the breezes.

These hummingbirds "are alike only in their long, slender bills", (Hooker, 1886).


These hummingbirds "are alike only in their long, slender bills", (Hooker, 1886).

"The owl is one of the soberest -looking of animals", (Hooker, 1886).


"The owl is one of the soberest -looking of animals", (Hooker, 1886).

This bird feeds primarily on insects and fruit, and both sexes care for the young.


This bird feeds primarily on insects and fruit, and both sexes care for the young.

This bird feeds primarily on insects and fruit, and both sexes care for the young.


This bird feeds primarily on insects and fruit, and both sexes care for the young.

Woman and birds

Pictorial banner

Woman and birds

Woman with birds

Pictorial banner

Woman with birds

Floral motif with birds

Floral motif

Floral motif with birds

Owl, head only.


Owl, head only.

Ornate doodad with birds

Ornate doodad with birds

Ornate doodad with birds

Sing a Song of Sixpence; A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds; Bak'd in a pie; When the pie was open'd; The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish; To set before a king?


Sing a Song of Sixpence; A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds; Bak'd in a pie; When the…

Sing a Song of Sixpence; A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds; Bak'd in a pie; When the pie was open'd; The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish; To set before a king?


Sing a Song of Sixpence; A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds; Bak'd in a pie; When the…

Hummingbirds are New World birds found primarily in South America.


Hummingbirds are New World birds found primarily in South America.

This Oriole belongs to the hangnest group of New World birds.


This Oriole belongs to the hangnest group of New World birds.

Waterfowl is a common term used to describe birds that frequent marshes and lakes.

Water Fowl

Waterfowl is a common term used to describe birds that frequent marshes and lakes.

The Turkey vulture is found over the whole United States, but is more numerous in the southern region (Smiley, 1839).

Turkey Vulture

The Turkey vulture is found over the whole United States, but is more numerous in the southern region…

Nightingale, a bird famous on account of its brilliant song, which for quality and variety is not exceeded by that of any other bird.


Nightingale, a bird famous on account of its brilliant song, which for quality and variety is not exceeded…

Border with intertwined bives and birds.

Vines border

Border with intertwined bives and birds.

Bird catching fish with cattails in background.

Bird catching fish

Bird catching fish with cattails in background.

In vultures, the head and neck are bare, the beak is long and curved at the tip, legs are powerful, but claws are weak.


In vultures, the head and neck are bare, the beak is long and curved at the tip, legs are powerful,…

The nest of the Reed Warbler

Warbler Nest

The nest of the Reed Warbler

The Fighting Field Hen puffs up its chest so as to look bigger to opponents.

Field Hen

The Fighting Field Hen puffs up its chest so as to look bigger to opponents.

The wood snipe is an example of a common wading bird.

Wood Snipe

The wood snipe is an example of a common wading bird.

The Anhinga, also known as the water turkey, is a constant resident of Florida.


The Anhinga, also known as the water turkey, is a constant resident of Florida.

External features of a bird.


External features of a bird.

Internal anatomy of a pigeon.


Internal anatomy of a pigeon.

This south American ostrich can not fly, the wings being small; but it is a swift runner, equaling a horse in speed.


This south American ostrich can not fly, the wings being small; but it is a swift runner, equaling a…

Diving birds, such as the grebe, have webbed (or lobed) feet and are expert in swimming and diving.


Diving birds, such as the grebe, have webbed (or lobed) feet and are expert in swimming and diving.

The loon is a diving bird. Its peculiar cry, sometimes resembling a hysterical laugh, has given rise to the expression, "crazy as a loon."


The loon is a diving bird. Its peculiar cry, sometimes resembling a hysterical laugh, has given rise…

Herring gulls are web-footed and have long wings and tail, with remarkable power of flight.


Herring gulls are web-footed and have long wings and tail, with remarkable power of flight.

Petrels resemble gulls, except in having the nostrils open as two parallel tubes on the top of the beak.


Petrels resemble gulls, except in having the nostrils open as two parallel tubes on the top of the beak.

Cormorants are voracious fish eaters. they have fully-webbed feet.


Cormorants are voracious fish eaters. they have fully-webbed feet.

The pelican has a conspicuous throat pouch.


The pelican has a conspicuous throat pouch.

These birds have webbed-feet, with heavy, oily plumage. the body is flattened, and all are fine swimmers.

Wood Duck

These birds have webbed-feet, with heavy, oily plumage. the body is flattened, and all are fine swimmers.

The ruffed grouse lives in the woods. It makes a loud noise by beating its wings rapidly (drumming).

Ruffed Grouse

The ruffed grouse lives in the woods. It makes a loud noise by beating its wings rapidly (drumming).

Birds of prey usually have stout, hooked beaks and sharp, curved claws, fitting them for clutching and tearing their prey.

Marsh Hawk

Birds of prey usually have stout, hooked beaks and sharp, curved claws, fitting them for clutching and…

Vultures are carrion eaters. The head and neck are usually bare, and the bill and claws weaker than in the raptors.

Turkey Vulture

Vultures are carrion eaters. The head and neck are usually bare, and the bill and claws weaker than…

Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family.  They have a soft, fleshy, mobile tongue and can learn to talk.


Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family. They have a soft,…

The woodpeckers are typical climbers, with two toes turned forward and two backward, (zygodactyl).

Downy Woodpecker

The woodpeckers are typical climbers, with two toes turned forward and two backward, (zygodactyl).

The nighthawk is fit for catching insects on the wing by their very wide mouth, the gape extended far along each cheek, (Colton, 1903).


The nighthawk is fit for catching insects on the wing by their very wide mouth, the gape extended far…

flycatchers are insectivorous songbirds.


flycatchers are insectivorous songbirds.

The shrikes are hawklike in appearance and in habits, having a hooked beak and sharp claws. They impale their prey on thorns of hedges and trees.


The shrikes are hawklike in appearance and in habits, having a hooked beak and sharp claws. They impale…

Blue jays are abundant in the central and eastern states. They are characterized by blue-gray feathers and crest upon the head.

Blue Jay

Blue jays are abundant in the central and eastern states. They are characterized by blue-gray feathers…

The meadowlark does not travel in flocks. It eats grains and is characterized by a dark band cross its yellowish chest.


The meadowlark does not travel in flocks. It eats grains and is characterized by a dark band cross its…

Orioles are perching birds related to the meadowlark and blackbird.

Baltimore Oriole

Orioles are perching birds related to the meadowlark and blackbird.

The nest of the oriole is cupshaped and hangs from branches.

Baltimore Oriole Nest

The nest of the oriole is cupshaped and hangs from branches.

The canary is a songbird, usually yellow in color.


The canary is a songbird, usually yellow in color.

The goldfinch is a member of the finch family, or Fringillidae.


The goldfinch is a member of the finch family, or Fringillidae.

The lark is a member of the Alaudidae family.


The lark is a member of the Alaudidae family.